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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. I must just be unlucky with them. I have yet to score a kill with 120's. I have no doubt that they will kill anything they hit but I just haven't been able to get a hit.
  2. I didn't see any real difference. I had the US FO's set to green, low motivation when they got the big kill on the T72s and BMPS. This same FO also managed got a kill on a single T72 with a 130mm barrage. The Syrian FO's were veteran. I don't know if there is supposed to be a difference, maybe the less the troop quality the longer it takes to zero, but the results seemed entirely dependent on the gun type. Secondbrooks, I think you are right about needing point target. I don't think I have ever had area or linear fire result in a vehicle kill other than Hummers or UAZs. By the way, has anyone noticed that an arty barrage will clear trees? I fired a 130mm barrage at a bunch of M1's in a woodline and when the barrage was done it looked like someone had taken a big bite out of the woodline. Neat. [ January 07, 2008, 07:36 AM: Message edited by: SgtMuhammed ]
  3. Yes, Sparky has a couple useful bits of info in some of his stuff but you have to wade through tons of BS to get to them. Not worth it if you ask me. I love his idea of giving "Gavin" drivers a gun with a periscope so they can fire with one hand while they drive. Moron.
  4. I tinkered around with the AI plan to where I thought it would work but on my run through I got a bit carried away and crushed the American force as the Syrians. I meant to just sit and watch them but I got a little carried away. I think I have a handle on it though.
  5. During testing of a scenario I am working on I have had extremely good results with arty against armor. US 82mm: Against single BMP scored top hit and kill with point target, heavy barrage, medium length. Kill came after 1 minute. US 120mm: Scored some track damage against BMPs but otherwise totally ineffective against any armor regardless of type or length of barrage. (I will have to run some actual test on the 120s as this seems rather strange) US 155mm: 1 minute heavy barrage, point target was an almost guaranteed kill. A 2 minute barrage fired into a cluster of 2 T72's and 3 BMP's resulted in the destruction of both tanks and one BMP. Results with Syrian artillery is almost a mirror image of those with U.S. including the ineffectiveness of the 120mm (at least for me). During one run through the Americans blundered into a minefield that left a cluster of 1 M1 and 5 Bradleys immobile. 1 Heavy barrage of 122mm of medium length, point targetted on the M1, who was at the edge of the group (the group covered about 75m from edge to edge), resulted in the destruction of the entire group. Quite a day. I am going to conduct some tests with the 120. Maybe I have just been unlucky.
  6. Someone want to run a couple tests. Set a regular squad on a hill and see how they spot various units. Then do it with a recon unit. I'll do it when I get home.
  7. The T72s look nice but too cartoony. The BMPs are sweet though.
  8. There was a fix that made maps with lots of trees run faster. I don't know if there was a general speed boost though.
  9. I have the opposite problem. My BMPs will fire their missiles at anything and then sit there reloading while the enemy blasts away at them.
  10. Been trying to see what arty will do to armor. So far it is a mixed bag. The best that I have found is tube arty. With both U.S. and Syrian I have been able to kill even tanks on a consistent basis. Obviously it helps if they are stationary. A heavy medium barrage almost always results in a kill for me. Once I killed 3 T72 TURMS with a single barrage. With mortars it seems to be the opposite. So far I have yet to kill an armored vehicle with a 120mm mortar. Rounds will detonate all around to little effect. The 82mm, however, is a killer. Like the heavy tubes it seems to always score good top hits with every good barrage. Remember to never use "Emergency" fire as it is too inaccurate. FO's get the best results but I have scored kills with fire called by anyone. Of course the Syrians have to have FO's to call arty at all. Just a little FYI.
  11. I'm looking for Euro green sets of everything.
  12. I was just thinking that about the buildings. I'm still playing around with it. Just wanted to see if anyone else had some whiz-bang technique.
  13. That is one of the reasons that for years the official Army position on MOUT was to avoid it.
  14. Has anyone been able to design an at least competent AI urban attack. I can get them to move up to the town in force but then they either dismount and get mowed down or pull up to the buildings mounted and again get mowed down. I have tried to ensure that the assaulting platoon always has overwatch but without fine placement it is almost impossible to get them to behave well. Any tips?
  15. I always thought it sounded like more of a burp than a rectal outgassing. A good beer burp with some bratwurst thrown in.
  16. Yes, you can hear his commander on the radio. Right after he says, "Firing Javelin," it launches. The missile was probably set for level attack since it got there so fast.
  17. It would be nice if it were possible to have several options to randomly choose from.
  18. Things like weapons barrels and vehicle heat are irrelevant. Thermal sights can sense 1 degree of temperature difference from ambient air. You can actually see the camo pattern on uniforms because they radiate heat differently. If they can see the barrel of your weapon they can see you as well. Like MiB said, shoot and scoot, or be in a position that lets you take whatever the other guy might throw at you.
  19. Not rain but something just as fun. [ February 05, 2008, 09:50 PM: Message edited by: SgtMuhammed ]
  20. The later. In the U.S. Army Cluster is most often followed by that most infamous of swear words beginning with F.
  21. It takes it a couple of minutes and the old mission will continue to fire but it will switch to the new target. I use it to level long buildings. Target one end with a long duration mission. Once rounds spash adjust a couple sections over. Repeat as needed. By the time the target shifts the section is usually rubble. It isn't at all like CMx1 but it works.
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