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No updates? Seriously?

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I second the idea of a weekly, or even just a couple times a month, dev diary of some sort. I've been following Naval War Arctic Circle and they are really good about giving the community an idea of what they are currently doing. Often its just a paragraph and a screenshot, but it gives the forum something to talk about while we wait.

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to talk about them here :P but all of the upcoming Paradox Interactive games (Crusader Kings 2, Sword of the Stars 2, above mentioned NWAC, etc) follow a similar style of dev diaries, and regularly post little tidbits on their respective facebook pages. BFC could take some notes. I know you guys are busy, but surely someone has time for one screenshot and paragraph's worth of PR once a week. Little breadcrumbs, that's all we want :)

Edit: Oh yeah, I didn't make clear, these games all have pretty small teams and manage to do this.

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I don't read all threads. Especially recently - I've been about seven feet underneath my to-do list, and I've fallen behind on checking the forums.

Under normal circumstances I tend to read the threads that appear to be about / contain bug reports or developer requests, and of course anything about the Mac version, as pretty much everything about it falls into my purview. Beyond that if it seems something warrants a response, I'll read it. I may or may not respond, depending on how much good I think I'll be able to do.

But I certainly don't read everything. If you really, really want me to read something, PM or email me, which you are welcome to do. Even then, as folks can attest, it can take some time to get answers, but I do try.

Understood and wanted to say thanks for your work. CM=My only relaxation between work and 2the toddlers

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I don't read all threads. Especially recently - I've been about seven feet underneath my to-do list, and I've fallen behind on checking the forums.

Under normal circumstances I tend to read the threads that appear to be about / contain bug reports or developer requests, and of course anything about the Mac version, as pretty much everything about it falls into my purview. Beyond that if it seems something warrants a response, I'll read it. I may or may not respond, depending on how much good I think I'll be able to do.

But I certainly don't read everything. If you really, really want me to read something, PM or email me, which you are welcome to do. Even then, as folks can attest, it can take some time to get answers, but I do try.

Oops, accidental double post

Understood and wanted to say thanks for your work. CM=My only relaxation between work and 2 toddlers

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Thanks Statisoris. I have multiple smaller copies of myself as well. I understand the relaxation bit.

I'd love to do a dev diary. I've been meaning to ask about doing one. Unfortunately a) I barely have time to post in the forums, let alone be publicly cogent (yes, I deliberately courted that), and B) most of the things I'm working on are things which even our beta testers may not know about for months, so I couldn't talk about them. Which means my dev diary would likely consist of infrequent "did some stuff I can't talk about today, here's a cookie" sorts of deals.

I think Steve could do a far better dev diary, but he's got an even more packed schedule than I do.

Well, I'll ask anyway.

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I don't read all threads. Especially recently - I've been about seven feet underneath my to-do list, and I've fallen behind on checking the forums.

Good - I'd be worried if you were wasting your time reading everything :) It takes me all day as it is :D (looks over shoulder, make sure boss is not looking).

However, with your precious response time, maybe you could focus on "good" threads, not "bad" ones. Same with Steve (even more so!). Just a thought.


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Like I said, it's a judgment call - a "good" thread may be one that's gone horribly awry and could use some input to start reaching reasonable conclusions (or to start providing data we can use). Apart from bug reports and Mac threads I look for threads where developer input will do the most good. Even then I don't jump in unless I feel like I in particular have something to say in the discussion.

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Still plenty to patch on this... I could careless about the next module.

1. Tanks firing on the move

2. Game crashing

3. Not saving pbem file

4. being locked in your own bunker

5. I'm sure there are more.

I have grown to love the game, bugs and all, but what is the point in going on the the next module before fixing the engine?

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Still plenty to patch on this... I could careless about the next module.

1. Tanks firing on the move

2. Game crashing

3. Not saving pbem file

4. being locked in your own bunker

5. I'm sure there are more.

I have grown to love the game, bugs and all, but what is the point in going on the the next module before fixing the engine?

