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Battlefront --Question re the Steelbox

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Also, as someone in the thread also points out: we do not make customs laws. Your country does. We have to comply with US export laws (which prevent us from stating a lower value for customs purposes than what you paid)...

The value of the physical shipment is the price of the physical shipment minus the cost of the download-only option. As long as the package the client bought includes the download option, the literal value of the phsyical copy is no more than materials.

I've had a number of differenrt companies ship me things across the US-Canada border like this.

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The value of the physical shipment is the price of the physical shipment minus the cost of the download-only option. As long as the package the client bought includes the download option, the literal value of the phsyical copy is no more than materials.

I've had a number of differenrt companies ship me things across the US-Canada border like this.

You can take that line of argument with your local customs office, of course. We only include the official invoice (which is what we're required to do).


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Im afraid it is fair to be upset with battlefront. They clearly had an option to dispatch from within the EU and have done so before. Why would we think they wouldnt this time. They have had our money for a month and then on the eve of the release make it plain ie not just inside the small print - that it will be shipped from US with possible extra charges . Very Poor. No more pre-ordering for me.

Yes, we have been shipping out of the EU location until last year, when EU customs apparently decided that it would be fun to hold shipments for 2-3 months before releasing them. Would you like to wait for 2-3 months for your pre-ordered copy?

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As a customer outside the US, it is up to you to get all and any information about shipping and/or customs fees for the steel box or any other product you buy from outside the EU.

It is hardly fair to be upset at Battlefront over any fees in other countries outside the US.

If you find it to expensive, you should consider the download only version of the game.

The option to this, if you realy want the game and the steelbox is to order it and hope customs won't care or pay any fees.

I disagree. I know all about fees for importing goods so I don't do it. If Battlefront changed their shipping method (to one different from all previous releases and much more expensive for non US customers) and failed to make this clear to customers I am perfectly entitled to be annoyed about it. Someone from Battlefront please confirm what the case is and if necessary I will change my order to download, the only sensible option for non US customers if shipping policy has changed.

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To make sure people have to dig through this lengthening thread to become alerted to potential customs fees I have posted the following "sticky" thread:


On a related note, we really wish we could offer preorders shipping from Germany as well as the US. Back in the old days, before the US Dollar went down the toilette and shipping costs went through the roof, we used to do an expedited shipment of "just enough" physical goods to Ireland (our shipping facility at the time). This cost us an extra Dollar or two per preorder, but it didn't cause a big delay in shipping European preorders (no delay if everything went as it should have). But now... it's simply not economical any more. Which is why we have changed our preorder policy to ship from the US only.


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I disagree. I know all about fees for importing goods so I don't do it. If Battlefront changed their shipping method (to one different from all previous releases and much more expensive for non US customers) and failed to make this clear to customers I am perfectly entitled to be annoyed about it. Someone from Battlefront please confirm what the case is and if necessary I will change my order to download, the only sensible option for non US customers if shipping policy has changed.

Noted in the above posts and linked special message. Again, we've only shipped preorders from the US for quite some time now, but of course if you haven't preordered anything in a while then it probably missed your attention.


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. We have to comply with US export laws (which prevent us from stating a lower value for customs purposes than what you paid)

Times change. I well remember receiving a disc which according to the customs form contained "data" valued at $10 all those years ago. Of course, they sent the wrong disc because when I put into the computer it had some game on called CMBO on it. I complained at the time but they never did send the correct disc with the ten bucks worth of data on it. Just one of the hazards of international commerce I guess.

Now that BF is a grown up company, I am delighted to see that they are compling with all relevent laws.

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Noted in the above posts and linked special message. Again, we've only shipped preorders from the US for quite some time now, but of course if you haven't preordered anything in a while then it probably missed your attention.


Thanks for being honourable about this. The sticky thread and offer of cancellation removes any annoyance on my part. I will ride my luck and see what happens. I know the game will be worth it whatever I end up paying.

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Times change. I well remember receiving a disc which according to the customs form contained "data" valued at $10 all those years ago. Of course, they sent the wrong disc because when I put into the computer it had some game on called CMBO on it. I complained at the time but they never did send the correct disc with the ten bucks worth of data on it. Just one of the hazards of international commerce I guess.

