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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. Don't forget that NATO, as the defender, would largely be the ones choosing the battlefield.
  2. As I have said repeatedly. The #1 effect of fire is to make the enemy decide not to stay in the area, killing them is gravy but makes a better game.
  3. That means that your resourceful trooper used his e-tool to knock a mousehole in the wall and assumes a better support posission! Give the man a medal!
  4. Santa Maria Infante is one of the best. Didn't rune do that one or Berli?
  5. I would also like the Units to show up in the 3D preview. I don't like having to switch back and forth.
  6. In 1.05 the map I mentioned is now playable although I have not played all the way through so I don't know what happens when all the troops show up. I'll post more as I find out. Looks like I'll be able to do my CMTC campaign after all.
  7. I think Jason's market comment hits close to the point of why different games are more popular than others. The U.S. is the biggest computer game consumer and so has the most influence. Americans like to see Americans doing things, not just in wargames but in any mass media. One reason I believe that modern warfare is not as popular as WWII is that people have been told that every war since WWII was evil (and now there is an increasing drive to lable WWII as such). That has an effect, people generally don't like to see themselves as the bad guys. Grogs may like to play games for the tactical considerations but your general audience wants to see the good guys blast them darn Nazis, Commies, Ragheads, Chinks, North Koreans, Japs, you get the point. For the pop audience there is little question of whether or not a game will remain popular because it won't. Tactically rich games or pure fantasy will last about the same as the herd moves on to new things. What is left are the grogs who will keep a game alive within the nitch of the hobby if it is worthy of continued study. Grog interest may be enough to keep a game alive after the initial interest has worn out but it isn't enough to make a company invest time and effort in new titles if there is no popular interest. So even though the serious wargamer might want the tactical possibilities of different eras and nationalities he doesn't represent enough of a market to generate good games that don't appeal to a mass audience. My personal favorite era of military history is the High Middle Ages and there are no realistic games based on that because they are all based on the Hollywood version of medieval combat.
  8. Since this was about UAZ's. When the Russians left Berlin they dumped all their old stuff into big pits and burried them. Needless to say the Germans were not pleased. Anyway, a buddy of mine went to one of the pits and managed to pull a UAZ out and got it running again. He also used to go to the auctions that they had for all the equipment they were getting rid of. By the time he PCS'ed he had a UAZ, a British Land Rover (Army issue), and a mechanics Duce-and-a-half (the one that looks like a camper with the shop on the back). It was funny to see him argue with the gate guards at the PX when he tried to drive his duce into the compound. They refused to believe it was a POV even though it had USAEUR plates.
  9. Haven't had time to play much this weekend but I will get back on this. Regardless, the fact that there are no threads complaining about suffering a total defeat while losing only 20 guys makes me think casualty figures are still the same. One thing to remember when talking about the optics on American small arms is that it is extremely hard to make snap shots with a scope and snap shots are what you normally have in combat. They are most useful in stationary positions when you have time to observe an enemy who remains exposed for some time or you have the luxury of knowing where he is and can wait for him to show himself. As Heinlein once said, if you give a soldier a bunch of things he has to pay attention to then a guy with a rock is going to sneak up behind him while he is trying to focus his NVGs (paraphrasing). It has already been acknowledged that games will always generate more casualties than reality and a major factor is that the nature of fire is different. All the fire in the game, aimed or not, is concentrated in the general area of the target, this is just no the case in reality. I'm not saying that this ruins the game, at least not for me, I am simply pointing out that this representation should not be taken as representative of reality.
  10. Just had an encounter between a platoon of Brads and a T72. Brads didn't waste time with 25mm and went straight to TOW. 4 of 6 missiles missed, but at least they were firing them.
  11. Just tried a quick run through with my Hohenfels Scenario. 2x2km map, lots of trees. Formerly unplayable now it runs nice and smooth.
  12. Ok. The 2x2 map with European terrain seems to be a no-go. It looks great but with a U.S. Company Team + and a Syrian Mech Bn it is unplayable. I think the trees are killing me.
  13. What is gamey is that tracers stand out like neon signs even during the day. At night it looks like a laser show but during the day they are hard to notice, especially if you are at the receiving end. While we're at it, muzzle flashes are also overdone. In reality the M16 generally has little to no flash during the day and only a small streak during the day. The starburst pattern is pure Hollywood.
  14. I would but I am so mad about the things they left out that I can't even think right now. I know that they want to present a coherent story to aid presentation but many members of this community like "what if" type scenarios. BFC's decision to restrict the game to this theater is a slap in the face to those who have loyally stuck by this company through their previous products. Is that what you wanted?
  15. I have noticed that they don't seem to use flavor objects as cover at all. Has anyone else seen them do it?
  16. I am not against the "ambush" itself but when a company of enemy troops beams into your assembly area it is just a cheap way to get some free shots in. There are many ways to do a good ambush that don't rely on editor tricks.
  17. Yep, that's it. Too bad there are no bridges in CMSF. Adds a whole new dynamic. I can't remember what Valley of Trouble is, been too long.
  18. I think that one is All or Nothing. Kingfish did a conversion for CMAK that is fantastic.
  19. I think he said that there were some tweaks that will improve the frame rate but not any functional changes. I don't think he said anything about baking but he did say something about BBQ.
  20. Related to this issue, designers please, stop putting enemy troops in the middle of the friendly setup zones to make some sort of ambush. It's cheap and gamey and there are better ways to do it.
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