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CM:BN Beta AAR/DAR Bois de Baugin - German side

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Correct. The end can be at a fixed time, or some variable amount of time after a fixed time.

For example, the scenario design could specify 30minutes/turns, and that's exactly how long it will last. Alternately, the specify 30+10 which means the scen will last somewhere between 30 and 40 minutes.

It would be nice to add the option for opponents to consensually extend the time limit, there's no reason to take control of that out of the players' hands.

"Okay so you won, want to play out the next five minutes and see how that assault I ran out of time for would have panned out?"

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Let me guess, you guys did a sitdown months ago (which is why you're using an older beta build) and played a tcp/ip RT game while also taking screenshots...


As it happens we exchanged first files on Boxing Day last year, but didn't really get under way until the 30th.

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22: Das Alamo

With the abject failure of my attempts to destroy Elvis’ armour on either flank with infantry anti-tank weapons, the spotlight of interest swings back onto la Campagne, and especially my final redoubt there in the Villa compound.

The compound consists of a complex main building and a detached barn, all surrounded by a high wall with a foot gate and a vehicle gate. On most sides the compound is surrounded by various orchard trees, which will limit the close approach of his tanks.


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I’m also counting on some residual fear of close range infantry AT to keep his tanks a safe distance away, even though I don’t actually have so much as a single ‘faust. What I do have are the survivors of two depleted HMG teams, a sniper pair, and a three man scout section – they’re guys who earlier leap-frogged back down the D-28. In total there’s 13 men in the compound, with two MG42s, four MP-40s, a scoped Kar 98k, and a bunch of karbines. I choose not to deploy the HMGs since I want them to be able to quickly switch arcs, and anyway any shooting is likely to be at 10-15m, rather than 5-600, so any benefit provided by the stable mount would be largely worthless. There’s no HQ, which is an oversight on my part, and the most senior man is Unteroffizier Taus of the sniper pair.


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In order to avoid the devastating direct fire of Elvis’ circling Death Stars, I keep all my guys out of the large main building, and down on the ground floors. I also orient them towards the two gates in the wall, since that’s his moist likely axes of advance. His most dangerous course – for me – would be to use any surviving pioneers to create a breach somewhere in the wall and come pouring through that. I don’t really know what I can do about that, since they could come through anywhere and I only have so many men to go around. I piously hope that I’ll have time to react between the creation of a breach and the entry of his men.

From various vantage points I catch glimpses of his men closing in and occupying the rest of la Campagne. He might be down to using HQs and ammo bearers, but Elvis has a lot of HQs and ammo bearers.


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There are sporadic exchanges of fire, but by and large it’s fairly peaceful in the compound for 10-15 minutes after I first pull back in there. Elvis is being very methodical about leading with a lot of direct-fire HE into every outer building before entry, which slows down his rate of advance.

Then at 1531hrs there is a deafening roar


(larger image) POE

Yep, Elvis has adopted my most dangerous course of action, and carried it off to perfection. The timing of the breach means he gets in before I can order a reaction from the stunned defenders.

The collapse is as sudden as it is shocking. Within two minutes it’s all over and all my men are either dead or surrendering.


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It turns out that Unteroffizier Taus is no Davy Crockett. The last thing my men see before they surrender is some of Elvis’ men dashing off down the road towards the exit locations.

Elvis now has what amounts to complete control over the entire map, except for the woods on Hills 154, 144, and 148, and the mobility to exploit it. In fact, the situation has completely reversed itself from earlier in the battle in which my heavy and long-range weapons made moving in the open suicide for Elvis. Now he has the free hand and I have to skulk in the shadows.

5 minutes.

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wow , what a build up to the villa assault , what anticipation .... and then ... was that it :) difficult to put up a fight with remnants i guess. Been a great read though.

Would it be possible to do a quick summary of the victory locations and who hold what now ?

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My VLs are:

* Hill 154/Bois de Baugin

* Hill 144

* Hill 148

* Villa Campagne

I don't recall what Elvis' are. But they're different.

Ok thanks, based on this and the fact there are 5 mins left what is your current expected outcome of the battle ?

i.e major, minor victory , draw , minor , major defeat (not sure how this works).

how are the VLs weighted against casualties in this scenario ?

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So there are bonus points for exit too (i.e. exploitation)? Wow, that's a pretty ambitious target set for a company-scale attack on a heavily defended position....

Nothing standing between Elvis' Shermans and Berlin except a few lousy gallons of gas, I suppose.

....Especially when Elvis hasn't (yet?) secured the high ground dominating those buildings and can therefore expect to be shelled nonstop (after the game, I mean). If not counterattacked.

Maybe the next DAR ought to be "The Reich Strikes Back".

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Ok thanks, based on this and the fact there are 5 mins left what is your current expected outcome of the battle ?

i.e major, minor victory , draw , minor , major defeat (not sure how this works).

how are the VLs weighted against casualties in this scenario ?

In this scen both sides are playing for 1,000 points total. Of that, 500 of mine are in the four VLs, with la Campagne being far and away the least valuable. The rest of my points are for smashing his forces and preserving my own. I forget exactly what the split is on that, and it isn't explicitly stated in the briefing.

Victory depends on who best achieves their own objectives/missions whilst denying the enemy theirs. For example, if we both scored a perfect 1,000 (unlikely, but just say) we'd end up with a draw. Similarly, if we both smash the other guy and each only score 200 points ... draw. It's the difference between what you and your opponent score that determines the level of victory. And yes, it's something like Total Victory/Major/Minor/Draw/Minor/Major/Total Defeat


Have you been reading the AARs - you seem a bit misinformed. For starters, Elvis has a bn-sized group, not a company.

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Me too - I was devastated when the whole position collapsed in less than 2 minutes. Elvis' attack was brilliantly executed.

But it's value as a VL was tiny wasn't it? Looks like you're sitting pretty as far as VLs go - albeit his objectives may be wildly different to yours.

Loving the DAR by the way.

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Just wondering if this scenario Bois de Baugin is meant only for testing CMBN or is it the intention that the scenario will make into CMBN when it is formally released?

And seeing what has happened so far, are there any adjustments to be made for the composition and size of forces available for the final version of Bois de Baugin?

Great game so far. I've been following it everyday.

Battlefront can be assured of income from me this year!


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Come on, come on, stop gabbing and get on with the game!

This is the most exciting thing I've followed since True Blood Series 3.

Get on with it!

@ Battlefront,

Please be aware that each minute that passes between the end of this DAR and the release of the game will be counted in hours of pain for each of us.


PS Probably the most excited I've been about a release since CM: Afrika Korps.

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