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Huntarr, The "other" AAV

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If they're talking about it publicly, you can pretty much guarantee something like it's long since gone operational in Black Ops. Even so, I thought this was interesting. Call it the AeroSpace Assault Vehicle or DDDV (Devil Dog Delivery Vehicle). Devil Dogs, anywhere in the world--in four hours! Shall we place bets that their kit's going to be/is decidedly more exotic than what the Marine Module offers? Just think--there were eyewitness reports from Just Cause of guys running around with backpack High Energy Lasers and dressed rather like Robo Cop. That was nearly 30 years ago. Something like proper STARSHIP TROOPERS' powered armor (read the book, and skip the movies), sans the micronukes, wouldn't surprise me.



John Kettler

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The news report is strictly legit. The Just Cause comments were made to trusted friends of mine by a U.S. soldier who was there. I myself saw quite a bit of evidence indicating that Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) were used during Just Cause, to include some fascinating reports by Panamanian civilians, as part of the research for the Oscar-winning documentary "The Panama Deception." Research wasn't confined to English language sources, but included looking at a lot of Spanish language articles and reports, for which I had a former Panamanian as translator. I myself was a founding member of the Directed Energy Weapon Working Group at Rockwell, thus was highly qualified to evaluate reports submitted mostly by a technically unsophisticated group of witnesses. As for powered armor, there was a guy screwing around with a powered exoskeleton just last week on either Discovery or TLC.

If it's white world now, the military's had it, on the black project side at least, for a long time. POPULAR SCIENCE had detailed powered exoskeleton technical drawings in either the late 1960s or early 1970s at the latest. Here's what one inventor, working alone, came up with for advanced integrated soldier protection.


Do you really believe that with the trillions of dollars a year going into the black programs, that something far better hasn't been built, something that adds the strength amplification of the powered exoskeleton to the above or even better? It makes zero military sense to spend cubic dollars to rocket a single Marine squad around the world if that squad isn't also superbly equipped, protected and armed to the teeth.

The technology exists to do exactly that, and if you know where to look and how to comprehend what you're seeing, you'll discover the problem is one of system engineering, NOT basic technology development. Also, it's way easier to fit out a squad than it is to reequip an entire combat arm. For the former, even hand-built gear is fine. This, BTW, is exactly how Marine sniper rifles and their ammo are made. Hard to argue with the results!


John Kettler

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The news report is strictly legit. The Just Cause comments were made to trusted friends of mine by a U.S. soldier who was there. I myself saw quite a bit of evidence indicating that Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) were used during Just Cause, to include some fascinating reports by Panamanian civilians, as part of the research for the Oscar-winning documentary "The Panama Deception." Research wasn't confined to English language sources, but included looking at a lot of Spanish language articles and reports, for which I had a former Panamanian as translator. I myself was a founding member of the Directed Energy Weapon Working Group at Rockwell, thus was highly qualified to evaluate reports submitted mostly by a technically unsophisticated group of witnesses. As for powered armor, there was a guy screwing around with a powered exoskeleton just last week on either Discovery or TLC.

If it's white world now, the military's had it, on the black project side at least, for a long time. POPULAR SCIENCE had detailed powered exoskeleton technical drawings in either the late 1960s or early 1970s at the latest. Here's what one inventor, working alone, came up with for advanced integrated soldier protection.


Do you really believe that with the trillions of dollars a year going into the black programs, that something far better hasn't been built, something that adds the strength amplification of the powered exoskeleton to the above or even better? It makes zero military sense to spend cubic dollars to rocket a single Marine squad around the world if that squad isn't also superbly equipped, protected and armed to the teeth.

The technology exists to do exactly that, and if you know where to look and how to comprehend what you're seeing, you'll discover the problem is one of system engineering, NOT basic technology development. Also, it's way easier to fit out a squad than it is to reequip an entire combat arm. For the former, even hand-built gear is fine. This, BTW, is exactly how Marine sniper rifles and their ammo are made. Hard to argue with the results!


John Kettler

Hi John,

I wish I had a place to check "For Our Military" on my income tax papers for ALL of my personal tax dollars. I know there are secret projects & I'm very happy they are happening. No, I don't believe "Joe the average citizen" needs, should or legally be told about them. I'm quite satisfied with that. Closest thing I have ever been to military was as an Emergency Medical Technician with the Civil Air Patrol over twenty years ago. We had a retired Colonel & he told us that we will never know much or anything at all about a lot of things we had back then. It's the same now & I sleep great at night knowing that my country & my family are protected by our servicemen & women. Spend as much as needed to make them the best & most feared military plus the best protected. That is the way the real world is.

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So what you are saying is if they are talking about planning to make a prototype of this fanciful craft, that is clear evidence that there is not just a prototype but a working model currently in service?

So tell me again why didn't they use the working model on catching Osama? ...Or maybe they did and didn't tell us?!!! :rolleyes:

Seriously John would you please go away, I feel dumber just being a member on the same message board as your posts.

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The best story I ever heard about secret military projects had to do with the stealth fighter. Basically it was so classified that nobody knew about it. So no one could stick their finger in and add features or try to extract more money from the program. the result was on time, on budget, and effective. I am sure someone here can site another black program as a counter example, but it is an interesting antecdote.

