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Ahem, now that CMSF Nato is finished...

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Hi Battlefront

Now that one project, CMSF Nato, is out of the way, thus completing the family of games for CMSF, can we be assured that Battlefront is doing something about the Mac OS version of CMSF?

We've been told several times in the past that a native Mac OS version will eventually come out but so far nothing has happened.

Will it be released soon, or only after the entire CM Normandy family comes out, or is it "nope, sorry guys, we've dropped plans for Mac OS, you're gonna have to use Windows"

Anything please!



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"Mac OS? What the hell is that, a new Big Mac from McDonalds?"

MAC is that OS that requires a version of windows be coupled with it for any use to be had of it besides web browsing and multimedia functions.

MAC is that OS that when coupled with a copy of windows that MAC user has on a PC is usually meaning its an illegal 2nd install!

MAC is that fan club for teeny boppers that scream for brain dead pop stars.

MAC is that sooo stable OS that supports nothing beyond its tiny comfort zone.

MAC does NOT just work as it becomes more and more popular

MAC is turning japanese... ahem I meant into a PC I really think so....

I should write one of those japanese poems ;)

Now PC on the other hand;

Never works

Always needs tweaking

Needs a degree in engineering

Supports anything and everything.

Allows the freedom of creation and thinking to do anything and everything especially for the smaller outfits.

Is the home of the Microsoft duopoly - I mean bill gates owns some of MAC does he not?

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Finally, I can get rid of Boot Camp. CM is just about the only thing I have left on the PC side of my Mac... I suspect once I have CM:N installed in OSX, I'll rarely, if ever, have the inclination to boot over to Windoze for CM:SF. When I first went back to the Mac three years ago, I was using the Windows partition pretty frequently to run Windows programs I owned and wanted to use. Now, almost everything else I do with the computer (From word processing to video editing) is on the Mac side and I boot in to Windows only on the (unfortunately, all to rare) occasions I have enough free time for a good CMSF scenario.

Now, if BFC will find the resources and time to release a quality tactics game for iPhone/iPad so I have something to entertain me on my subway commute, my life will be complete...

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"Mac OS? What the hell is that, a new Big Mac from McDonalds?"

MAC is that OS that requires a version of windows be coupled with it for any use to be had of it besides web browsing and multimedia functions.

MAC is that OS that when coupled with a copy of windows that MAC user has on a PC is usually meaning its an illegal 2nd install!

MAC is that fan club for teeny boppers that scream for brain dead pop stars.

MAC is that sooo stable OS that supports nothing beyond its tiny comfort zone.

MAC does NOT just work as it becomes more and more popular

MAC is turning japanese... ahem I meant into a PC I really think so....

I should write one of those japanese poems ;)

Now PC on the other hand;

Never works

Always needs tweaking

Needs a degree in engineering

Supports anything and everything.

Allows the freedom of creation and thinking to do anything and everything especially for the smaller outfits.

Is the home of the Microsoft duopoly - I mean bill gates owns some of MAC does he not?

Right On My Brother....and yeah I HATED those Fuggking MAC Vs PC guy commercials and seek revenge whenever I can!

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*Shrug* I actually think Windoze Drones and Mac Fanbois should both be grateful for each other.

I have the good-paying, good benefits job I do because I'm a Windows/MS Office poweruser. Not to toot my own horn, I know how to use these Microsoft products very, very well. Since I can thank Microsoft for my job, I don't like to badmouth them *too* much. But I chose a Mac for our latest home computer for a variety of reasons, which I won't go into here since you've probably heard it all before and I doubt I'm going to change anyone's mind anyway.

But anyway, during that period of time in the 1990s early 2000s when it looked like Windows might actually become the *only* OS for computers, I think Microsoft was starting to get used to being the only game in town, and Windows was rapidly becoming a piece of overengineered bloatware. Revisions to the OS during this period seemed more focused on to driving Windows users into other MS products like Explorer and MS Office than they did bringing actual improvements to the user experience.

Now that Microsoft actually sees some threat to its marketshare from other OSes like OSX, Linux and Chrome, they've started paying attention to the quality of Windows in and of itself again and overall, and I think Windows is the better for it. While I have my criticisms, it does seem like Windows 7 is moving in the right direction, and is an overall improvement. I can't say the same for Win Me and Vista...

