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Another one of those cool moments


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I was screwing around loading sound files to see how they'd be in game (great job AKD, Oddball and Nemboo btw), not really playing but putting units into situations where they'd fire on each other so I could hear the shots. So, while I am doing this this cool little vignette takes place between two Marines and a Syrian Fighter down a ditch line.

This Fighter would pop up every once and a while and they'd exchange fire back and forth just missing each other...then he'd pop back down and they'd lose sight of him. This went on about four or five times, then he stopped. About five minutes went by with no sign of him, then from the far end of the ditch a grenade appears arcing in the air and lands to the right of the Marine on the right. He'd already ducked by that point but ended up receiving shrapnel. It was another one of those game moments where you shake your head at how cool it all is. He never even appeared, just a lone grenade sailing through the air looking to reek some havoc.

I don't care what anyone says 1:1 is where it's at! It's why my games last forever. I can sit and watch little moments like this over and over. It's what I'd fantasized about all those years ago, playing CMBO. And it's these little stories, zoomed in at ground level, that really make a battle for me. A duel that probably, in the long run, would have no bearing on victory but is memorable for it's drama and excitement.

Here's a pick of the ditch and the two Marines. The Syrian is ducked down somewhere over the little hump at the end. The grenade landed about two meters from the guy kneeling.



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Unfortunately, this time I was playing RT to speed up the mod checking so I didn't get to save the turn. But when I play for real, I like WEGO.

I can remember a few games where I played a cool scene probably 15 times before going to the next turn.

Now, I wish I had this scene saved in WEGO. I really love how the two Marines couldn't see the guy, (and he wasn't on screen visually either) and he lobbed that grenade up over the hump. For the record, the wounded Marine ended up killing him.


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I agree with you Mord its very fun to watch these guys close up, especially with the sound mods including yours.I can never thank u guys enough for these little treats u give us.Makes the game top notch, Icing on the cake so to speak and the cake is something to praise on its own!

I had good little moment like this when i lined up 2 squads beside a tall wall ready to have them rush the compound like the swat.I was completely shocked when i saw 2-3 grenades hurled over the top of the wall and landing at the feet of my troops.Not a shot was fired and i never even saw the enemy who threw them but it made me panic lol.I was surprised some of my troops survived i thought for sure when i saw that i was about to lose 2 squads or the majority of them, but the troops only took 2-3 casualties and a lot of injured.The assault of course was rushed and sloppy so a few more casualties went down.

Heartbreaking to see a plan take a hit like that but it was awesome to watch.Good eye candy, had me thinking about that moment for a while.

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That sounds pretty cool! And yeah, I can barely play zoomed out unless I am checking mods.

Once I get squared away with some stuff I am doing, I am thinking about going to full iron man mode like the rules made for CMBO and CMBB to give the game even more immediacy.

Thanks for the complements on the mods too. Nice to know people are digging them.


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Cool moments?

I am sure all of you have seen this before but I just noticed today:

Reloading PKM up close and personal...they lift the top open!!!! LOVE IT!!! (mg-42 will be coooool....no chance of barrel changing...I guess a little too detailed).

Sounds when rounds hit the marshes. Kerplunk splash!!!

Details are great!

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I also noticed a time when I had an Abrams firing at some insurgents hiding in a forest. I zoomed in to see from the insurgents POV. Since I directed the Abrams to use target light, we was using his 7.62 gun. OVer the space of a minute the tree they were hiding under was actually losing branches from the incoming fire. Slowly they started losing their cover and were killed. I have never seen dynamic foilage before.

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Yeah, I've said it before, but I used to moan about WEGO in CMx1 and long for RT. But when SF came out I tried RT, liked it, but really missed the replay ability. So now I play pretty much all WEGO just to be able to review those magic moments and little skirmishes up close, which I'd never have got to witness in RT.

Here's one I had recently, which impressed me about the AI. I ordered a section onto the 2nd floor of a building, knowing that enemy inf were approaching. The ground floor had a double wall and no windows, so no visibility. The section got there and found more enemy outside than expected. A brief but really ferocious firefight followed - my guys took a casualty, 'decided' the heat was too high, and legged it back to safety downstairs. But, after a few seconds regaining their breath, they went back up and effectively re-engaged the enemy whilst also giving medicare to the wounded.

I'd like to think that they made that decision based on the fact that they had a wounded buddy lying there who they simply could not abandon under any circumstances. That's how it felt, anyway.

