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Damn cows.. :) Always desired in wargames due to hollywood.

I played ARMA2 couple of weeks ago and stumbled upon bunch of cows. None made it out of that meeting alive. ;)

Lots of historical reasons for having cows and cow carcasses in Normandy, not just Hollywood. But we probably won't see them, or horses (even though the Germans had thousands of them) or sheep, or dogs (barking dogs alert the enemy), or whatever. Not alive anyway, though someone may some day mod a large carcass as a "flavor" object.

The zoo, it ain't. :D

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Yes! I want too blow up some cows!. My old artillery unit accidently did this when some cows escaped from their pen during some training exercises, and wondered into the impact zone before the rounds started coming in. The farmer was pissed, but it was not the army's fault they got out and wonderd so far. I'm in the FDC and we here over the radio. Cease Fire! We got cows in the impact zone. LOL.

I think an actual moving cow would just take extra memory, but dead ones in the form of flavor objects would be an idea for littering the battlefield.

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Lots of historical reasons for having cows and cow carcasses in Normandy, not just Hollywood. But we probably won't see them, or horses (even though the Germans had thousands of them) or sheep, or dogs (barking dogs alert the enemy), or whatever. Not alive anyway, though someone may some day mod a large carcass as a "flavor" object.

The zoo, it ain't. :D

I'm not saying cows do not belong in Normandy, I'm just saying they are of no value to the game since they had no value in the reality. No tactics were drawn or used based on cows, they were just there.

A movie showing soldiers hiding behind a dead cow does not make it a valid tactic in field. Did it happen real life? Probably somewhere. Did it change the course of battle, most likely not. There are tons of other features that are more important to add.

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I'm not saying cows do not belong in Normandy, I'm just saying they are of no value to the game since they had no value in the reality. No tactics were drawn or used based on cows, they were just there.

Because, inexplicably, both sides failed to train cows to become deadly roving herds of suicide bombers.

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I'm not saying cows do not belong in Normandy, I'm just saying they are of no value to the game since they had no value in the reality. No tactics were drawn or used based on cows, they were just there.

A movie showing soldiers hiding behind a dead cow does not make it a valid tactic in field. Did it happen real life? Probably somewhere. Did it change the course of battle, most likely not. There are tons of other features that are more important to add.

Oh, I agree, they would only have historical and visual context, not tactical. I never intended otherwise. Unless you count the negative morale effect of constantly having to smell their bloated carcasses for days on end. :D

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To be entirely practical (even to a somewhat silly thread), putting cows in would tax the computer system more--need every calculation to be for something important.

This game is already calculating and displaying leaves and grass waving in the wind along with vehicle interiors and fired mortar shell labels...a few dead cows lying around are hardly going to crash it or make it bog down.

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Without live cows, how can we:

1) Enjoy the scenario "Save the town from a stampede!" or the campaign "Save the town from some stampedes!"

2) Herd cattle from one side of a field to the other as MOBILE cover? Honestly, if the AI is going to rush a dismounted tank driver from the burning wreck of his Sherman at one end of a field straight across 200 yards of open ground at my MG-42, there's no way the gamey basterd is going to make it if he can't rely on the lee of a friendly cow or twenty. Obviously, his tacAI has come to the reasonable conclusion that if he's in a field, there must be cows. Please "fix or do somefink."

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The cows have it! Dead cow flavor objects! If we can't get cows then how about French whore flavor objects. They lean up against the buildings, and when the troops are by them they get a distraction penalty, Or better yet a simulation takes place where the troop has caught V.D. In this case it drops morale to -3, or -4. :) that's realistic, isn't it?

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