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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. Reading that was physically and mentally painful. I think we are now all dumber for having it posted on our board.
  2. Interesting how you berate him for having an MBA and then tell him to go get an MBA. Not a very cogent argument for a man who claims to be a lawyer.
  3. In the red on red scenario that shipped with the game. A squad of infantry on hunt rounds a tall wall onto the main street. About half the squad finishes rounding the corner and is taken under fire. The source of the fire is a muzzle flash 5 meters away in the middle of the road. No smoke, no intervening terrain or vehicles. 4 guys die and still nothing is spotted. Finally the tank is killed by a flank shot from a friendly tank 200 meters away kills the tank. At that time the tank becomes visible and the squad begins to react. Version 1.03. Brandenburgh scenario from disk. BMP sitting next to a wall. Bradley pulls up right next to it. Neither vehicle reacts to each other. The infantry dismounts and still no reaction from either vehicle or the infantry. Selecting the infantry squad or the Brad causes the BMP to vanish while selecting almost any other vehicle on that side of the map results in the vehicle being spotted. All commo icons are active on both the Bradley and the infantry squad. The BMP is finally killed by a shot from an M1 which also kills half the squad. We aren't complaining about things that aren't happening.
  4. A former FO from the Vietnam days.... So, that would make you roughly 60yrs old. Wow. </font>
  5. Why do people keep assuming that the major problem people have with this game is that it is modern? If this were CMBO2 then we would have WWII infantry and vehicles running around like morons and not following simple orders. We would have WWII arty not delivering smoke. We would have WWII infantry not moving through a blast opening. We would have WWII infantry not being able to spot a tank sitting in the middle of a road 5 meters from them. The setting isn't what is broken.
  6. I would have waited for the version that works. While I am passionate about my hobbies, I do have a life. It would have made a nice Christmas or birthday present.
  7. These debates are nothing compared to the shouting matches we got into over CMBB. Stug front and T34 turret armor anyone? If anything I have noticed that participation has really slacked off since the game has been released. It might be a good thing if the new threads were tactical or technical in nature but seeing as all of them are about broken aspects of the program it just seems that there is a loss of interest. The buzz is missing on this one.
  8. Did you even bother to read the post you are defending? Boom was condescending to people he thought were complaining about the fact that the game is modern rather than WWII. dale pointed out that maybe what people were mad about, like myself, is the fact that the game is broken. If god came down and made a stupid remark then he could expect to be called on it.
  9. I have no idea what it meant but I thought it was cool at the time. I just remember that modems used to be classed by baud rate then it changed to bps, kbps, etc. I think it meant bps but I am not sure.
  10. It's still METT-T. You have to use basic tactics better now than you did before. Every piece of terrain becomes important, every line of fire must be considered. With WWII stuff a mistake could get you shot at, with modern stuff the same mistake will get you shot. How many times have you ignored an enemy unit in CMx1 because you knew it couldn't hurt you? Now every enemy unit has the potential to kill anything you have. That makes it much more interesting for me. To each his own though.
  11. That was my basic philosophy in the Army. Kill it, if it won't die hit it harder and keep hitting it till it does.
  12. I think we are getting a little tired of the Odd new features it already has. Love the idea, love the setting, love the new toys. hate the implementation.
  13. I need to quit reading this thread, I am starting to get really mad.
  14. Well if we are walking down computer memory lane, try this one on for size: Intel 8088 2mhz CPU 512k RAM Hercules Monochrom video card 10 meg hard drive 856 baud modem Runs fine (whatever). (I still can't get over the fact that my new computer has more RAM than my first 5 systems HDD space combined.)
  15. $40, I was dumb enough to buy the deluxe set. Won't happen again.
  16. BFC has either already gotten their money from Paradox or will get it from them depending on their contract. I don't believe the distribution contract they signed with Paradox (otherwise known as the "Great Satan") involved BFC shipping them free copies to sell as they please. You know, I admit that the manual looks nice but I don't feel it is worth doubling the price. Next time I'll remember that.
  17. I think that was a modified screen shot. I don't think you can get a NOD view. At least I haven't found it yet.
  18. I notice that they seem to fall into some sort of loop where they go through the "spotting, elevating, aiming" cycle but never actually fire. It seems to happen a lot to all my units.
  19. Maybe it was a Stryker Reconnaissance Vehicle - these don't have a remote MG. </font>
  20. BZZZT! Dodging the question. Despite your best efforts and best intentions, you don't have "SgtGoody Mission: Esquire" on release day - you have "CplGoody Mission: Gardener". What do you do? -dale </font>
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