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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. Actually the thing you noticed was actually happening. The AI would generally wait for almost half the scenario before calling in arty. I made a test scenario that showed that no matter what the time was set at the AI would not call the first fire mission till half the mission had past. Even when given a nice juicy target like a bunker complex surrounded by enemy troops and armor. This is being updated. I will try to look into the issue with F15s that you noted. I gave the AI a bunch of different aircraft during one test and they seemed to be working fine. I will try to look at F15s by themselves.
  2. We are looking into the vanishing humvees. It happened popped up in the campaign. In the Battle for Pooh one of the FOs is supposed to show up in an M707 but it appears to be MIA.
  3. Yes, I often have the opposite feeling. I noticed that 99 times out of 100 if you call for arty against an enemy vehicle you will destroy it unless it moves out of the target area. That is a little too good too me. Remember that spotting rounds don't really matter. Usually after three, even if none are close to the target, there will be a fire for effect that is pretty well exactly on target. On the other hand I have had several times where the spotting round has landed on the target and destroyed it. One thing you will notice about AI arty is that most of it tends to be area fire. Don't count on it though.
  4. Use mortars, they have a shorter delay. The AI will use bigger guns but they aren't quite as useful for it because it lacks the ability to lead targets that human players can use. Just think of all the problems you have trying to target arty with long delays and then remove your ability to predict rather than just react. That is what the AI is facing.
  5. As an example of how it can work, I was playing the campaign and was on the Battle for Pooh. I had a couple Javelin teams and MMGs in overwatch along with an M2 Hummer. My attack stalled when a flanking position opened up on us so it took a few minutes to move forces over to contain the new threat. While this is happening I am also calling for fire on some other Syrian positions, so there is a lot happening. I noticed a couple spotter rounds coming in but couldn't really tell where they were targeted. I had just resumed my attack when the AI barrage hit my support position hard. I scrambled to move my guys inside buildings but it was too late. I ended up losing an MMG team, a Javelin team (that really hurt), and the Hummer. It also further delayed my attack as I now had to reestablish my support fires. Sweet and frustrating at the same time.
  6. Pandur, I'll play around with the QB and see if I can figure out how to get Mech Airborne.
  7. It isn't new to the module but it is improved.
  8. You don't send single soldiers somewhere. You send them in pairs at least.
  9. There are times when your entire squad will end up in the same spot. This is to keep the wing teams from moving out of cover.
  10. Dave brings up a good point. Are any of you who are having problems running mods? I am running vanilla right now but I tested it with some of Gordon's mods and it ran fine. Some of the third party mods may be nuking something. If you are running mods I would suggest pulling out your z folder and trying it, then reintroduce the mods one at a time.
  11. I don't know what is happening for you guys. I am running an Intel Duo 3ghz with 2 gigs ram, WinXP SP3, with an Nvidia 7600 GS 512mb set to 1440x900. When lots of stuff is running around and lots of shooting is happening I get Loss of Detail but no big slowdowns and certainly no crashes. I shrunk the map and units as far as I could to get it to run on my system. Anything newer than mine (less than 18 months) should run it fine. Hopefully Charles can find something.
  12. Basically the TOW Hummer is a Humvee with a ground mount system strapped on the top. If you lean against the vehicle while the gunner is guiding the missile you will disturb his aim.
  13. Most of them are GPS or can be lazed by pods carried on the aircraft themselves. I think the only thing that carries dumb bombs anymore would be a B52 doing a saturation run.
  14. One good technique is to face your units upwind from where you need the smoke. That way when the cloud builds it will give you continuous coverage rather than leaving a big gap since your guys will throw their grenades about 20 meters from their present position.
  15. As far as what the other guy can see, as in real life, you never know. Always assume you are under observation and try to use covered and concealed routes or cover each other while moving. Most regular Syrian squads have no night vision but some of the specialist units do, so don't assume they can't see you. If you give your guys a short target arc then they will hold fire unless something enters that arc.
  16. When you assign a target arc hit shift while you hold the left mouse button. You will get a circular arc and can set the diameter.
  17. Thanks, I guess. Trust me though, I spent a lot of time kicking my own rear with this one. Did you score a major victory and still get kicked back to the Decisions mission?
  18. "1. It's not clear if the Russians have a ship on station or not, last I heard they were sending a frigate from the Baltic." That was the last thing I heard as well. If it is already on station it must have been pretty close to start with. "2. I wasn't aware of this but in early September the French tracked down and took into custody 6 of about 12 pirates who had grabbed one of these luxury sailing ships, and now you can see vids on Youtune of the poor pirates getting surrounded by French Force Especiale troppers and Alouette helicopters in the Somali desert." Was not aware of this either. "3. I correct my earlier estimate the boats that the pirates used against the Ukrainian cargo ship, pictures show they were motorboats in the 2-3 meter range. 4. I assume the reason the cargo ship companies don't do the logical thing and just mount a .50 on all four quarters of the ship is insurance and the cost of keeping the guns crewed; a manned MG of any kind would convert these pirate speedboats into hamburger carriers in a minute or less." Shoot, even a couple half way competent marksmen with high powered rifles would make these ships nearly invulnerable to these scumbags. "5. The Ukrainian cargo ship also seems to have depleted uranium shells for the T-72s; so sooner or later every one is going to go beserk about the alleged and very silly environmental hazard, even if they could care less about the lives of the crew." Everyone knows that if you dump a body into the ocean it is just fish food but if a particle of DU touches the water you will poison the entire Southern hemisphere.
  19. As you have seen the MGS absolutely CANNOT stand toe to toe with enemy tanks, even old ones. The anti-tank capability is basically for emergencies only. The main tank killers in the Stryker BCT are the Javelins, TOWs, and any attached armor. The MGS should be used like an old style assault gun. It lacks the ammo to be a rolling barrage (which is the result of what I consider to be criminally bad design) so the best use is to get your infantry near their final assault positions and then put a round or two into the enemy position to disrupt and injure them prior to your infantry assault. Trying to use it as the sole means to eliminate enemy positions will quickly deplete your ammo so it is best used as a 105mm sniper. It is also good for rapid response while waiting for arty to come in. The MGS is a weapon that really benifits from Real Time play since you can better manage its rate of fire instead of having it fire away for a minute.
  20. You have to make sure your unit has a launch unit. In the Marines the Javelin is a crew served support weapon so only Javelin teams will have the launch unit. If you have a normal squad take Javelins from their track they will just tote it about getting tired and cursing at you under their breath.
  21. Let me be the first to officially state that the CMx2 WWII title totally sucks.
  22. Remember that a platoon of AAVs is 13 vehicles. What you don't see in the game is all the crap that gets shoved into a combat loaded vehicle. Rations, spare equipment, ammo, mission essencial equipment, and just plain random stuff. Even if you strap your ruck to the outside the inside is still filled with duffle bags and extra rucks full of poggy bait and extra socks. Makes filling a vehicle to even half capacity rather cramped. Remember that the official capacity of any military vehicle is "one more."
  23. In actual use you would take a hull down or even turret down position and use the sensors to call fire. Since that is kind of hard to do in the game it makes the BFIST, and FIST vehicles in general, rather less capable.
  24. Excellent point. To get a real feel for the differences between the Marine and Army forces I suggest using the most realistic TO&E you can get. The differences in armor and support fires really make you take different approaches to combat.
  25. One thing you can do to see that the AI does actually call arty is set up a line of enemy bunkers or vehicles and put an FO with some arty and air. Make sure your FO doesn't give himself away. After a while he will call fire. It is there and we will keep working at it.
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