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Replay Scenarios


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1) How many times do you as a player replay a scenario?

2) Do you replay the scenario if you know there is more then one RedAI plan?

3) Does it make sense to have more then one RedAI plan?

4) Do you play more H2H, Blue vs RedAI, Red vs BlueAI. or Red vs RedAI?


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1) How many times do you as a player replay a scenario?

2) Do you replay the scenario if you know there is more then one RedAI plan?

3) Does it make sense to have more then one RedAI plan?

4) Do you play more H2H, Blue vs RedAI, Red vs BlueAI. or Red vs RedAI?


1) usually until I win.

2) It was enjoyable the 1st time round I'll replay, if I thought it was too easy I probs won't replay.

3) If both plans are tactically sound then sure. If it was toss up between a whole new scenario or a dif AI plan I'd pick a new scenario tho :P

4) mainly blue vs red AI, however I'll try anything vs the AI.

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1) How many times do you as a player replay a scenario?

-Several if its a good one.

2) Do you replay the scenario if you know there is more then one RedAI plan?

-Dont bother if there is only one redAI plan if its a good scenario, but several AIplans make the scenario last longer and give more challenge on 2nd play.

3) Does it make sense to have more then one RedAI plan?

-Yes. it makes the survilebility of the scenario last longer.

4) Do you play more H2H, Blue vs RedAI, Red vs BlueAI. or Red vs RedAI?

-Almost only Blue vs RedAI, and 99.9% of that is US Marines, not Army scenarios. (will change with British module I guess)

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1) How many times do you as a player replay a scenario?

The better a scenario is designed, the more I'll replay it. The more interesting the mission a scenario depitcs, the more I'll replay it. The more times I lose a scenario, the more I'll replay it. =)

2) Do you replay the scenario if you know there is more then one RedAI plan?

Definitely. Knowing that the AI is scripted to act and maneuver in some different way makes me want to play the scenario again to see how it goes down.

3) Does it make sense to have more then one RedAI plan?

Depends on the scenario designer wants it to play out. More than one Red AI plan means more replayability. But if the scenario is supposed to go a certain way (if, for example, it's meant to simulate a historical battle), one well-thought-out AI plan (whether Red or Blue) makes sense.

4) Do you play more H2H, Blue vs RedAI, Red vs BlueAI. or Red vs RedAI?

Blue vs Red AI. I should try Red vs Blue AI more, but my experiences so far have been frustrating and demoralizing. >.< However, I dig Red vs Red AI scenarios, such as loyalists crushing rebels.

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1) How many times do you as a player replay a scenario?

2) Do you replay the scenario if you know there is more then one RedAI plan?

3) Does it make sense to have more then one RedAI plan?

4) Do you play more H2H, Blue vs RedAI, Red vs BlueAI. or Red vs RedAI?



1. I replay certain scen many times. They become comfortable, old friends

2. Yes The multiple AI plans make replay far more fun. So I'll give a scen a second look EVEN if it wasn't so hot the first go round.

3. Absolutely

4. H2H via PBEM. Since I usually supply the map/setups I try to match Blue/Red or do exact Red vs Red, Blue vs Blue. Single player games are usually QB Blue vs Red or those few old friends in answer #1

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1) How many times do you as a player replay a scenario?

- 1-2 times? Maybe more if the map and force balance are good.

2) Do you replay the scenario if you know there is more then one RedAI plan?

- I play pbem only but yes if I'd play against AI.

3) Does it make sense to have more then one RedAI plan?

- Yes.

4) Do you play more H2H, Blue vs RedAI, Red vs BlueAI. or Red vs RedAI?

- H2H only.

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>1) How many times do you as a player replay a scenario?

most scenarios 1-2 times.

>2) Do you replay the scenario if you know there is more then one RedAI plan?

It's more about how good the scenario seems to be when you first play it

>3) Does it make sense to have more then one RedAI plan?

of course

>4) Do you play more H2H, Blue vs RedAI, Red vs BlueAI. or Red vs RedAI?

H2H: mostly red vs red or blue vs blue, against the AI: all 4 choices


If you mention there are are several AI plans for both sides, that's enough. After all, player cannot know how many times he has to play some scenario before all AI plans have been used.

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1) It depends a lot. If it's in a campaign, I'll play it until I win. If it's a standalone scenario, I may not replay it. I generally tend to wait at least a day or two before replaying anything in order to forget some of the things that I saw and give it a more authentic feel.

2) Having an additional AI plan generally doesn't factor into whether I replay it or not. However, I like there to be multiple AI plans.