Now that BF is a grown up company, I am delighted to see that they are compling with all relevent laws.

Unfortunately, Customs laws were updated specifically to address "value" of software. The old Customs laws required us only to declare the value of the physical goods. It was a gray area that we exploited a bit, as I am sure many other companies did. Now they require us to declare whatever the customer paid. There goes the gray area!


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Excuse me if this is a stupid question but does this only affect preorder, will it be different post release?

There are no stupid questions, only stupid people. Er... wait a sec... never mind that as that's really not a nice thing to say :) Seriously, it's not a stupid question (and you're not stupid for asking it, either!). Here's the answer...

Under NORMAL circumstances we ship a bunch of manuals over to Germany using "the slow boat" and have "on demand" batches CDs physical goods produced within the EU. After the goods are assembled we are then able to send out physical product from our German facility. (see note at bottom)

However, in the case of CM:BN preorders we're talking about a limited edition product. We're nearly sold out now so there's nothing to ship over to Germany for shipment from there. Which means after CM:BN starts shipping there will be no SteelBox product going out of Germany, but there will be the standard "hardgoods" of manual + CD.

Now for the note...

At some point the EU decided to crack down on imported software. When we sent finished goods to Germany they wanted to charge us import duties on the full value of the finished goods instead of on the raw materials costs (as they should). On top of that they kept the goods in their warehouses for unreasonable lengths of times (a month in one case) and even returned a huge shipment back to us for some reason. Of course we received no credit on the shipping charge. Grrr. We have found we can ship the manuals, on their own, without getting into these sorts of problems. We only pay duties on the manufactured value too, which means we don't have to increase the cost of the products we ship out of Germany.

As you can tell, this is one of the less "fun" aspects we have to deal with here at Battlefront.


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Why don't all you Brits dump a bunch of US software into the Thames in protest? Then we will have a reason to invade and fix your silly duties and VAT. ;-)

It does appear that there is some taxation without representation going on around here. You Brits need to remind your govt of what happened the last time they did that. :D

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Im afraid it is fair to be upset with battlefront. They clearly had an option to dispatch from within the EU and have done so before. Why would we think they wouldnt this time. They have had our money for a month and then on the eve of the release make it plain ie not just inside the small print - that it will be shipped from US with possible extra charges . Very Poor. No more pre-ordering for me.

Well it's the case with all games shipped from the States...Matrix Gamesa...HPS...etc etc...and none of them mention it...it's for us to know our laws and Custom Duties not necessarly the seller...infact surely it's common knowledge that internet orders can get stopped by Customs? I knew BF would be sending their games out from the States because thats where their based...I didn't need to read any small print.

I'd say it's a mistake on your side...you must of knwon BF is based in the States so should have realised without having to be told.

One way around it...pay someone in the states to buy it for you and get them to send it as a gift....no customs duty...

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I have a question too if I may, if I cancel the pre-order (I don't want to but the costs may get silly) am I correct in thinking if I wait 'til release and buy the game on release day, I will still be able to get a digital download copy for immediate use and a manual (in the post of course)?

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I have a question too if I may, if I cancel the pre-order (I don't want to but the costs may get silly) am I correct in thinking if I wait 'til release and buy the game on release day, I will still be able to get a digital download copy for immediate use and a manual (in the post of course)?

Yup - if you order post release you can start the download immediately (at least going from my CMSF experience) and wait blow stuff up whilst waiting for the hardcopy manual to arrive in the post.

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Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I want the SB edition but resent the potential cost. Do I feel lucky with customs? The VAT charge isn't really the killer, it is the robbery.. I mean "admin processing fee" of the PO/Courier that ticks me off.

They might as well deliver the game wearing a mask and on a horse called Black Bess.

Before I make a firm decision on whether to cancel or not, what will be the situation with the hard goods modules?

If these are going to incur the same charges then it is just not financially viable to get the game.

I really hate DL only as I like having a hard copy, something that may be of value in years to come (backup coasters have no value), and was really looking forward to the manual.

No plan survives contact with the next turn button

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