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Challenge me in the Bocage O wiley Peng

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Nidan1 and Speedy! Not sending turns whilst still posting in the MBT will not make your humiliating ass whuupings go away. Unless you are now applying Shawian tactics, continue your games.

I was making productive use of my time at my place of employment.

edit- And just where is Mace, I feel it is only right that he should put in an appearance so I can ask his thoughts on Essendon's glorious victory over Geelong on Saturday night.

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Test subject Magpie Oz is most interesting, I'm sure it will only be a matter of months before he works out which oriface the pills go in.

Which of course will be well short of your standing record by a good long while.

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Emrys should be here shortly, he is a wealth of useless information.

It is not useless! I prefer to think of myself as the Swiss Army Knife of knowledge. Just because you've never had to extract an infected tooth with a pair of tweezers and a corkscrew doesn't mean that nobody else hasn't, Mr. Smarty-Pants!


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Test subject Magpie Oz is most interesting, I'm sure it will only be a matter of months before he works out which oriface the pills go in.

Which of course will be well short of your standing record by a good long while.

I may not know where to stick it but I do know how to spell it. orifice.

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Hey, sorry i didnt bow out i just went to bed.

Oh by the way...

What's the difference between Americans and a pint of milk?

If you leave the milk alone for 235 years, it'll eventually grow a culture.

Noltisaboy, if you have time, SSN, from your cheese making insult of Americans, and could get off your Blue arse and send me a QB in your genital size (tiny). Then, I will send you a fresh carton of milk to suck on since you were obviously thrown to the curb as baby and never bonded with your mother. The SSN gauntlet has been thrown.

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It is not useless! I prefer to think of myself as the Swiss Army Knife of knowledge. Just because you've never had to extract an infected tooth with a pair of tweezers and a corkscrew doesn't mean that nobody else hasn't, Mr. Smarty-Pants!

Ah perfect analogy! LOTS of useful stuff on a Swiss Army Knife, just not anything you are going to actually need anytime soon.

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6 minutes to go in the decider of the State of Origin (where the men aren't namby-pamby helmets, armor and spandex pants wearing girly, sissy-men) and Queensland are up 34-18.

In your face New South Wales!! IN YOUR FACE!

And Boo Radley, I know you support the Blues...IN YOUR FACE TOO!

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6 minutes to go in the decider of the State of Origin (where the men aren't namby-pamby helmets, armor and spandex pants wearing girly, sissy-men) and Queensland are up 34-18.

In your face New South Wales!! IN YOUR FACE!

And Boo Radley, I know you support the Blues...IN YOUR FACE TOO!

I like SOME Blues. Billie Holiday, for instance, can be okay for awhile, until she starts to sound whiny, but Blind Lemon Jefferson, Mo Rainey, Ledbelly and "Blind" Willie McTell are just freaking amazing. Hats off to William Handy.

The rest of your post about state of origin, spandex and New South Wales, makes even less sense than the drivel you normally write.

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6 minutes to go in the decider of the State of Origin (where the men aren't namby-pamby helmets, armor and spandex pants wearing girly, sissy-men) and Queensland are up 34-18.

In your face New South Wales!! IN YOUR FACE!

And Boo Radley, I know you support the Blues...IN YOUR FACE TOO!

Stukie, first of all, the only Blues supporter that I know of in this forum is that little weasel Stoat. You are talking about a team that plays real sport aren't you?

Second of all, as King and supreme potentate of America, I demand that you do somefink about that monster weed in NYC. Like encourage it to eat the entire place.

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I'm having the weed gentically modified to uber potency level then having the seeds dropped over Utah, I figure it'll take care of the criminals who haven't already committed suicide...plus a few mormans...but whats a morman or two between freinds hey?

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It's called a Blood Hamster match damnit, you should know that.

If it weren't for the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread and our unceasing attention to the traditions of the CessPool as a Hole this thread would drift off course, throw a shoe and lose an engine.


Speaking of Blood Hamster matches... in House Rune vs The Shaved House our hamsters are unblooded... and still attempting to sniff each other out in the dark.

This might just turn into an ugly armored knife-fight in the dark, which I'm sure will keep all of you quite entertained, much like peasant rabble populating the ancient Roman coliseum.

The win is likely to go to he whose hamsters happen to have their main guns pointed in the right direction at the point where contact is made.

In the finest of Shavian House traditions, I can feel my 'gamey' gene starting to kick in. To lie in wait? To stealthily advance? To dismount all my armor and be sneaksy with the crews, hugging the map edge as my hamsters infiltrate his position? Who knows?

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Gamey Updates

Busssaw v. NG_Cavscout II

Having been given a very defensible crossroads to protect, Cavscount proceeded to shed almost my entire force. I say almost because there is one veteran Panther still roaming the hills. That purchase is turning out to be nice compensation for my lack of skill. AM also starting to wonder at the wisdom of playing versus someone with Cavscout in his handle and Sgt. in his signature....

Buzzsaw v. Marlow

Marlow's Stugs have been doing some kind of strange two-step back and forth in a field. My infantry is refusing to join the dance. Bounced a 60mm mortar of one of the Stugs to no effect, which is bad news, as that is the biggest round I have left....

Buzzsaw v. Hiram, (House Rune (provisional) versus House Bard)

Nice and bloody fight in the woods. I would have said I was getting the better of him until last turn when I lost a half platoon in 2 seconds. (One MG burst and a hand grenade can really ruin your whole day)

Buzzsaw v. Herr Oberst, Blood Hamster Feud, House Rune (provisional) v. Shavian House)

Apparently my tankers raided some french wine cellars before they decided to take a midnight ride through the french countryside. Crossing the first bridge on the map is proving a little too difficult, and I fear that all the stopping and starting is going to end with the insides of my tanks splashed with regurgitated Bordeaux.

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Gamey Updates

Busssaw v. NG_Cavscout II

Having been given a very defensible crossroads to protect, Cavscount proceeded to shed almost my entire force.

That must be one BIG shed he corralled all you men into... vehicles too?

Buzzsaw v. Herr Oberst, Blood Hamster Feud, House Rune (provisional) v. Shavian House)

... Crossing the first bridge on the map is proving a little too difficult...

Agreed... BFC, did you guys remember to model headlights on these AFVs? Even those little slit thingies? Cripes, I think some of my hamstertruppen went to the Hellen Keller Driving School...

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