Similarly, the Mac was nearly killed off in the 1990s, and in my opinion a large part of the reason for this is that the Mac OSs of the time (8 and 9) did not play well with others. What was created on a Mac often had to stay on a Mac, and opening and using Windows-created content on a Mac was often difficult or even impossible. This was a very bad design choice by Apple. Compelling people who want to use your OS to buy your hardware is one thing; making it difficult for someone who uses your product to play with anyone who chooses otherwise is quite another, especially when you're the minority platform.

Nowadays, Macs play very well with PCs, and 98% of the time, I can take almost any type of content, from Word Processing documents to multimedia files, directly back and forth between my work PC and my Mac, without thinking about it. This is one major reason why I decided to go "back to the Mac," after spending about 10 years as a Windows-only user. Games is actually the one exception here. But this is changing now rapidly as more and more games become available in OSX-compatible form. And now CM can be added to this list...

So both platforms have benefited from the existence of the other. I see a similar thing going on in mobile devices with Android and iOS. Right now, everyone else (Blackberry, WebOS, & Windows 7 Mobile) is kind of looking like an also-ran in that game, but who knows, this could change. If it can get its act together and actually offer a quality product, Microsoft especially certainly has the muscle to get back into the Mobile OS game and actually start gaining market share again.



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YankeeDog I agree with you. Wondoze of late has reaped benefit from a kick in the pants from Mac. Google pushing on the cloud and phone side of things.

I'm not anti Mac per sae and have admired how easy some things on them are to do, especially for people who are technophobes. Macs really do just work for the simple things, but so do PCs. Have you ever tried fixing a broken (software or hardware problem) Mac though? Its a lot harder than a PC purely because MACs were not really designed to be fixed or tweaked, its becoming more common and I'm sure the MAC repair shops which charge a mint are cashing in. Try re-installing the whole operating system just because an update does not apply correctly...... in win you just go into safe mode and press undo.

Certainly as MAC gets more popular it is starting to gain virus problems AND I even know MAC users who have no anti-malware protection unwittingly acting as virus carriers, infecting PCs. This happened recently via somebody I know who had a univers ity research colleague in another country infecting all the other researchers by hosting email virus. His mac was sending malicious software and he had no idea. His fellow researchers tracked it back to him months later and all blocked him.

What I am though is dumb founded by the absolute blind "faith" that mac fans put in apple product.

Its like they became a fan of duplo blocks because that was easy for them, that in turn started a life long religion attached to every new duplo set. Especially earlier on when Macs really did not do much at all unless you had either basic needs or extremely specialised mac niche needs.

Another thing offcourse is the apple adverts openly having a dumb mac yuppy looking down on a smart windows geek. This just shows me how backwards apples marketting dept got their priorities. Funny thing is it worked because the public wants to be cool rather than practical. If I want something done, I'm not going to hire a mac yuppy. But I guess the point of the adv is that you can look cool and do some word processing at the same time. Bargain! Macs offcourse are pretty price competitive these days. So its worth it. They are so original with their PC hardware and windows software. But I can do word processing flawlessly with one.

I really think if MAC did climb to the top it would either turn into PC\windows or we would have one helluva regulated computer scene quashing creativity and stopping indy companies such as this.

Did you see the way Apple tried to stop apple app devs from advertising anywhere but apple recently? The only thing like it for Windows was the app creators trying to stop windows including more functionality with office.

So next time you talk to a MAC owner, make sure you ask them if they installed their windows copy on any other PC or just the mac.

In fact everybody who has done so in this thread pls reply confirming that you actually spent $500 on windows for your MAC ;)

P.S. Its true Google are catching up fast. They are doing a lot of things I don't like though like trying to take over youtube and make people pay for content.

Oh and the next version of windows seems like it may feature an App store.... they better not push too far or people really will go linux

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I have been both a Mac and a PC Tech in various capacities

I bought a PC laptop in 2005 because it was cheaper

I spent more time on Maintenance & Support on that PC laptop in the 3 years I owned it

than in my 25 years of Mac Ownership

Yes, I had to reinstall Windows several times and it was not a simple "Safe Mode & Undo"

I also have done Mac Operating System reinstalls and find them much easier

Why would I buy a $500 operating system when I already own a license for it?

(The PC Laptop Died but I still had the WinXP License)

I have no distaste for PC's but I prefer my Mac

because having used and worked on both

I find the Mac a better experience

My question for some of the PC users who dont care for Macs is

"Have you actually worked with a Mac recently?"

