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First NATO screenshots are here!

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I hope that in CMSF2 we will see many different army's and Russian of course...

Quite possibly CMSF2 will sell even more successfully to support that. + there my be less work with some investment carry over from other titles.

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... Can't agree with you about the "realism" of Dutch troops getting stuck in. Surely both the Canadians and the Dutch have established their bonafides in international operations? Each have a trackrecord of deploying to the toughest areas.
Well, the participaton of the Netherlands seems to me more kind of 'We were here' :D
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I hope that in CMSF2 we will see many different army's and Russian of course...

That's the plan as I understand it and I believe the way they'll handle it you'll be happy to know Russia won't neccesarilly be the "bad" guy.

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That's the plan as I understand it and I believe the way they'll handle it you'll be happy to know Russia won't neccesarilly be the "bad" guy.

o... We like be a bad guys ;)

But maybe we will kick ass chines together... :D

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Well it was said it will be any possible combination of enemies for no particular reason. Maybe that will change when they actually start developing it though.

Or a small chance that change because real world conflicts change the outlook.

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Thanks for the comments guys.

Before the Marines Module came out people worried that it wouldn't offer a different gameplay experience. After all, most of the Blue equipment was identical and the Red stuff was even more so (we did add Syrian Airborne forces). There was a lot of predictions from both fans and foes of CM:SF. Marines Module came out and people found the exact opposite to be the case... the gameplay was radically different.

Before the British Module came out there was once again a bunch of voices saying that there wouldn't be much to offer the jaded Shock Force player, nor enough to get someone who didn't like Shock Force to come into the fold. Then the British Module came out and again, the reaction to it was happy surprise from the critics that the game does indeed play very differently!

Now we see the same concerns before the release of NATO. I think we're pretty comfortable that we can go 3 for 3 :D

Remember folks, if gameplay wasn't deeply affected by the equipment and force organization, then there would be no need to make an Eastern Front version since, really, it's just the same German stuff as Normandy with some new Soviet stuff fighting over the same type of terrain. I mean, how different could the gameplay be, right?



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We call the NATO Module "Alpha" because that is indeed where the game is in relative development terms. However, unlike Marines and British Forces, the underlying game system is pretty much "Final Candidate" status already. The models, weapons, and their data are all in and working very nicely. What we still have to mess around with is TO&E, scenarios, and the Campaign. A little artwork here and there too, of course, but even that is mostly done.

What I'm saying is that the major delay for NATO thus far has been due to us being focused on a major push for Normandy and finishing up Afghanistan, as well as a few significant bottlenecks getting long term fixes. Things should move pretty rapidly now that we're once again going full bore on NATO development.


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This is all nice, but...


I want trucks for Syria. Nuthin' fancy, just trucks. Don't need no friggin laserbeams or antennas on the roof of the trucks, just plain trucks for Syria. Is this too much to ask?

Come on, there's gotta to be trucks (or lorrys (or is it lorries?)) in Syria. It can't be the only military power in the world without trucks...

Oh I give up, put in some AT-camels with laserbeams attached to their heads then...

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What I'm saying is that the major delay for NATO thus far has been due to us being focused on a major push for Normandy and finishing up Afghanistan, as well as a few significant bottlenecks getting long term fixes.

Sounds good, will you fix the view-distance problem (disappearing trees, bushes and road details in distance) too ?

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The good news about module 'Alphas', as opposed to full titles. A lot of the 'grunt work' can be done up front. No need with modules to wait for the game engine to catch up before building maps and working on AI orders sets, for example. And there's a dozen other components, besides, that can be front-loaded while waiting for the module to go Beta. You wouldn't be too far off to assume the NATO 'Alpha' is considerably farther along than the original CM base game was in 'mid-Beta' stage. ;)

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It can't be the only military power in the world without trucks...

At the moment, only the US side fields any trucks in the game. The Brit module had trucks but they were US trucks, with US soldier models and voices. I'd like to see trucks for the Brits, Dutch, Canadians, Germans and the Syrians.

And I'd like a pony too please...

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What exactly is the coverage of this game?

(A) NATO forces in a civil war as the EU collapses as result of Greek and Spanish bankruptcy?

(B) Cold war - what if scenarios?

(3) Balkan wars of the 90s?

(D) NATO attacks Iceland to put an end to this ash issue?

Spain is far from be in bankrupcy... the 4th bigest bank in the world is spanish, and it's only an example.


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I suppose it's too much to hope that water will be included with the NATO module?

Yeah, something like water would be really cool !

My personal wishlist for the NATO-Module:

1. Fix the view-distance problem (disappearing trees, bushes and road details in distance)

2. A automatic pause if a unit takes casualty in Real Time modus

3. Something like water terrain

4. Triggers for the scenario designers

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Sounds good, will you fix the view-distance problem (disappearing trees, bushes and road details in distance) too ?

I don't know what BFC may have up its sleeve, but that may have to wait upon major advances in CPU and video card power.


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I'll take that morning fog that was in the earlier picture over water.

+1 for unarmed Syrian truck, as well as my previous request for a Syrian small arms resupply vehicle.

Also, I don't think that this one has ever been mentioned, but in the "if wishes were horses" vein, I'd love to see a guard tower... basically an immobile vehicle object with light bunker characteristics (e.g. comparable to HMMWV armor) and a 360 field of fire that is tall enough to "see" over the top of an adjacent high wall. Right now, I have to simulate such things by planting a regular bunker atop a 4-tile "hillock" (base elevation +4), but this leaves massive (30m) "dead zones" in front of the perimeter wall.

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