Well, the short answer is that most of the work for a new module lies in creating models, artwork, TO&E and other data. In an ideal world, the amount of programming work necessary to add new vehicles etc. to the game is relatively small (aside from the occasional pathalogical case, and the fact that most cases turn out to be pathalogical :D ).

So the programmers track down and fix the bugs, and other people generate the new content for the next module. Once it is all done, it is generally worth a few days of programmer time here and there to hook the new stuff up to make a new module that can be tested and released. It might mean they are spending 80% of their time fixing bug and 20% working on the new module, rather than 100% of the time fixing bugs. And I'd rather get a new module sooner than get the bugs fixed 20% faster and the new module pushed back by a few months.

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What are the chances of unfixed bugs migrating to a new module?

If they're not fixed, 100%.:)

A module usually contains two things: new content in the form of new formations, etc, and a new version of the game. The new version is usually released shortly after the module as a patch for the main game if the owner decides not to buy the module. If the bug isn't fixed in the new version, it's still there.;)

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What are the chances of unfixed bugs migrating to a new module?

Depends on the bug, and whether it is actually a bug or a flaw.

"Tanks firing on the move" is, e.g., not a bug in the technical sense, but a design decision necessary to compensate for non-existing tactical AI routines.

"Not saving pbem file" is a bug, and it should get fixed with a high probability.

Best regards,


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So in my mind, I take the lack of posting by BFC as a sign that they are concerned about fixing bugs, not about rushing out the new module. It makes sense to me.

If modules were not published until all bugs in the base game were addressed, modules would never be published. Module development and ongoing core engine development/patching are parallel processes.

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If modules were not published until all bugs in the base game were addressed, modules would never be published. Module development and ongoing core engine development/patching are parallel processes.

So if I understand what you are saying, unaddressed bugs are routinely transmitted to subsequent modules of a core game?

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So if I understand what you are saying, unaddressed bugs are routinely transmitted to subsequent modules of a core game?

No, because modules do not exist separately from the core game. Modules add content to the core game (units, scenarios, terrain, etc.). The only bugs that are transmitted to module content are those in assets reused for the module (e.g. if there was an uncorrected error in the 3D model of a vehicle in the base game, then this error would likely be present in Commonwealth module if the vehicle was used somewhere in the new TO&E).

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seriously this is ridiculous:

some time ago taki opened a thread about problems with subsystems damage. me and some other users posted multiple tests, sources etc. with save games to show that something is wrong. the thread gained over 3000 views and 109 posts and no one of the designers showed up (I`ve even posted some direct questions for the designers)

heres the link to the thread:


this thread is nothing but a rant that there are no updates until now and on the first page someone from the design crew posts a comment... this is really not fair !

just wanted to show my disappointment !

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No, because modules do not exist separately from the core game. Modules add content to the core game (units, scenarios, terrain, etc.). The only bugs that are transmitted to module content are those in assets reused for the module (e.g. if there was an uncorrected error in the 3D model of a vehicle in the base game, then this error would likely be present in Commonwealth module if the vehicle was used somewhere in the new TO&E).

I'm not understanding, I'm talking about something in the code, something that controls an action that the game routinely takes. Not necessarily a visual item.

Lets, for example, take the problem with PBEM files intermittantly not being found in the outgoing mail folder, requiring a turn replay. If that is not fixed by the release of the next module it could also appear when playing scenarios from that module?

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seriously this is ridiculous:

some time ago taki opened a thread about problems with subsystems damage. me and some other users posted multiple tests, sources etc. with save games to show that something is wrong. the thread gained over 3000 views and 109 posts and no one of the designers showed up (I`ve even posted some direct questions for the designers)

heres the link to the thread:


this thread is nothing but a rant that there are no updates until now and on the first page someone from the design crew posts a comment... this is really not fair !

just wanted to show my disappointment !

And yet thousands of players, myself included, play and enjoy the game intensively, day after day, without worrying for a second about 'subsystem damage'... isn't that strange? :o

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