A PC person who doesn't like Macs and hasn't worked with one lately

is just about the same as an anti-PC Mac fanatic who hasn't worked with a PC

I know of more than one PC tech who has a System Admin job with PC's

but their own computer is a Mac

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Actually, yes; I have had to repair software problems with my Mac. Exactly twice in the three years I've had this Mac. Once, I was able to handle it quickly and efficiently on my own after a little bit of research online. The second time, after some initial investigation I had no idea where to go, so I called Apple customer service, and they had me download a utility that promptly fixed the problem. Apple provided this advice gratis, even though the machine wasn't under a warranty at the time or anything. So I don't agree with the idea that Macs are necessarily harder to maintain or fix on your own than PCs; in my experience, if you know enough to delve into the system files and so on, the complexity is about equal. The difference being simply that the Mac doesn't break as much in the first place. Fundamentally, OSX is just a GUI shell over a UNIX core; if you know what you're doing, you can "tweak" or fix it just like you can Windows.

As for the rest, there are elements of truth to what you're saying, but I also think areas where I see things pretty differently. For one, if Apple would "squash indy companies such as this," then why is it that Steve has used a Macbook Pro as his primary computer for years now, and Charles has stated that he prefers to code on a Mac? But there's probably not much point to having this discussion unless Steve and Charles want to actually weigh in and give their perspective.

Saying that "Mac owners just wanna be cool" is an easy out. In my experience, most Mac users don't care so much about being "cool," they just want to get **** done on their computer with a minimum of hassle. My wife is a perfect example. She is not a computer idiot; I'd actually say she's above the 50th percentile in computer competency. But she's also certainly not a computer expert. I'm the one who has always made the computer purchasing decisions, and done all the maintenance and repair. She's self-employed and as a result needs to create a lot of promotional content (flyers, promotional videos, website, etc.) on our home machine. Is it possible to do all this on a PC? Sure. Did she do it herself when we had a PC? Usually, no. Too much hassle, too much time. So either I had to do it, or she paid someone else to do a lot of it. Now, on the Mac, she does it all herself. Page Layout, Video editing, Website maintenance, the whole deal. This alone more than compensates for the "Mac Tax" in initial purchase price, for us.

And let's not exaggerate to prove our point; I don't know why I'd spend $500 on a copy of Windows for my Mac since a full copy of the most expensive version, Windows 7 Ultimate, (probably much more than anyone would need as a secondary OS) is just $265 on Amazon. And actually, there are much cheaper ways of getting a legit copy of Windows on your Mac. For example, if you're willing to settle for an OEM license, there are places that will sell you an installed OEM copy of Windows on your Mac when you purchase the machine. Windows 7 Home premium will cost you under $150 this way.

But anyway, yes; my copy of Windows 98 is completely legit. -- I just uninstalled it on my old PC by wiping the hard drive clean, and then installed in onto my Boot Camp partition. 1 License, 1 install at all times. Not that I use it much anyway anymore. Once a week or so to play CM, and I suspect that will trail off to almost nothing once I can play CM:N on the OSX side. I guess I keep the Windows partition around, just in case. Doesn't cost me anything to do so.



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I have been both a Mac and a PC Tech in various capacities

I bought a PC laptop in 2005 because it was cheaper

I spent more time on Maintenance & Support on that PC laptop in the 3 years I owned it

than in my 25 years of Mac Ownership

Yes, I had to reinstall Windows several times and it was not a simple "Safe Mode & Undo"

I also have done Mac Operating System reinstalls and find them much easier

Why would I buy a $500 operating system when I already own a license for it?

(The PC Laptop Died but I still had the WinXP License)

I have no distaste for PC's but I prefer my Mac

because having used and worked on both

I find the Mac a better experience

My question for some of the PC users who dont care for Macs is

"Have you actually worked with a Mac recently?"

A PC person who doesn't like Macs and hasn't worked with one lately

is just about the same as an anti-PC Mac fanatic who hasn't worked with a PC

I know of more than one PC tech who has a System Admin job with PC's

but their own computer is a Mac

"My question for some of the PC users who dont care for Macs is

"Have you actually worked with a Mac recently?""

I have worked with MACs recently yes. Have worked on the old Gmac and the newer intel based ones.

