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Everything posted by SgtMuhammed

  1. London, England (AP) US military planners continue to be baffled by the presence of floating red diamonds over Syrian tracked vehicles. Speculation ranges from an active defensive system to some sort of super-laser-hyper thing. A pentagon official stated anonymously, "We don't know what the hell it is so we figured we should just blow them all up." The official then went back to mopping the mens room.
  2. "I told her, delicate cycle and hang it up to dry."
  3. "CM2: Even more Beyond Overlord." "CM: We're so far Beyond Overlord we can't even remember what it looks like." "Bob"
  4. No. What I think it means is that you can either occupy or destroy the building. You don't really get to do RPG type things like that. Realize that the missions for the campaign were designed over several builds and by many different people. Some things which may have been intended were never implimented or things that were meant to be edited out slipped through the cracks. Be flexible and take your own innitiative. If you can accomplish the mission then do it. If you get more troops later then consider it gravy, those are fewer casualties that will count against you.
  5. defenitely but its easy, all AI you place is automaticly set to "group1". means you dont have to asign em as long as no group should move idependently from the others. this moving group would need to be "group2" as example. you can set the AI to "cautious" "normal" and "active",...by default their normal. i suggest you to do a search or some searches in the scenario design forums. there are quiet some topics on everything, more or less. if you still have questions or cant find what you look for, just open a thread there. </font>
  6. Mishga, Yes the vehicle .bmps are eyepopping. When I exploded the .brz file and finally looked at the vehicle file I was expecting to see nice orderly pictures, like a plan view. Silly me. Even if you don't plan on modding I would advise everyone to look at the actual vehicle art. REALLY makes you appreciate what a lot of the people here have done.
  7. Having recently tried my hand at modding and having designed several scenarios I know the hard work and frustration that goes along with the reward. I just wanted to send out a thanks to all of you and to encourage those of you who might be interested to go ahead and give it a shot. You all make the community a much deeper experience and the game that much more enjoyable.
  8. You could always call arty on the trees first. That clears them away REALLY fast. It may also make it unnecessary for you to direct fire.
  9. Thats what I just did 5.5% for 30 years,no PMI </font>
  10. Use better tactics. Your advantage is in long-range fire. There is a reason the US has spent so much money on firesupport. When you think you have a building suppressed, supress it twice more. Even if you only lose one man per building you will rapidly run out of combat power if you have to clear a large complex. Sending guys in to clear a building should be the last resort, and then only for buildings you really need cleared. One thing to remember is that the buildings are not just open boxes. Although you can't see them they are devided into rooms that affect spotting both inside and out. They are also quite stoutly constructed. Unlike most buildings here in the US, buildings in the Middle East tend to be constructed of brick and masonary both in external and internal walls and so offer quite a bit of protection for those inside.
  11. Nox, Just noticed your sig. Congrats. Time to start cashing in that GI Bill and buying a house with your VA loan. Thanks.
  12. And a Bratwurst stand flavor object.
  13. Now if you mean losses to an individual squad, like the casualties you assess to squads in CMx1, no you can't do that in CMSF. You can make a platoon or company short but all squads start at full strenght. You can make them short of supplies or vary their condition but not their numbers.
  14. In a scenario I am currently working on I deleted most of the troops from one unit and replace them with troops from another unit, detached a company and a half from another battalion, and added an understrength tank unit. Play around with it, the editor is much more flexible than you think.
  15. Can't you guys do a real unit, like the Berlin Brigade? Nice work. Always good to see people giving modding a try.
  16. Unfortunately the barrels won't stop things from driving through the wall.
  17. I goofed up while working on my M1 mod and somehow set alpha channels on the skirts .bmp so that the whole thing was invisible. It was funny seeing an M1 running around with open sides and no barrel!
  18. They both look good but the second looks like more of what I have seen in the East. The first one strikes me as very English.
  19. I believe the end is sometime in July. The dates availible in the editor go from 1 May to 31 July.
  20. That question is beyond me. BFC prioritizes things based on their own criterion. Various bugs that are found are noted and discussed to see if they are wide spread and actually fixable within a given timeframe. Sometimes things that looked like they would be a lot of work end up being a simple adjustment so we get surprised but most often things that seem simple turn out to have a cascade effect. As hard as it may be to believe sometimes, player complaints and bug posts are noticed and investigated. We just don't always go public with it. Most of the testers keep an eye on the boards to note issues even if they don't always post in the threads. You guys are being listened to regardless of what some may post.
  21. "And the argument about a Bren tripod still beats that." Well it was a symbolic thing that encapsulated the metaphysical nature of..... you're right, it was pretty stupid.
  22. Back in the CMBO days research turned up the fact that the British Bren gun was issued a tripod. The problem was no one could find anything that showed that they were ever actually used. The result was a raging debate about remaining true to the doctrinal description vs being true to what actually appeared on the battlefield. It has morphed into a running joke and strange sightings of the infernal things occasionally pop up in the strangest places. Kind of like PETA. </font>
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