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Losing the will to wait

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This is a winge session.

Although a big fan of CMSF, and a supporter of how it has redefined computer wargaming.

I am fast becoming fed up of logging on in the hope that the British forces module will be up for order.

As with the marine module, scenario makers ( and there are some real good ones out there) stop making scenarios, in the hope that the new module contains upgrades, so the CMSF seems to go static.

It has been a long time since this module was first advertised, with very little feedback on what stage it is at, and how close we are to pre order, and final release.

Even the forum here seems to have got bored in waiting for it with no further threads or responses to it.

I do understand, that there is a need to ensure the product is correct as far as possible for release, to ensure that there is no further financial burden on battlefront, but, the module, I believe, has been contracted out, and therefore must be managed by someone.

How about the manager, managing, setting deadlines for completion and giving the frustrated fans some hope?

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I've seen Steve comment recently that the current stage of development is just tying up loose ends. They aren't adding any new features anymore so I think it'll be out soon. Remember, they aren't a big game developer, it's just a few guys and it takes a while. Not only that, but our incessant complaining of games being released without enough polish makes them want to publish on their own terms. I think they with this release, they will further refine the game in addition to the new content.

Have a little more patience! It'll be worth it.

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How're you going with the wait for "Spacelobsters of Doom", then. Can't see that happening any time soon and there are people who've already been waiting for ten years. I know Steve and Charles have identified patience as the defining characteristic of their target demographic, but really...:D

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I've haunted these boards since CMBO days and invariably within a week of BFC announcing a new project somebody shows up asking why its taking so long. It isn't because BFC's especially slow, perhaps its because they announce upcoming projects too early! If they had only kept their mouths shut nobody would be getting impatient now. I guess their own enthusiasm just gets the better of them. :)

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Trust me, we don't like being late any more than you guys. But things take longer than expected and shortcuts aren't really possible. Well, I'll rephrase that... shortcuts aren't acceptable to you guys :D Doing things to match customer expectations is always more difficult when expectations are (as they always are for us) very high. Crossing t's and dotting i's takes a long time to do when you've got as many i's as a typical Finnish surname :D

How about the manager, managing, setting deadlines for completion and giving the frustrated fans some hope?

Sometimes software development is like Hitler putting a little flag somewhere and saying "Steiner should break through here, then turn towards Moscow" :)

I've covered some of the reasons for the delay in another thread, but the basics are:

1. First time working with an outside contractor. It's not that his team is doing anything wrong or they aren't being managed correctly, it's just that something new ALWAYS takes longer than expected.

2. This is the first time that Charles and I have tried to do more than one project at a time. We've got to get used to some new things too. So it's definitely not fair to say that our outside contracting is the only thing causing the delay, because that's not accurate at all.

What it boils down to is that we're pursuing a very long term strategy for product development. Like any GOOD long term strategy, it takes longer to get going and then things go much better from there. Short term strategies do the opposite... there seems to be less cost up front (time, money, etc.) but when looking back years later it's clear that it would have better to go a different route.

As sorry as we are that the Brits are taking longer to get done than we expected, we're not sorry that we're taking the longer view on development. It's difficult for the customer to see the benefits of the longer view now, because it's at the beginning, but I can tell you that you guys will. There's so much going on behind the scenes that you aren't privy too yet :D


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Yeah I'm sick and tired of waiting for the game to ship. Hey BFC, can you please release a half-baked, buggy, unpolished game so I don't have to bear the agony of logging in to see it's not ready. Thanks I appreciate it! :rolleyes:

Are you serious? Complaining a game is taking to long to release. Umm, is it just me or am I the only one happy to see games, any games by any developer, stay in the oven for as long as it takes.

Although the Brits module is being a bit overshadowed by the highly anticipated CMx2:Normandy. One thing I think BFC should do that they normally don't do is launch their next game(CM:N) forums a bit early.

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2. This is the first time that Charles and I have tried to do more than one project at a time. We've got to get used to some new things too. So it's definitely not fair to say that our outside contracting is the only thing causing the delay, because that's not accurate at all.



Ummm... I've got some bad news for you and, by extension, us. According to an article I read recently, as one gets past a certain age multi-tasking becomes more difficult. Which means that as your teeth get longer so will your development time. Personally I've got my fingers crossed that you guys are all in your mid-thirtys.

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Ummm... I've got some bad news for you and, by extension, us. According to an article I read recently, as one gets past a certain age multi-tasking becomes more difficult. Which means that as your teeth get longer so will your development time. Personally I've got my fingers crossed that you guys are all in your mid-thirtys.

That's not the worst of it either, isn't Charles brain still in a jar? Now that's gotta slow things down a bit. :D

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Heh... yet another YouTube video of the bunker scene. I still think one of the originals (about the housing bubble) is the best, but this one was actually funny. The majority are pretty lame. Well done!


Ummm... I've got some bad news for you and, by extension, us. According to an article I read recently, as one gets past a certain age multi-tasking becomes more difficult. Which means that as your teeth get longer so will your development time. Personally I've got my fingers crossed that you guys are all in your mid-thirtys.