What a damn cool game this is.

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Love the playback myself. Playing two battles right now. One versus a friend PBEM, the other versus the A.I. in RT.

Missing a lot of the fine detail in a big battle versus the A.I. I find myself higher up, watching from a distance for "hotspots." Then pausing and zooming in to analyze the situation before adjusting my orders.

The PBEM battle is really rocking. Being able to rewind, pause and watch again brings great enjoyment (with the good and the bad turn of events).

I rolled my T-62 (Gun damaged) up to a short wall that unbeknown to me sheltered a squad of US infantry. The grunts threw a couple of grenades but it looked like they self-inflicted some casualties due to my T-62's ERA blocks cooking off at close quarters. Then my TC swiveled his DshK round (along with the gunner coax) and they both started chewing up the infantry (budda budda - CHUNKA CHUNKA CHUNKA!). Rocks and dust are flying everywhere, Men crying out, G.I.'s returning fire.

My tank commander throws closed the hatch and the driver reverses outta there. But about 5 seconds later, the TC is back up and looking for targets.

I must have watched that 15 second action about 15 times!

What I love is that this game creates wonderfully unscripted moments. Moments that pit crews, technologies and happenstance together in a myriad of ways that result in eye-popping and original outcomes.

Thanks BFC.


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Those were great stories, fellas.

Funny, I was ridiculed by some snide, little douchebag, on another site for posting this thread, because apparently anyone that enjoys the game from lower than a bird's eye nose bleed isn't a REAL wargamer...What was the summation?...oh yeah...

"CM:SF players don't want realistic company-level tactical action, apparently, which was what garnered CM:BO its reputation. They want to make 1 minute war dramas about Johnny Jarhead killing Jimmy Jihad and watch them over and over in slow motion."

LOL 'cause nobody every zoomed in to watch anything happen in CMX1...damn why'd they spend all that programming time on 3D?...They should've just made some X's and O's porking each other on a grid.

Any way, keep the stories coming, they are fun to read, even if you are all a bunch of non wargaming, fanboy, twitch punks.


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"..dramas about Johnny Jarhead killing Jimmy Jihad.."Like it or not I found that funny and gave out a good laugh while i read it.Good one.

I find myself playing RT every time.Personally its the only way ill enjoy the game.The turn base system really turns me off and 1 reason why i never got into the other Close Combat games.Dont get me wrong I thought those games were awesome and ahead of most if not all war games when it came to strategy but i also didn't like the sudden halt when the time or turns ran out.Feels like that skit they had in the Bugs Bunny show where the wolf and dog were contending with each other over who gets the sheep.The dog or wolf is about to give out a major pounding or a final fight in the end but the whistle blows and they stop what they are doing put their weapons down, punch out at the clock and go home.("same time tomorrow Fred?" "yep same time tomorrow")

I play WEGO rarely but if i do its so i can watch some of the action replay anywhere on the map. Sometimes I'm to distracted constantly watching the replay that it mess's my whole plan and train of thought up.I wish the whole battle was recorded then saved to be deleted when u wanted.That way you can watch the battle play out beginning to end while you go where u please on the map.That would be a super feature.

Another eye candy and cool moment i had was when i was watching a squad go down a narrow alley.I had them on quick run to go into the ground floor of a building on the left side but then they were ambushed.The insurgents popped up about 5-10 meters on the right in a building and fired on my squad who also took fire at the same time from enemy in the distance in front of them.The 2nd and 3rd guy in the column had AK bullets hit all around their head and body kicking up dust on the ground and off the wall while the 4th guy in the column stopped and dropped the enemy in the window with a burst just as quick as he popped up.Without skipping a beat my troops ran behind the shooter and past him and into the building and quickly threw grenades at the closer enemy while trying to shoot the other enemy position in the distance.Seeing that the enemy was close i had to rush them quickly or grenades will come back my way so i got half the squad to rush the enemy in the house on the right.While running across the alleyway they took fire again from the position in front kicking up dust and 1 troop again turned and fired a burst in the window nailing the other insurgent and saving the lives of his men who were running into the same building as the enemy.

That was 1 of the most intense and famous 15 seconds for me in game.All kinds of things happening at once at such close quarters and all my men survived.I was simply amazed at what happened.I could try to play that situation over and over again and it would never come out the same way.That was a cool moment.To bad 30 minutes later that same heroic squad took an rpg round from about 20 meters away in another house.I got a nasty reminder to never cram a squad into a small house.They were together huddled into a corner then bang...not so cool of a moment.

