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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. I think one thing you are seeing is that you are getting inside the AI command loop. In other words, you are changing things faster than the AI can adapt to them. I noticed during testing that because of the delay in Red arty, I haven't done too much with Blue AI, the only things it tends to target are stationary, visible targets. I suspect this holds for Blue as well. What this means is that most human players will rarely be in place long enough to have fire called upon him. I believe that the AI will Cease Fire any missions that lose their targets. This is a problem even with Blue arty since it is rare for a target to be spotted for even a couple minutes without being engaged by direct fire. We'll keep playing around with it.
  2. In a word, yes. I spent a lot of time kicking my own ass and having it kicked by the other designers. Wise asset alocation is the key. Most of these missions don't have a hard shell and a creamy center, they are rough from beginning to end.
  3. The AI only tends to target things that it can actually see. If you want a prep mission then you will probably have to put it in the AI plan. One thing I have found is that the AI seems to be pretty slow to use arty, prefering instead to use direct fires. This means that any Human attack at even a moderate pace is going to outrun the AI's ability to call fire. Where I most often notice computer indirect is against support positions if I forget to move them. If the human is the defender the AI suffers because it seems to need to have spotted something before it will call fire on it. Again, though, the computer will tend to try to handle those targets with direct fire, especially as Red since only FOs can call for fire. To be honest I haven't played around with Blue calling fire too much. As soon as the AI arty was ready to be tested so was the campaign so most testing involved repeatedly running through the campaign, which can only be played as Blue.
  4. This is a known issue. If you give the bunkers a facing order they will snap to the ground. Also once you start the battle they will be where they are supposed to be.
  5. The American use of the TOW in Hummers is as a Shoot and Scoot system. We rarely ground mounted the system, at least in the Army.
  6. I think there are a couple mods floating around out there that does this. I believe that the briefings are treated as images instead of being word processing type pages so it is a little more complicated to change the font.
  7. The way Cpl Steiner did it seems to be the best. That was how I did it. Plus it helped me get rid of the three or four different versions I had accumulated during testing. So far a fresh install seems to work the best. Just a reminder, the module is all inclusive so you can start with 1.0 CMSF and it will get all the upgrades. You don't have to apply all the other patches first.
  8. Some of the Marines here can correct me if I am wrong but I believe it is more doctrinally correct for AAVs to use their smoke in support of their infantry as opposed to Brads where it is for ATGM defense. Although in reality they would use their smoke generator. Remember that your AAVs have much less armor than a Brad and that in fights between MK19s and autocannons the AC is usually going to win because it is much more suited to direct fire. So they will be at a dissadvantage against BMPs unless you get the drop on them.
  9. 50K each from what I heard. I think the Brits were selling some of their destroyers for 250K at about the same time. Should have taken out a small business loan and formed my own country.
  10. Insurance. They can get cheaper insurance by being flagged from certain countries. Lyberia was a popular choice for years.
  11. That's what you get for living across the pond.
  12. You can create randome mine fields as well. Make the mines a group and then sprinkle AI setup spaces over the area you want the mines to be in. When the scenario starts the computer will scatter them about.
  13. The crew is sticking their feet out the bottom Fred Flintstone style.
  14. I am going to pause the download and tie up bandwidth. How 'bout that?!
  15. Actually they are trying a new methode. They are going to print the code on a big PDF file and you will have to type it in. Kind of like those old Basic programs you used to get in computer magazines. Kind of a pain in the ass but it lets the end user feel more like part of the team.
  16. Don't forget the TOW launcher that was nothing but the empty tube.
  17. I was wondering why it zapped penin. Sometimes when I get board I just start typing to see what will get through: **** That was interesting. It zapped the F-bomb but allowed the c word and its male counterpart. It also allowed the proper name for donkey. Strange.
  18. That's not what I heard. According to a couple chat boards it already happened and killed 1 billion people in Galveston. The government is just hushing it up till the FEMA terraforming teams can get done.
  19. One question I have is what is everyone envisioning when they talk about adding SF units? To be honest, most of the missions are outside the scope of the game or would be REALLY boring. These guys don't possess any super powers as so many seem to think. They have some neat toys but their skill set isn't that much different from regular infantry. They just practice what they do ALL THE TIME. They use the same basic small unit tactics as your standard infantry squad. They have some different weapons, most of which are comparable to what everone else is using but modified for ease of handeling and maintenance. Lots of sub machine guns and different rifles but they generally fire the same rounds. The Rangers are the only ones who operate in any appreciable numbers but they specialize in smash and grab type missions. SF and Delta operate in very small teams and either tend to organize local assets, take out high value targets, or engage in deep recon where they try their damnest not to be found. Things like Somalia are few and far between. If you just want to have battalions of Green Berets and D-boys running around then you've been watching too many movies. For the Rangers, you can use MOUT infantry squads set to veteran or elite experience and use them in company strength or, very rarely, as a battalion. Throw in a couple gun trucks to act as Land Rovers and a couple Javelin teams from the Marines module and you will basically have a Ranger unit.
  20. Redwolf, Are you saying that kings and princes might have some motivation for controlling the massive wealth of the Church other than how best to serve God? I just can't believe that. You must be hanging out with Kettler too much.
  21. You will be able to make an even better version with the Marine stuff in the mix. Yes you can mix them.
  22. Scenarios will not automatically update their TO&E. They are like a snapshot of the state of the game when they were made. If you want to use the new toys you have to make your own scenarios or update existing ones.
  23. The Javelin adds a lot of weight to your troops' load and tires them out faster. If you are dismounting your troops to clear rooms then it doesn't make any sense to give them that weight to carry around. Grabbing it isn't SOP in real life.
  24. Tragically the first death attributed to Ike was a 10 year old boy who was hit by a limb from a tree his dad was trimming so it wouldn't hurt anything when the storm came through.
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