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Any update on the QB map side switching?

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I can only play ME because the map side switch happens all the time.... We are both running PC and both have the update....

This game is so damn buggy....

Did they rush it out?

No it isn't and no they did not, however unfortunately that has no bearing on how frustrating this is if in your situation it is occurring. Genuinely hope you are able to work through this as it must be very major pain in the a** and the game is well worth being patient for.

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I am nearly finished testing for this issue I can say this about PC vs PC... I cannot duplicate this playing PBEM players who said they may have had the problem. I have not fully completed testing on the MAC vs PC PBEM but it appears that Mac players who do the following should be OK: from Schrullenhaft--

The Mac 1.01 patch has had 3 releases, the latest considered "1.01B", but it will only appear as "1.01" on the screen. There is no way of distinguishing between the three other than the date of the executable file.

The second 1.01 Mac patch (released on 7/22, but internally dated 7/21) should have fixed the issue with setup zones being swapped.

The latest 1.01 Mac patch ("1.01B") addresses mostly copy-protection/DRM issues seen with OS 10.7 and addresses a small issue with some keyboard controls. I suggest that your opponent download and install the 1.01B patch (Atomicgamer download site) after reinstalling CMBN.

I will keep you posted.

Also: It seems important to note that when players use the map review function in the unit selection screen they are looking at exactly how the map was originally made. If a map was made with the default of Allied as attacker then you'll be looking at a blue strip of ground on the edge/side of the map. Of course the Axis defender default will have a large chunk of red covering a large portion of the map. It will NOT show what the players have chosen for attacker/defender setup. So don't let that fool or frustrate you. Just continue on to the setup phase. Now if your sides appear reversed do these in order:

1 open the menu screen, check briefing and verify that you are supposed to be attacker/defender but are not in the right setup area.

2. write down the full name of the QBmap

3. save the file

4. send the file and any password and if PBEM Mac,PC or mix to me mark.ezra3591ATgmailDOTcom

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A Mac-atomicgamer V1.1 player took time to play me The test was trouble free. Mac player should be sure they are using the atomicgamer V1.1B and follow all installation instructions. Thanks to those players who took the time to provide info and participate in testing.


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I have received some Mac (Atomicgamer V1.1b) vs PC PBEM save files that show's the Flip. I've asked the players involved some follow up question for a BFC bug report. I'd very much like a Mac Atomicgamer V1.1b player to send me a PBEM setup using QB Map "Attk Large Rough (bocage) QB 127". Use standard US Attacker-German Defender for setup. I'd like to play it through to each sides setup/movement orders turn. Please also let me know if you are on a laptop or desktop Mac and if you are using "snowbird" (whatever that is) I'll be on a Desktop PC. send to


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I've just had a problem with "probe Small Village (bocage) QB-071.btt". It's the map that's a revamp of the one used in "Road to Berlin". Apart from the US spending all its points (in defense) on a platoon of Shermans and an FO (who blew a load of indirect HE on a preplanned barrage), the starting positions were messed up.

The victory location is a splodge on the road stretching from near the end farm to about level with the side farm. The German deployment zone was in the left at the crossroads end. I first spotted enemy units in the woods near the farm on the right. Facing away from me. Some speculative 105mm direct HE into the hedge near the end farm seems to have prompted the 4 shermans to scuttle over towards and onto the VL where they were soon despatched. Reloading the 'before first turn' save and ceasefiring shows the US troops deployed with their rears just about level with my most advanced element, facing the same way I was, just the other side of the road (and a couple of hedgerows).

This is 1.01, PC, single player QB.

This game illustrates 3 problems for me:

  1. Setup zones for the map are a bit squiffy.
  2. The AI plan is very odd and its reactions to the presence of enemy are entirely inappropriate, though this could just be down to mislabelling of 'friendly' map edges and orientation.
  3. The auto pick for small forces is still out of whack. It was definitely a 'Mix' force selection. I suppose it's 'realistic' that occasionally a sherman platoon might find itself tasked with defending a location without infantry, but it would be unusual, and it hardly makes for a challenging game: the AI doesn't need the handicap of 'exotic' force mixes.

I have saves for most of the turns it took to bushwhack those unsuspecting shermans from the rear (most of which were me not being sure that 4 shermans could use up the whole points allocation of a small QB, and being super cautious, but apparently they just about can), if you want 'em.

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I've just had a problem with "probe Small Village (bocage) QB-071.btt". It's the map that's a revamp of the one used in "Road to Berlin". Apart from the US spending all its points (in defense) on a platoon of Shermans and an FO (who blew a load of indirect HE on a preplanned barrage), the starting positions were messed up.

The victory location is a splodge on the road stretching from near the end farm to about level with the side farm. The German deployment zone was in the left at the crossroads end. I first spotted enemy units in the woods near the farm on the right. Facing away from me. Some speculative 105mm direct HE into the hedge near the end farm seems to have prompted the 4 shermans to scuttle over towards and onto the VL where they were soon despatched. Reloading the 'before first turn' save and ceasefiring shows the US troops deployed with their rears just about level with my most advanced element, facing the same way I was, just the other side of the road (and a couple of hedgerows).

This is 1.01, PC, single player QB.

This game illustrates 3 problems for me:

  1. Setup zones for the map are a bit squiffy.
  2. The AI plan is very odd and its reactions to the presence of enemy are entirely inappropriate, though this could just be down to mislabelling of 'friendly' map edges and orientation.
  3. The auto pick for small forces is still out of whack. It was definitely a 'Mix' force selection. I suppose it's 'realistic' that occasionally a sherman platoon might find itself tasked with defending a location without infantry, but it would be unusual, and it hardly makes for a challenging game: the AI doesn't need the handicap of 'exotic' force mixes.

I have saves for most of the turns it took to bushwhack those unsuspecting shermans from the rear (most of which were me not being sure that 4 shermans could use up the whole points allocation of a small QB, and being super cautious, but apparently they just about can), if you want 'em.

Not at all germaine to this thread. The map is what it is...troops aren't a map issue. Setup zones and AI plans are and I'll give a bit of look at that some other day....

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  • 2 weeks later...


a new report, the following happened:

Game version for both players is 1.01.

QB PBEM set up, with US as Attacker for an "Assault" type battle. Map selection was set to automatic.

The map which got selected is "Attk Med Town (water) QB-101", which, strangely enough, is an Axis Attack map.

Shouldn't the game select a different map in this case?

Consequently, my german defenders end up in the attacking setup zone, with nothing to defend.

Any idea what went wrong? Why does the game select an Axis attack map when I try to set up an US Assault?

Files (ema and save) would be available.

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MAC has nothing to do with it? I play PC and so do both of my main opponents.... we have all had this issue many times with each other and with all players. There is not a MAC in the bunch. We are also all using the updated version....

So, you are claiming that there is not an issue with the game but we all have bad instals?

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I've just had a similar issue with Attk Med Village QB-006.

PBEM Game with the Americans as the Attacker but in the setup phase the US was able to set up in the Axis Setup zone.

However when I loaded the turn a second time the setup zones were correct.

We're both using a PC patched up to Version 1.01

Saved games available if necessary

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  • 5 months later...

this is my first QB and I can't get the game to start up correctly. I am playing on a Mac vs a PC player. We are going all the way to the set up turn and the set up zones are definitely reversed. I will send you the next file that I do that does this. All the others are deleted although I might be able to pull them out of the trash. I should also note that I am using the CW module which includes the latest patch.

The other note is that I see reports of this problem all the time still. I am playing in a pretty large forum, The Few Good Men.

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