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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. The US us moving away from DPICM because the duds are increasingly a manuever hazard to US forces. The Army has found the risk great enough that they are voluntarily restricting it's use, especially as the same thing can be accomplished with different munitions.
  2. That is SOOOOOO cool. Hopefully they turn it into a feature.
  3. Man, Gordon's NATO mod looks nice. Whose cloud mod are you using?
  4. The thermobaric rounds for both have a 10m kill radius in RL. In the game that is reduced because of the artificial bunching of the squads. That's why it often seems that grenades don't do much to a blob of troops.
  5. The warheads are the same size but the PG-29V is rated to penetrate 700+mm steel while the PG-7VR is rated at 500mm.
  6. Ironically, the first fighters used by the IAF were Czech made ME109s.
  7. The Syrians already use thermobaric RPG rounds in CMSF.
  8. It has to do with the map. Something is knocking things wonky. Like Steve said, they are working on it.
  9. So have they gotten around to painting grid lines over Germany yet? Since it is impossible to fight without them I don't see how they let it go for so long. If you want a gridded mod then find or make one but the fact that you want one does not make it a requirement for a realistic tactical simulation. I played with some of the most realistic tactical simulations in the world in the Army and none of them had grids. And sometimes even real terrain was kind of hard to read, so we had to actually go look at what we could see. Personal preference does not make something a necessity.
  10. Really? I saw it right off the bat. I usually drop down to ground level to check routes of advance before I give orders. Gives me a better feel for what to expect.
  11. There are about 25 missions total though I don't know if it is possible to play them all in a single run through.
  12. There is a load plan for troops on the M1: In ten years though I never had anyone even mention training to do it. It was something you might do in an absolute emergency but not anything you ever expected to do because it was the best solution.
  13. "Can destroy any tank in the world" is no the same as "always destroys any tank in the world."
  14. If you don't mind sitting in your buddy's lap it is. They had to make some consessions to avoid the nightmare of splitting teams into individuals. It's a game engine thing.
  15. I'm not so sure that was a TOW. The missile didn't travel far enough to arm and the launcher is still in the stowed position. I wish he had cleaned his window. Ok, looking at it again it seems there was enough distance but it still looks like the launcher is stowed. [ June 08, 2008, 06:20 AM: Message edited by: SgtMuhammed ]
  16. Do you have lots of foliage? Trees and stuff can slow you down, especially if lots of troops are running about.
  17. I think you ran into the bureaucratic bull**** machine. I don't know how many times I have run into units that impose self declared limits on awards. It gets really hard to motivate troops when they see some POS at brigade get an AAM for pulling CQ while they get a coin for saving a fellow soldier's life. (Don't laugh, it happened to one of my guys.) It just happens that the unit was over their quota for that month. I have also seen awards denied because they weren't submitted by a high enough rank. Even though the freaking regs say that ANYONE can recommend a soldier for an award as long as they have knowledge of the incident. I was always amazed at the number of people who don't get the whole concept of morale. By the way, what is the CAB? I don't think we had that when I was in.
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