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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. I spend the 3 years I have been working on the game getting the BASIC functions of the game to work. If I have to release it early atleast it will work. Later I add the bells and whistles.
  2. You can blame distribution arangements or the hand of the god or Charles running short of nutrient fluid for his tank all you want. The fact is that a BASIC function of this game is moving units from point A to point B and it is screwed up. It looks real good though. Take from that what you will.
  3. Needless to say I agree with Bulldog. This is a fundamental issue. Moving units is something that happens almost every turn. Say what you want about the flow of design changes, this is a core issue and if it isn't made right then nothing else matters. It's like having a car with a motor that doesn't work, no matter how many cup holders or how fancy a digital display it has it is still broken. [ September 23, 2007, 08:09 AM: Message edited by: sgtgoody (esq) ]
  4. You mean you don't like the CMSF gaggle formation? If the game is going to have 1:1 representation then those guys have to act like they should. That means movement formations, bringing squads on line for a base of fire, firing as soon as you enter a room, using windows as entry points so you don't have to run around a building to find a door. With the old system your guys abstracted that they were doing what they were supposed to. In the new one they don't abstract they just don't do what they are supposed to, except get shot.
  5. Yes, normal sized humans are in for a rough ride in a BMP. Give me a Brad any time. Still, I have shoved two squads with all equipment in the back of a 113 before. Not the most comfortable ride but it can be done. Not in the game though.
  6. Since the capacity for most military vehicles is "one more" I think they should just boost the capacity overall. Yes a hardtop hummer only has 4 seats but it sure can carry more than that if you really want it to. To think that any unit is going to tell something as vital as a MMG team that they have to walk to catch up is just silly.
  7. Bored isn't the problem. I love the timeframe. I love being able to play with the things I played with when I was in the army. I love the way the game looks and feels. I hate the way it works, or more correctly, doesn't. I have lots of games that I love but don't play anymore because they are just poorly done. Lord of the Realm (2 or 3 I don't remember) is a game that I waited years for and bought imediately. I love what the game is about. I threw it away because it was so badly done. I love the Master of Orion series and owned all three. I tossed the third one, again because it was poorly done, but if they make a new one I will probably buy it as well because I love the idea and the world. It is easy to say, "if you don't like it don't play it," but that degrades BFC more than any of the players by implying that they could care less once they have your money. I don't believe that. What I do believe is that there are things in this game that are fundamentally broken. Not little graphical glitches or data errors or misplaced minus signs. These I expect and I know can and will be fixed. Instead I see errors that seem to be part of the system and so beyond change. Hopefully BFC will prove me wrong so I don't have to toss another $70 out with the trash. As it stands I have seen little to show me that that is the case.
  8. Well, either no one has the system or they just don't want to say. I don't think you are going to be able to browbeat it out of them.
  9. I am looking for the "Beat your face" button to motivate them.
  10. I understand that they come with the hard-copy manual... </font>
  11. My guys seem too accurate. I had one of my units fire 3 AT4s at a BTR that was moving at full speed at 200+ meters away perpendicular to the squad. All three hit. Another time one of my guys, at a dead sprint, switched weapons, stopped for a second, fired at and killed another BTR and then continued running. Meanwhile they can't seem to hit the broadside of a barn with the M320. Shots seem to all hit short or fly off several hundred meters beyond the target.
  12. I am rapidly reaching the point of frustration with this game. I will wait for 1.04 before I decide whether or not to pull this thing off my hard drive. Watching my guys run around like morons after you give them a detailed route, like the developers told us to, to a door that they can plainly see is really getting old. So is having half your squad get stuck in a building or on their vehicle. So is plotting a course between two vehicles 20 meters apart and having the AI decide that the gap is too small. I could go on as we all know. I love what the game is trying to do but right now it is a massive cluster.... I paid the extra money for a broken game and a useless mouse pad (I have a track ball but wanted the quick reference guide) and every time I play I regret it more and more. I have been trying to remain upbeat but wasting hours getting pissed off is really starting to wear. This next patch better be a stunner. [ September 22, 2007, 04:35 AM: Message edited by: sgtgoody (esq) ]
  13. You don't have to accept a medical discharge. Most guys do but you can stay in if you really want to. Duke, you are really painting a scewed picture. When I was in the recruiter's office when I went active duty the recruiter fielded two calls from guys who were over 50 but had prior service and wanted back in. This was in 91 just before Desert Storm. My old 1SG enlisted as a private at 34 after earning his Masters. It's nothing new. As for the private firms, there are lots of companies who need security but aren't entitled part of military operations, so they hire their own people. The Army has yet to field a merc unit. Unless you want to say that the entire army is mercenary since everyone is a professional.
  14. The only time I lose M1s are to lucky shots or bad moves on my part. I haven't noticed any systematic problems with M1 survivability so I am with you there Renaud. As for gunnery, if my guys see it and have a clear shot it is dead. I only notice misses when there are intervening trees or hills and such. As for real M1's. Nothing is invulnerable.
  15. Actually I can wait for 1.04. Class started a couple weeks ago and I am carrying a full load. When 1.04 comes out I will be forced to play through my favorite scenarios, including some CPU killers from rune, and that will kill all my time and make me fail my classes, get kicked out of the MA program, and spend the rest of my life under a bridge living in a cardboard box. So unless BFC wants to be responsible for that they need to hold the next patch till say, May.
  16. That is why I usually put a few rounds into any vehicle I see. I have set off quite a few and later found the trigger men close by.
  17. Large slow transports vs SAMs = lots of dead paratroopers. There were a couple drops during OIF and A-stan but if there is any sort of real AA defense then it is suicide. HALO drops can put guys several miles away and let them reach the target in freefall. A guy falling through the air is a lot less noticable than a big fat C-series aircraft.
  18. I have played a couple scenarios and at least 3 missions in the campaign in which I have run into IED's. A couple of times I didn't get hit by them in the game but once the battle was over and I reviewed the map I could see the guy who was supposed to set it off. I have never used them myself as right now I am still playing the U.S. when I can play at all.
  19. I haven't. They seem only to want to fire small arms and sometimes AT4s. I have had them fire them when they shoot on their own but not when I tell them what to shoot.
  20. I have noticed that the grenadiers in CMSF aren't very accurate. Maybe one in 5 rounds will hit even near the target, most tend to fly over it by several hundred meters.
  21. They got rid of the old M79 because it took a rifle away from two of the squad.
  22. Not always. I had a 4 man MG team that couldn't get into the hummer and who I couldn't split. The aquire command should be like a targeting command. You click the command and then tell who you want to aquire from.
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