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Everything posted by Thomm

  1. Hmmm. Games like Half Life seem to actually sell on Ebay! Who buys this stuff????! Best regards, Thomm
  2. Having a couple of old PC games sitting on the shelve uselessly (Half Live, Unreal, Doom III, Brothers in Arms, ...) I keep wondering if there is any way to get rid of these things without going to a flea market or throwing them away. Any ideas? Same goes for VCR tapes, and old DVDs. Best regards, Thomm
  3. Poor Old Spike keeps adding to a huge thread with WW2 photos on the Gamesquad CM forum. Here are two examples showing infantry in action. Spacing looks CM-like. Best regards, Thomm
  4. It was very painful for me to realize that I cannot easily do any of this model-building any more because my eyes can no longer focus on anything closer than 20-something cm. This freaked me out, because I always had perfect eyesight, but only until I read that it is perfectly normal to loose the ability to focus on near objects with age (I am 41) and I fit perfectly well into the norm. Best regards, Thomm
  5. Normal Dude, Yes, and without it I would not have found out about it so quickly. But: an announcement like this, after all the effort, would deserve its own new thread with a one-liner to point it out to those who skip the announcements. Just my opinion. Best regards, Thomm
  6. The announcements should always come with a forum post, because I (and many others, I guess) rarely check the announcements themselves. Best regards, Thomm
  7. You mean ... it never hits? Best regards, Thomm
  8. Funny: http://www.theonion.com/section/kim-jong-il/ Best regards, Thomm
  9. Hi all, I did some testing and it seems that the number of fixed elevation points (the black ones in the map editor) does not negatively impact the frame rate. So it may well be possible to transfer greyscale heightmap data (or something similar) directly (point-by-point) to CMx2 without loss of performance. Perhaps our Hachidan tool programmer Japanzer can provide interfaces for this purpose. Best regards, Thomm
  10. John1966, Do you happen to have a save game of this situation? It would be good to process this as a bug since every possibility to "harden" the code should be grabbed! Best regards, Thomm
  11. RT H2H: Not satisfying, in my limited experience. RT vs. AI: Not a question of age, but a question of scenario size and how many different focal points one has to control. If there is time pressure and units are spread all over the map, it tends to become stressful. WeGo: Do it only when I want to test something specific. PBEM should be great fun, but I do not have time for it. As for WeGo in general, way too time-consuming. Best regards, Thomm
  12. Okay, I have processed this (does not guarantee a fix, but increses the chance)! Thanks for reporting! Best regards, Thomm
  13. Now that is an interesting observation! Do you happen to have a save game of this particular situation? Edit: Continued reading thread to find out that it can be set up easily in the editor. I put it on my testing list! Best regards, Thomm
  14. I reiterate the answer for you: If I recall it correctly, for some technical reason the vegetation was covering the icons when they were floating lower. The people who know the graphic engine better than you and me decided - at that time - that making the icons float higher would solve the problem with minimum effort. After that, everybody became used to it. That's it, basically. Best regards, Thomm
  15. I still think that the original post has some merit. I also realize that the technical reasons for making the icons float so high may still be applicable, so I do not expect change. Lets take a look a this screenshot which I borrow from another thread: Look at the infantry icon over the tip of the church tower! Where is this unit? Look at the HQ icon to the left, over the transparent building! Where is the unit? Look at the infantry icon in the center of the screenshot! Where is this unit? Ground floor? First floor? Why is the icon over the distant tank floating higher above the tank than the one over the close tanks? Again, I do not really have issues with the status quo, but I think that these questions remain valid. Best regards, Thomm
  16. It just occured to me that all those active beta testers that tried to respond in a productive manner in this thread do not wear the Beta Tester tag any more! Kind of sad, actually. Best regards, Thomm
  17. Of course it is! Just look at your example screenshot! Also, those icons were not clickable any more, once they were submerged in the foliage. What I do not get is why it is not possible to make sure that the icons are always in front of the trees. Best regards, Thomm
  18. This is what I wrote on page 1: Got lost among the noise, I guess. Best regards, Thomm
  19. Yes, and he put a lot of effort into it, also. Good work. Had he chosen a less emotional style of posting, perhaps it would have been even better. I played around with the game yesterday and found, that the icons are pretty much perfectly placed for units that are close to the camera, i.e., slightly above those units. That is a good start. As the camera moves away, the icons start to rise, in terms of their apparent height over ground. I am so used to it that it does not bother me. But is it the optimal solution? Perhaps it would be best to attach a "string" to the icon "balloons", leading down to the unit. This way, the view remains unobstructed by the icons yet it is clear where the units are located. And the icons can still shift when overlapping has to be avoided. Unfortunately, drawing lines in the 3D world involves constructing them from polygons (please correct me if this is not the case) so this is quite a big change. Best regards, Thomm
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