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"CM:SF players don't want realistic company-level tactical action, apparently, which was what garnered CM:BO its reputation. They want to make 1 minute war dramas about Johnny Jarhead killing Jimmy Jihad and watch them over and over in slow motion."

Butthead comments like that are as good as inevitable, what with the timeframe of CM:SF. If it were a WW2 game, lots of folks would busy enough actually playing the game and appreciating its quality that they wouldn't have time for snarky "I know what's what" opining. In other words, replace Johnny Jarhead with Gary G.I. and Jimmy Jihad with Klaus Kraut, and suddenly watching the carnage in slow motion is just fine.

For the record, though: I too am very much looking forward to CM:N. :D

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LOL 'cause nobody every zoomed in to watch anything happen in CMX1...damn why'd they spend all that programming time on 3D?...They should've just made some X's and O's porking each other on a grid.

Well, the guy you're most likely talking about actually would favor us returning to 2D, so I'm sure he'd agree with you ;) Thankfully we know not to listen to axe grinding wackos other than for the sheer amusement value of how completely out of touch with reality they are. Good thing those loons aren't in charge of the Archives here because I'm sure they'd do a 1984 on it :D

You're absolutely right, of course, that it was the small vignette stuff like you guys are detailing here that is "what garnered CM:BO its reputation". Or put another way, it's stuff like the wonderful descriptions here that made the battlefield feel alive and real rather than dull and abstract. Which is why there were tons and tons of requests to enhance the graphical side of CM since before CMBO was even released. It's also why the fans of CM:SF have generally found going back to CMx1 difficult to adjust to.

CM: Normandy will offer even more material for such vignettes. Despite the apparent fact that no wargamer on Earth actually wants something fun to play ;)


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@Dietrich...Me too brother...and Afghanistan and the Nato Module and and and....

@Steve, yep, I remember that dude that used to write for PC Gamer or Computer Gaming World (name escapes me but he was considered a pretty on the level war gaming guy, William something) writing about a turn in CMBO where his bailed tank crew had comeback on the unit that knocked them out and killed them. He seemed pretty impressed and I think he'd played his share of hexy games.


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On a personal note, I can vividly remember small combat moments from CMBO pre-pre-alpha when the map was hex based. I can remember small combat moments from the initial layout when we changed it to squares. I can remember almost the entire Alpha ARR and some of its very minor, but exciting, moments. I can remember pieces of battles from all three release versions of CMx1 and all of the CM:SF games from the time of the early alphas to present.

What I can't remember much are the details of any other wargame battle I've ever played before. I dunno... I guess my mind isn't all that interested in remembering the time when a Panzer counter went from 3-2 to 3-1 because I rolled a 4 instead of a 5 :D

The beauty of CM is that it has the details that all the games before it lack in addition to the graphics that the other games lack. The two feed off of each other in a positive way without detracting from the other. The proof is already out there for all to see. No wargame in existence has matched CMx1 in terms of what is going on under the hood, not to mention its graphics. CM:SF is already way, way ahead of CMx1 on both counts and we're continuing to enhance both. No reason to look backwards when the way forwards is so clearly the right way to go.


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That's the thing that pissed me off about the comment, it suggests because I (we) enjoy what I (we) am seeing (and can rewatch it) I (we) must not care about the actual game play and tactics involved...it's arrogant snobbery. If all these games ever were to me was eye candy...I wouldn't have been playing them for almost 10 years. They'd end up where all my other games ended up...on Ebay or in the trash.


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Funny, I was ridiculed by some snide, little douchebag, on another site for posting this thread, because apparently anyone that enjoys the game from lower than a bird's eye nose bleed isn't a REAL wargamer...What was the summation?...oh yeah...

Funny you should mention that Mord. I just wasted some time on that site myself with that group of self-obsessed Crybois. For a group that claims to not care about CMSF, they do spend an inordinate amount of time micro-analysing and ridiculing everything that goes on here. :)

My advice is to avoid that sewer, who needs the aggravation. :)

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My advice is to avoid that sewer, who needs the aggravation. :)

It would be a much merrier place if I finally got rights to post there (admins either cannot solve the problem or do not answer at all.)

Anyway, please do not drag this stuff over here. While it is entertaining in the parallel universe over there, it just drags this forum down unnecessarily.

Best regards,


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