Multi-tasking is indeed does not produce efficient splitting of one's time. And yes, it does seem that some people are better at it than others. I also saw that article tying some of it to age and gender. However, multi-tasking does work provided not everybody involved is multi-tasking.

The key is to think of time as either being concurrent or consecutive. If we do one game at a time then we're talking about consecutive time. Let's say it takes us 1 year to do a game without any distractions. That means to release 3 games you will have to wait 3 years. If we instead use concurrent time (i.e. slipstreaming) then even if each game takes us 50% longer to do we could theoretically have those 3 games in your hand in 1.5 years instead of 3. Theory is influenced by when each project is started.

As I said, the way we're doing things now is far better and more efficient than the old way of doing things. It just costs a bit more time upfront to get the whole thing rolling.


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I've known some frighteningly efficient multi-taskers in my day. But they were all professional 'office worker' women in their late twenties, and professional women in their late twenties exhibit surprisingly little interest in the concept of invading Syria. So Steve may have some difficulty in recruiting their help. ;)

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I am fast becoming fed up of logging on...

Ah, Greenjacket, my apple cheeked lad. Some day, if you are fortunate and live long enough, you may wake up from one of your several daily naps to notice that while you slept some malicious bastards have not only adjusted the clocks to make them run three times as fast as they used to, but they have also managed to turn up the gravity as well. So now the world whizzes by you at an insanely accelerated rate while you are seemingly cursed with having to run the race in leaden boots while knee deep in molasses. Then perhaps, some fading spark of memory will recall to you this moment and suddenly all will be transparently clear. Then you will be able to expire finally in peace.


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Like any GOOD long term strategy, it takes longer to get going and then things go much better from there. Short term strategies do the opposite... there seems to be less cost up front (time, money, etc.) but when looking back years later it's clear that it would have better to go a different route.


Hmm, Steve, sounds like what the whole concept of the WOT/GWOT (whatever acronym you perfer) was / is all about, from the start (and why Iraq and beach-heads of quasi-deomcracies / freedoms were so important.....in any long term strategy for dealing with terrorism, in total)...... I know we have had our honest disagreements on this topic.....but it seems you may be willing to see such things clearer... when you are in the CinC (CEO) type role.....but don't allow for such luxuries when others are in that position/s.

And I'm not agruing or bringing up opinions about original force numbers or leaving Bathists in power positionis or not, etc, etc....but simply the need to remove Saddam, and moving on Iraq as being clearly part of any long-term successful strategy regarding the ME & terrorism. From the standpoint that Saddam had to be removed, stretching AQ thin (which proved disasterous for them) as well as those beach-heads of freedom and the concepts of self-worth taking root.

Best regards,

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I'll never understand why some people, CinC, CEO, or gamer, would ever think it's okay to drop bombs on innocent people. Sure, they call it collateral damage, and by doing so they think they excuse it, but the fact is they know innocents are going to die by the thousands and they proceed none the less which means it's premeditated. As a human being, I just don't see how that can possibly serve anyone's interests or enhance anyone's security.

I recall the outrage post 9/11 about innocent lives lost and while I think the events of that day were tragic I can't see how killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people in a country that had nothing to do with it can be excused in any way from a moral point of view. Just for fun try scrutinizing the invasion of Iraq through the lense of the Nuremberg Principles which the USA was instrumental in implementing...

And then there is the quaint notion that the UN Security Council is able to mandate military action to enforce it's own resolutions; the system isn't set up for vigilante justice from rogue Security Council members.

And try reading Hans Blix's report to the UN, the one submitted just prior to the invasion of Iraq, that said Saddam complying with every demand of the inspectors and that they had found no evidence of WMD. Then consider that our prize intelligence asset, Saddam's brother-in-law, had told us most of the details about Saddam's WMD program - including the fact that it had been stopped (nuclear) or destroyed (chem weapons buried in the desert where they would soon be rendered impotent).

And please don't say that everyone else thought Saddam had WMD... Mr. Blix and his predecessor didn't think so, and they were the ones tasked with determining the status of the claim. German intelligence said Curveball was unreliable, but Colin Powell renderings of his claims to the UN none the less. Tenet said the Niger story was unreliable but Bush scared the nation with the story none the less.

There's a whole lot more I could mention, but it's really not cool to derail this thread with this stuff. Sorry for that...

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2. This is the first time that Charles and I have tried to do more than one project at a time. We've got to get used to some new things too. So it's definitely not fair to say that our outside contracting is the only thing causing the delay, because that's not accurate at all.


At our software company has moved away from mutiple projects and started doing one at time with massive resources. It's much easier for the management to focus on one project at a time (they were going crazy with five or six projects running at once) plus the clients see rapid progress which makes them happy.

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At our software company has moved away from mutiple projects and started doing one at time with massive resources. It's much easier for the management to focus on one project at a time (they were going crazy with five or six projects running at once) plus the clients see rapid progress which makes them happy.

Depends on the company and their product.

In this case there are different people doing different things, at varying times. Modellers and designers needn't wait on Charles to finish product A before starting the work on product B's vehicles.

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