3) Depends on the scenario. Some times, when designing scenarios, I find that there's really only one acceptable course of action for the AI. If the designer can come up with multiple viable AI plans, though, definitely do it!

4) Blue vs Red AI (about 80% of the time) and some Red vs Red AI (20%).

5) Yes.

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5) Would you want to have in the briefing text "How many RedAI plans" in a scenario, ie 3 RedAI, 2 BlueAI?

I think indicating whether or not there is more than one AI plan (whether just for one side or for both) would be good. Beyond that, it think it should be at the scenario designer's discretion.

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Nice pool JohnO! ;)

1) How many times do you as a player replay a scenario?

For most, until I win. The really good ones I go back from time to time.

2) Do you replay the scenario if you know there is more then one RedAI plan?

If the scenario is good I play it again no matter if it has several plans or not. But sure it´s nice to know things will be different every time you re play and will definitely improve the experience.

3) Does it make sense to have more then one RedAI plan?

It does enhance the experience.

4) Do you play more H2H, Blue vs RedAI, Red vs BlueAI. or Red vs RedAI?

Blue vs RedAI


I think it´s nice to know but I, as a designer always forget to mention! :rolleyes:

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1) How many times do you as a player replay a scenario?

2) Do you replay the scenario if you know there is more then one RedAI plan?

3) Does it make sense to have more then one RedAI plan?

4) Do you play more H2H, Blue vs RedAI, Red vs BlueAI. or Red vs RedAI?

1) Usually just the once, unless I get completely annihilated and feel I didn't get a chance to get a rounded feel for what the scenario has to offer. That's rare though. Any scenario that's suited to it I intend to getting around to playing as Red too.

2) No, but I'm still new enough to the game that I haven't yet run out of scenarios to play.

3) I don't make scenarios so I don't know how much effort that takes, but because it'll add to the stuff to replay when I run out, I'll go with yes.

4) Blue vs RedAI.

5) Hey, there's a question 5 too! Certainly; I can't see myself looking up every scenario on CMMods or whatever to see if it says how many AI plans there are, I think that sort of thing should be self-contained.

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1. Often several times

2. No. Lnowing there are three AI plans does not factor in to my desire to replay at all.

3. I would be quite happy with one AI plan when I replay scenarios. I find it mildly frustrating to lose a mission but not be sure of getting the same AI plan to check what works when I replay it. I'd rather six scenarios than one with six AI plans, often moving at a different pace makes a single AI plan appear different anyway.

4. Almost all blue vs red ai.

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1) How many times do you as a player replay a scenario?

2) Do you replay the scenario if you know there is more then one RedAI plan?

3) Does it make sense to have more then one RedAI plan?

4) Do you play more H2H, Blue vs RedAI, Red vs BlueAI. or Red vs RedAI?


1) Maybe 3 or 4 times, some more than others - if I enjoyed a scenario I may well do it again and see if I can do it better.

2) Yes

3) Yes, makes for far more replay value

4) I tend to play Blue vs RedAI or Red vs RedAI

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1) How many times do you as a player replay a scenario?

2) Do you replay the scenario if you know there is more then one RedAI plan?

3) Does it make sense to have more then one RedAI plan?

4) Do you play more H2H, Blue vs RedAI, Red vs BlueAI. or Red vs RedAI?


1) I (re)play until I win.

2) After I won, no.

3) Of course it makes sense, but I am also content with one good AI plan. As many as five of them is too much effort for the designer and introduces the risk of a not-so-optimal plan sneaking in.

4) Blue vs RedAI.

Best regards,


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1) How many times do you as a player replay a scenario?

2) Do you replay the scenario if you know there is more then one RedAI plan?

3) Does it make sense to have more then one RedAI plan?

4) Do you play more H2H, Blue vs RedAI, Red vs BlueAI. or Red vs RedAI?


Sorry, I might be a little late on replying:

1) Depending on how complicated the scenario and how much I like it, at least a couple of times. After that I might change the force composition to try different "what if" situations using the map and basic idea behind the scenario.

2) Not specifically for that reason unless the scenario is really good, but it does make scenarios where I don't succeed the first time around more enjoyable to try again.

3) Yes. It adds to the re-playability of the scenario

4) I almost solely play Blue vs. RedAI. I've been shy about finding other players.

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1) Till I beat it or am satisfied with my performance on the battlefield. ;)

2)No, not usually, unless it was really, really good.

3)Yes, because if you don't beat it on the first try, your second experience can be completely different, almost like you downloaded 2 different scenarios.

4) Same as cmfan, basically all Blue vs. AI

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