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Hi i'm totally new to your series.

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Well let me start by saying the demo even though it was hard as hell prompted me to buy your game. At £34 it's not exactly cheap for a PC title but what the hell I figured judging by the demo that it's worth it.

So uh yeah I am a big fan of the men of war series and ww2 games in general and I do like realism in my games, but this game just takes the biscuit as far as I'm concerned.

Just a few questions though.

How do I stop my tanks automatically firing at everything they see?

How do I actually move my anti tank guns?

And lastly why is the download only 60kb/s :S are the servers on the moon :D (It's not my net because I tested a download in steam and got a respectable 1.8mb/s)

So yeah when this download eventually finishes I cannot wait to try the full game!

Also any other tips for a total noob to the series?

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How do I stop my tanks automatically firing at everything they see?

How do I actually move my anti tank guns?

Also any other tips for a total noob to the series?

Good to hear that new people are finding the game! So it's just not only the Cm1 or SF veterans :)

Try using the covered arcs for the tanks. Then they'll fire only targets inside the arc. Unless something they consider a big threat then They'll shoot regardless of the arc.

Yuo have to click the Deploy Weapon button first and then give the movement command. They will then pack their stuff which takes a while and them move the gun. And then you have to deploy the weapon again, otherwise it just stands there and the gun is not operational.

Just enjoy the game and don't get frustrated because this is definitely not the easiest nut to crack :)

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Welcome, to the game and to, probably, the friendliest and most helpful game forum on the internet (just stay out of any thread containing the words "Peng Challenge" in the title).

"Also any other tips for a total noob to the series?"

The biggest thing is to take your time. Most scenarios are plenty long enough for the goals you have to achieve. So go gently, scout and use real world tactics.

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Moving your anti-tank guns can be problematic, depending on which anti-tank gun. Packing up, limbering, moving, and redeploying a 57mm (6 pounder) is pretty quick. The big 88s are monsters that no truck in the game can tow. They can be manhandled for short distances but may take a while to deploy afterward.

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My main tip is:

Think carefully.

This game is a much more realistic reflection of WW2 era warfare than most games on the market. So if you end up with key units dead, or even just out of position, there is no going back...

Successfully completing a mission requires a much better plan than in just about any other tactical-level wargame.

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How do I stop my tanks automatically firing at everything they see?

Usually you want tanks to fire at any enemy they can see, because generally speaking tanks have (a) very poor stealth, so if a tank can see the enemy, chances are the enemy has already spotted the tank, and (B) a good ammo supply.

However, for those occasions where you do want a tank to hold fire you have a few options:

1) Use a Cover Arc. This will stop the tank from from firing at anything outside of the Arc. The tank may break this rule if it feels seriously threatened by something outside the Cover Arc. But be aware that setting overly restrictive Cover Arcs can come back to bite you on the @ss if a new enemy pops up outside of the arc, as the tank may not engage.

2) Issue a "Target Light" order -- this will stop the tank from using its main gun, and limit it to MG fire. Useful for when you want to keep up fire on an enemy unit, but save your main gun rounds for more important targets.

3) If you don't want the tank to fire at anything at all, put it in defilade or otherwise break contact so it doesn't have LOS to the enemy at all. This is generally what I do with my tanks if I don't want them engaging the enemy at the moment -- an exposed tank is a potential target, and I'd rather not the enemy know exactly where my tank is, if I don't have a need for its firepower at the moment.

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Welcome! Couple of tips: Learn to watch for spotting rounds from enemy artillery. You can often work out where the main volley is likely to hit and get out of there. Also don't be shy about using area fire on possible enemy locations on the attack, it can be a life saver. Target light is probably best if you're not sure theres something there, this way you won't waste rifle grenades and bazooka rounds.

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Well let me start by saying the demo even though it was hard as hell prompted me to buy your game. At £34 it's not exactly cheap for a PC title but what the hell I figured judging by the demo that it's worth it.

Welcome aboard.

Also any other tips for a total noob to the series?

Troops detect other units much better if they're given chance to sit for a bit. It's generally not necessary to move everything every turn, and the static units will see the enemy much better.

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Thanks all :D

Few more questions if i may.

  1. How the hell do i use the bazooka inside my halftrack?
  2. How do I group up squads? I can seem to take them appart in their seperate peices such as anti tank team etc but i can't rejoin them.
  3. Say the crew to my anti tank gun is gone, can i reman it somehow?

Thanks all!

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[1]How the hell do i use the bazooka inside my halftrack?

Use the acquire command with the unit you want to take it. They have to be inside the halftrack to do this.

[2]How do I group up squads? I can seem to take them appart in their seperate peices such as anti tank team etc but i can't rejoin them.

Split squads should rejoin when they're on the same action square as each other but in my experience it can be hit or miss as to whether it actually works.

[3]Say the crew to my anti tank gun is gone, can i reman it somehow?

No you can't. Once the gun is abandoned or the crew is killed that's it.

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How the hell do i use the bazooka inside my halftrack?

In the "Special" order tab, there's an "Acquire" order. Mount a unit in the halftrack and use that order to pick it up. You can also acquire ammo while you're at it. Most infantry veehicles have some smallarms ammo which I find I always need more of.

How do I group up squads? I can seem to take them appart in their seperate peices such as anti tank team etc but i can't rejoin them.

Just get them to coexist on the same action point for a while and they'll join up. Usually. Sometimes they seem a bit reluctant to merge with their squadmates.

[*]Say the crew to my anti tank gun is gone, can i reman it somehow?

Sadly, no.

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Thanks all :D

Few more questions if i may.

  1. How the hell do i use the bazooka inside my halftrack?
  2. How do I group up squads? I can seem to take them appart in their seperate peices such as anti tank team etc but i can't rejoin them.
  3. Say the crew to my anti tank gun is gone, can i reman it somehow?

Thanks all!

* load some guys into the jeep and issue an 'acquire' order (is that it? key 'G' in alternate hotkeys), a list of ammo/weapons will display and you can choose what you want your guys to take. Use the same technique to get ammo from vehicles too.

* move them back into the same action-square and leave them for a few moments and they'll rejoin on their own.

* no

(edit) too slow :D

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How the hell do i use the bazooka inside my halftrack?

I see you have answers to everything. When I read that first question I interpreted it differently. So, I will add that bazooka teams will not fire when they are inside buildings. I am not 100% sure but I will bet they will not fire when inside trucks or half tracks either. That little tid bit is important to know up front.

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I see you have answers to everything. When I read that first question I interpreted it differently. So, I will add that bazooka teams will not fire when they are inside buildings. I am not 100% sure but I will bet they will not fire when inside trucks or half tracks either. That little tid bit is important to know up front.

So that's why my "Street of ungodly tank doom" failed, I wondered why that armour convoy slipped through without a scratch :S

I literally had 10 AT teams in houses with criss crossing fire arcs tottaly covering this one stretch (It was the only possible street to go, I mined and hedge-hogged the other streets.)

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