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Everything posted by Thomm

  1. Redwolf, This is what the guy posted: He gets 149 mm, but wants 239 mm. With just the "LOS thickness", I get a number of 222 mm, which is much closer to the desired result. So we moved from an error of -38 % to an error of -8 %. Since the 222 mm (LOS) are smaller than 239 mm (actual value?), they are consistent with what you wrote (penetration being worse than pure LOS thickness for angled plates). Not sure what your problem here is. Best regards, Thomm
  2. If a shell penetrates a 192 mm thick plate at 30 degrees between shell velocity vector and surface normal, then it actually travels through 192 mm / cos(30) = 221.7 mm of material. This is pretty close to the number you found in the book (239 mm). Best regards, Thomm
  3. The deployment time in buildings should be listed somewhere in the GUI, and, yes, it is 2 minutes or more. So it is working as designed. The problem with this is what you are experiencing. With every change of position, the delay comes back. In this specific scenario, I decided to move the HMGs out into the open to make them somewhat useful again. It is a tricky subject. The argument goes that it takes a long time to set up a HMG in a building. But the effect you are seeing is certainly not desirable. Best regards, Thomm
  4. Interesting: The book "Thunder Run" is full of mentions of Syrian mercenaries. Years ago. Best regards, Thomm
  5. Unrelated, but cool, nevertheless: I am currently re-reading "Thunder Run", and out of impulse, I type Thunder Run in Youtube, only to get then-live footage from the actual thunder run complete with approaching vehicles being shot up and a soldier throwing a grenade into the hatch of a disabled M1, just like it was described in the book. I could not believe my eyes! Best regards, Thomm
  6. I guess this thread is going to get locked up soon enough, but the whole situation (Assad used poison gas? US/UK wants to bomb somefink?!) does not make any sense to me. Best regards, Thomm
  7. Excellent! I wonder if they even had an Überschwerer Waffelwerfer. Best regards, Thomm
  8. Image of a dark-black, bordering on the occult, super-secret project of the Axis scientists, the terrifying Nahverwaffelungswaffe. The applied tech-base was so advanced that the supporting influence of ET/ED entities has to be suspected!
  9. Schwerer Eiswaffel-Wurfrahmen, leichte Ausführung producing a strong force-field which blurres the photograph and causes drop-shaped artefacts due to hyper-energetic interactions with the film material. This prototype was actually hastily buried under 20.000 tons of concrete during the last days of WW2 (Waffel War 2), but an accidental discharge of residual energy stored in the warhead disintegrated this tombstone (along with three villages nearby). The fact that the machine still emits high-dimensional energy in the form of a strong green light after causing all this destruction is proof that the free world would have been doomed if the war had lasted two days longer!
  10. Top secret sources risked their lifes to take pictures of the infamous Schwerer Eiswaffelwerfer, but succeeded only in smuggling out a single snapshot of the loading mechanism. It is easy to understand why this disturbing picture was kept secret for so long!
  11. Such beauty hidden behind an innocent thread title! Best regards, Thomm
  12. Very remotely related: The Close Combat series is about to abandon the strategic layer and goes back to a system which apparently is more similar to CMx2: From Wikipedia (Close Combat): Best regards, Thomm
  13. In one episode of Band of Brothers, the US soldiers semi-deployed their MG on the window-sill to cut down German soldiers trying to escape over an open-field. Actually, that was easy to find: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=UitLOeZENlU&t=527 The (real) soldiers among us can certainly tell whether this is realistic or not. Best regards, Thomm
  14. Without thinking too hard about it, I think the answer you are looking for is: Yes. Perhaps the Market Garden module will revive your interest in Normandy later on, because the bridges are really something special! Best regards, Thomm
  15. I have the impression that problems with the TacAI are the exception, not the norm. Many more problems may go away once the game is taught to handle corners of buildings and ends of walls correctly. I am getting good results by use of sneaking at the end of movement orders, also, which is perhaps what real soldiers would do, anyway. The game gives you the possibility of splitting squads, which definitely brings it closer to 1:1 control. Map design also has a influence. I just played a nice city map with zero TacAI problems. On the other hand, I remember a very "complicated" city map from the Gustav module that could be used as a showcase for the TacAI problems you mention. None of these items are of interest to me. Just to add one data point to the statistic. Best regards, Thomm
  16. Reminds me of the recent video from the Turkish demonstrations in which a guy hiding behind a dustbin could not hear or see the police truck coming straight at him and hitting him in the end. Best regards, Thomm
  17. While you are fighting about the details, please do not forget the implications of this paragraph! You will get huge, accurate bridge models on your screen, hundreds of meters long. Once you see those, I guess you will not worry about gliders or cows any more ... Best regards, Thomm
  18. This photo makes me want to play Close Combat!! Good old times. Best regards, Thomm
  19. Thank you for making the change!! Best regards, Thomm PS: By the way, I experimented with a compressed font size 1 version of your reference list, and it looked pretty stylish!
  20. Michael, Your content line to signature line ratio is 1:20 in that post. Did you ever think of doing something about that? Maybe it is just me, but I find it tiresome having to scroll over your twenty line signature. It also is distracting, which is unfair to the other posters. Perhaps you could use a smaller font? Best regards, Thomm
  21. I did a test once with a graveyard full of tombstones. I found that some (not all) bullets clearly passed through several tombstones. Charles' comment was along the lines of "flavor objects do block some incoming fire, but not all", if I recall correctly. There appears to be some random factor at work. Of course, it would be interesting to know if flavor objects carry data like a (rolled-homogeneous) armor equivalent value with them. Best regards, Thom
  22. I think you will be pleasantly surprised, hehe! Best regards, Thomm
  23. Recently, a video was published in which a FSA fighter gets his face shot off by some large calibre weapon. In slow-motion, in HD. Please do not ask me about the details, because I stopped watching when the first bits of tissue started to fly. Now I wonder: what is the message of such a video. Is it supposed to raise the moral of your own side? Best regards, Thomm
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