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Unit Details


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Did a search but couldn't find anything (very good possibility it was my search strings), but I really miss the old CMx1 unit details screen.

The one that showed the armor values for the various sides on vehicles, weapons, plus a lot of details I don't remember (think the shortcut was enter or x + enter)....but the best was the Kills for me. I really miss this, especially now that we have real-time and you can't manually back track the action to watch who's shell just destroyed this or that unti/vehicle.

And with infantry being changed to 1 soldier per unit member, instead of an abstracted, I find myself constantly wishing I could see who is doing actually doing the killing.

Is this going to be brought back at some point? Or is it out for good?

Again, if this has been discussed to death, I apologize. My search skills failed me.

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IIRC, BFC has said that part of the reason why specific armor thickness and penetration values are not listed in CMSF is that modern AFV armor is much more complex than WWII-era stuff, so it's difficult to come up with one RHA-equivalent figure, and have it mean much. One type of armor protects better against HEAT, but not so well against, kinetic penetrators, a another kind the opposite, etc.

It's possible we'll get armor protection and penetration stats again in CM:N; I don't know... even with the generally simpler armor composition on WWII AFVs, the projectile vs. armor modeling in CMx2 is also much more complex, so straight-up x armor thickness vs. y penetration value figures aren't going to be as applicable to all situations as before. But I suppose some sort of general estimate could still be done.

In re: kill stats, I do also recall BFC stating that this was "on the list." How high up on the list, and whether we'll see kill stats in the initial release of CM:N, is anybody's guess... my guess is probably not, quite possibly as an added feature in one of the later modules.

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People make way to much of the armor specifics.

AT 14, RPG 29, Javelin, TOW, and main gun rounds from western tanks are nearly guaranteed kills against anything except one or two western tanks. And they don't do those world of good either although SOMETIMES they come thru okay on the frontal arc.

From the sides and rear every anti tank weapon in the game bigger than a 66mm LAW is a least a decent shot to take out anything, so don't get your fancy toys shot the sides and rear, period.

All IFVs and armored personnel carriers are vulnerable to virtually any thing that goes bang. Using them like tanks leads to the wrong kind of fireworks

Soviet derived tanks can kill any thing except the front of western tanks, but don't be cocky about it with your Abrams.

Last but not least, if the crew is unsuppressed, late model ATGMs don't miss much. Its a lousy bet.

Very last thing, AAVs are not a combat vehicle, they are a rolling ammo dump "armored" with detonation caps, treat it appropriately.

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Woo shoulda proofed my post before sending, but that's life on the iPad, squeeze out a MSG on the go, and the op is the result.

Even if we can't get specifics, some thing simple could be used instead, such as the ballistic resistance tab. That would be fine with me as long as weapons and kill details are in there.

Giving us relevant info such as weapon ranges, and having that available with a click of a button, instead of having to dig up a PDF manual, DL a user created document, or hit the forums, is massive, both as a resource, and for the immersion factor which enhances how one feels about their gaming session.

I really hope that if it does get implemented, that each soldier is tracked. It's subtle things like that, that really gets players invested in their pixel troopers....ESP in a persistent campaign like CMSF has. Uncommon Valor had this in spades, I would get really really bummed when one of my Aces, or a special bomber pilot/crew was shot down.

Anyhow, I am glad to hear it's on a list, I am really crossing my fingers on this one :)

Ps: sorry ahead of time, still on the go and with the iPad hehe

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Giving us relevant info such as weapon ranges,

We do have that partially, for crew served weapons and teams I believe. I know I've seen ranges for RPGs and Javs in the info box...

But yeah some info within game for main guns and stuff wouldn't be bad.

I definitely want the kill list back...I've been asking for it since CMSF came out...adds a ton to the end of battle survey. And if it carried through in campaigns it would even be cooler. And I also agree a list per man would be nice.

Also I remember Steve saying something about maybe being able to give an approximate kill percentage when targeting a vehicle but it wouldn't be like CMX1.


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I would like to see a kill list. I think this would be the single most important added feature for me. If the game kept a list of kills by squad I think I would pay much more attention to them and try and keep them from getting killed. Especially if a squad was showing they were more effective than another squad. I think the immersion factor in the game would definitely go up.

I also noticed in the Battlefront post that it does not say anything about not doing a kill a list so I guess there is hope....

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Like many others, I miss reviewing kill stats of my squads after battles.

On a slightly different tangent it occurred to me that the reason given for units not gaining experience in CM1 was that a campaign was too short because it covered sevral hours of battle.

With the new system of longer campaigns I'd think experience gain should be in the mix.

As for max effective ranges tool tips would be good. Same goes for ammo types and actual amounts in those bars.

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Aye it is.

I am hoping that tracking every soldier, mission kills, and campaign kills (more detail the better), are tracked.

And even tho Pen was something I constantly checked, and will be missed in Normandy, I still hope there is min, max, effective and in the case of small arms, suppression ranges.

Experience gains would also add another layer and I'd be thrilled to see it added, but it *might* complicate non-core units for me.

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Too bad about the armour data. Even when I had spend quite a lot of time with CMx1 I kept checking it. It was in itself strangely enjoyable, that anticipation, desperation and hope when you compared the cannon to the armour.

I hope we at least get some sort of hit and kill probability back on the targeting cursor. I regard that as pretty much a must now.

Amen on both kill tracking and experience gain. In these days where much of the gaming world is playing one MMO or another, the latter shouldn't be a tough sell.

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I'll miss them too, it's tough to find those stats all in one place. It was a great feature of the games. It also helped people new to the genre, like my son, compare how the different platforms stacked up. (i.e. don't take on a tiger with a sherman head to head.) He didn't memorize the Panzer Blitz and Tractics data sheets when he was a kid.

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