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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. No that was from the tank. Syrian smoke is black and shows up several hundred meters from the vehicle.
  2. That google books site is nice. You can download all kinds of out of copyright books and print them out. I grabbed a bunch of stuff for my MA research.
  3. Paint on roads. This may be too much for the current program but they sure would make roads a lot easier. It would also be really nice to be able to adjust terrain in the 3D view.
  4. The fruit cake was better than the orange nut cake.
  5. It was interesting. When the guys from the Infantry Battle Lab at Benning showed us the personal Thermal sight it was a nice compact unit but when they issued it to us for NTC it had grown to nearly twice the previous size. Are the 14s much better than the 7s?
  6. Wow, I though I was the only one with that problem. I was beginning to think my map was too big to run.
  7. If it make you feel any better dale, I still hate you, in that complicated love ya kind of way.
  8. The ability to assign more than one terrain type to a square is something I really enjoy in the editor.
  9. AAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH! I just finished putting in all the woodlines in my Hohenfels map. All 9 square kilometers of it. So let's go see what it looks like. 3D preview, 67% data loaded, CTD! And no I didn't save first. Lesson learned.
  10. Accuracy and weapons effects in the game are entirely unrealistic. There was an earlier thread on why no one has been able to recreate a "Blackhawk Down" scenario. The basic problem is that all weapons fire in the game is aimed and generally falls in the area of the target. In actual combat 99 percent of all fire is area fire only in the generally general direction of the target, if that. Most isn't even slightly aimed but is of the spray-and-pray variety. The casualty rates we get in one hour of battle in the game are what a WWII division might suffer in an entire day. Look at the battalion operations in Iraq for example. The whole operation might result in a couple hundred casualties combined over a period of several days. Also all hits seem to contribute to some sort of overall damage level. In real life you can sieve a vehicle and not stop it unless you hit something vital. One video from the "Thunder Run" in Baghdad shows a "technical" being hosed with small arms fire but turing around and fleeing the scene. That just won't happen in the game. To be fair though, if casualty rates were realistic no one would want to play the game. Insead we would get constant threads about, "My platoon only lost 3 guys and broke, WTF?" About the only thing that comes close to game like casualty rates is armored combat where Western forces have succeeded in inflicting extremely lopsided casualty ratios. [ December 05, 2007, 05:01 AM: Message edited by: SgtMuhammed ]
  11. Not that I have seen. I don't think you can click on the "?" icons and the unit icons only appear if you spot them. You can also use the voices for BDA since you can hear them screaming as they take fire.
  12. Are the .50 cal thermals new or are they that big spotlight looking thing? I can't remember the name.
  13. I definitely think the sound thing is a bug. Unless by the time of the fictional invasion the U.S. has saturated the planet with hidden mikes. I can see being able to hear the voices of a spotted unit but just hovering over the map when your units are nowhere near the area should not give you a contact, especially since YOU aren't actually on the battlefield. As far as the dust goes, yes you can see it quite a ways off but that is different than being able to pinpoint individual vehicles. You should be able to get a general, they are over there, type of spot unless you have assets in the air.
  14. I have noted that all the weapons in the game are way too accurate at long ranges. My troops regularly hit fast moving vehicles with AT4s at near max range. The same is true of the Syrian gunners. The only exceptions seem to be the Javelin, which malfunctions far more than it should, around 40 percent of the time, and the 203 which is nearly useless.
  15. A trench is still just a ditch. Most trenchlines, if they are at least semi-permanent will have strongpoints and artillery hides to duck into but the trench itself is designed to protect against direct fire.
  16. I encountered this especially bad in ThePhantom's Babado battle. As the sun came up certain angles were all but useless.
  17. George, Although I have the same issues as Dave I think this is a really good scenario. I have high hopes for 1.05. One question, are you actually supposed to take the entrapped units anywhere?
  18. When I got out in 2000 we were just starting to field some of the new NVGs and other optics. My last NTC rotation was the second Force XXI test and I had a set of Gen IV PVS-7s, a PAQ4B, and a couple guys had the Therman sight for the M16 but it was still experimental. What is the current issue?
  19. I don't think I have seen airbursts in a "General" barrage. I think I saw them in earlier versions but not since 1.04.
  20. Let's stay on topic here Steve. This game sucks and you ran over my dog!
  21. It's better than lobbing HE and praying for a top hit. Besides, the little boys nearly always outnumber the big boys.
  22. I am now officially fed up with this P.O.S. game. Little hint, if you can shoot at me then I can shoot at you. It isn't hard, just calculate the LOF the same for both damn sides. I'll wait a couple years before I buy anything else in this series. Maybe then it will approach playable.
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