Have installed gear into MACs (imacs, mac mini, macbook pro etc) and PCs of various ilks and use Both operating system families fairly regularly.

The saying always goes that if your say a plumber that your own household plumbing jobs go wanting. Same goes for computer techs. If its not a hobby with a real home use for them as well then MACs are the easy way out. Plus I will bet they need to learn it for work when it gets very little use at work.

"Why would I buy a $500 operating system when I already own a license for it?

(The PC Laptop Died but I still had the WinXP License)"

Did you know that windows licenses are not transferable to brand new oem machines in some instances? Anywho I am not against that, but you will find most did not happen to have an old dead PC to take a license from.

I'm just saying that the majority of MAC users I know tend to shy away from that question because they either had no idea or have installed illegally. On this board I expect more often than not the people here to be upstanding.

So the question was more food for thought than anything about the price of the mac being inflated by buying windows.

"I spent more time on Maintenance & Support on that PC laptop in the 3 years I owned it

than in my 25 years of Mac Ownership"

Good, its great that you have gotten so much varied gaming use out of the mac over the last 25yrs.

"Yes, I had to reinstall Windows several times and it was not a simple "Safe Mode & Undo"

I also have done Mac Operating System reinstalls and find them much easier"

Wiping a machine is always very easy. Especially since their is not too much to re-install on a mac. Why is this?

I agree yankeedog that in a perfect world the 3billion iterations of a windows install would work seemlessly as a mac install does. The whole point is that windows/PC is such an open customisable mix.

I have to disagree on one point in that most mac users I have talked to really do use MAC as a computer crutch. I am not saying they are silly or brain deficient, just technophobic in a lot of cases.

I agree that maintaining the PC sometimes is a little like keeping a high performance motorcycle or the millenium falcon working. Where the stylish MAC is really a blue collar workhorse simplified PC in fung shwe clothing.

But yeah, I see this turning into a rather long winded debate. I really don't hate MACs. Do not want to offend MAC users. I think its great that MAC users can enjoy this great series of games like the PC can.

Don't forget what it could have been like if we only had mac and windows died back in the day. Likely we would have had no choice but to play console canned games the system would be so locked down. Give the PC a little credit mac users.

The PC has given us soooo much good gaming over the years, and people say its a dying platform for games. I thus feel the need to point out other systems detractors where I can, the loss of modding capabilities and freedom, hardware felxability and progress... strange need to defend it?

p.s. Sorry if the bold seems like shouting.

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Good thoughtful reply I will answer this question

Wiping a machine is always very easy. Especially since their is not too much to re-install on a mac. Why is this?

I didn't wipe the Mac I did an install of the OS without losing anything including all programs and documents.

I have done installs where I updated the old system

and installs where I installed a completely clean operating system

The Mac OS doesn't have DLL's, Autoexecbats, and other Windows Files

So to move change a system or other software doesn't involve them

Installing a program often is just dragging its folder into the applications folder

to uninstall a program doesn't involve an uninstaller most often you can just put it in the trash

The other night I had to move a program from one Mac to another

I copied its folder over from one machine to another using a firewire cable

it started and ran flawlessly

I will admit this has nothing to do with Operating system installs

but just offers a reason I use Macs

I agree that maintaining the PC sometimes is a little like keeping a high performance motorcycle or the millenium falcon working. Where the stylish MAC is really a blue collar workhorse simplified PC in fung shwe clothing.

OK since you used a motor vehicle analogy I will offer one as well :)

I often compare Windows Machines to Trucks with really cranky clutches

While the Mac is a more like a BMW

Each Tool has its function

I wouldnt want to drive a truck on the AutoBahn

nor would I want a BMW as a transport vehicle

NOW can we MAC Folks go Back to Celebrating the News that CM:N is coming to the Mac :D

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i'm more talking about what has to happen if the OS has a problem. Most times MAC techs will just recommend a re-install instead of being able to fix. I ran into this problem the other day. A mac update came in corrupted and the only solution seemed to be to copy backup and re-install. If its as quick as windows system restore then fine.

The MAC re-installs I have done generally involve little in the way of apps or utils, smaller programs to re-install. Thats what I was referring to by little to re-install. My PC on the other had has over 50 games alone to re-install without considering all the smaller apps. Its so customised.

Like I said I am coming across as a MAC detractor when all I want to do is point out that the PC is also a good platform and the MAC is not some sort of holy grail.

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