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Am going to have to try this again tomorrow. Am giving up for now after having two successive highly detailed and fully documented response posts "eaten." In them I showed how the conclusions hoolaman is pooh poohing are based on numerous similar exercises by the Pentagon, over a period of many decades. I also addressed some of the points raised by JP76er.


For a black program disaster of epic proportions, I suggest you look up the Navy's A-12.


John Kettler

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John - energy weapons? I assume you mean lasers or somesuch - the power decreases as an inverse cube of the distance (in a vacuum). Mechanical energy (sound) and tapping into the fundamentals of perception, perhaps, but extremely unlikely. Stealth was discovered as an accident - a Soviet mathematician gave the formulae for calculating the radar cross section of a given 3D object and some bright spark at Skunkworks read his paper: realised that he had the computing power to apply it and took the idea to his boss (Rich wasn't it?). Lockheed.

The biggest problem I have with the development of this uber tech is the giving up of the real power achievable through the tried and trusted marketing and selling of said tech: you have to posit a more powerful clique with uber-uber tech to make sense of the limitation of the quest for power.

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John - energy weapons? I assume you mean lasers or somesuch - the power decreases as an inverse cube of the distance (in a vacuum).

(edit) I'm not that John, but I'll have a go. :) (/edit)

It really depends how "tight" the solid angle of the beam is. A directed beam is approximately similar to a bullet, a wide beam would be more like shot, and a completely undirected beam - ie a source radiating in all directions - does indeed go down directly as the cube of the distance from the source.

An example of a directed beam would be a laser pointer, I guess; you don't see it from the side (unless it's going through thick smoke or something), you only see the reflections from the point it hits.

As I understand it the greatest problems with DEWs at the moment are the size, weight and power requirements of the equipment.

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(edit) I'm not that John, but I'll have a go. :) (/edit)

It really depends how "tight" the solid angle of the beam is. A directed beam is approximately similar to a bullet, a wide beam would be more like shot, and a completely undirected beam - ie a source radiating in all directions - does indeed go down directly as the cube of the distance from the source.

An example of a directed beam would be a laser pointer, I guess; you don't see it from the side (unless it's going through thick smoke or something), you only see the reflections from the point it hits.

As I understand it the greatest problems with DEWs at the moment are the size, weight and power requirements of the equipment.

Actually it is inverse square, not inverse cube, for radiation. To get anything worse than inverse square you need to have some kind of obscuring matter (such as atmosphere :)) that causes additional losses of energy from the radiation. This generally gives you something like exp(-r) / r^2 though.

More importantly, the inverse square law holds true for lasers, and other directed beams too, at least for large enough distances. You simply can't exactly collimate a beam exactly (Heisenerg's uncertainty principle strikes again), so the beam spreads out, even if only slightly, by an amount proportional to the distance from the source. An unless you are talking about extremely high precision equipment in a carefully controlled lab setting, your beam width will likely be of the order of a few centimeters by 100m range, which is very much in the inverse-square law regime. Only very close in, where the amount of spread is less than the aperture of the laser (typically a few mm), is the beam strength approximately constant with distance.

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"I wish I had a place to check "For Our Military" on my income tax papers for ALL of my personal tax dollars."

You don't have to worry about that. Me, all of my tax dollars from now until the day I die are guaranteed be going towards paying off the interest on the Chinese loan to finance the first fifteen minutes of the Iraq war.

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"I wish I had a place to check "For Our Military" on my income tax papers for ALL of my personal tax dollars."

You don't have to worry about that. Me, all of my tax dollars from now until the day I die are guaranteed be going towards paying off the interest on the Chinese loan to finance the first fifteen minutes of the Iraq war.

Oh man thats a nice idea... would be freaking cool to be able to decide WHERE the tax money goes... I would put 50% on the military (ARMY) and 25% on schools and 25% on welfare (hospitals etc)

I wish that option existed...

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I read through this and still don't understand what any of it has to do with Shock Force. :confused:

As for the flying sub concept, it was put into service back in 1987 (Here). It had severe limitations though being completely made of plastic and only able to fit men who were 3 1/2 inches tall. :o

Sorry, don't mean to pick a fight with anyone, just read about that in the newspaper this morning, then I come on here and find a discussion on it turned bad so thought to lighten the mood a bit.

The fact of the matter is I don't know what "black" projects do or do not exist out there, and I'm not going to stance on either side of the "I want to believe" mentality on it all.

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Let's look at the case of the Aurora, the apparent SR-71 successor. When it was announced the SR-71 was being retired, military analysts fully expected the Air force to scream bloody murder at the loss of perhaps the most capable, responsive, worldwide deployable recon system ever built, but there was scarcely a murmur. The story that was put out was that the SR-71 was no longer needed, for the work would now be done by satellites. Baloney! Satellites are highly predictable, easy to hide things from by virtue of their predictability, and possess limited fuel to change orbits should new areas of interest arise. They are anything but responsive, being prisoners of the their orbits.

That is why a bunch of military analysts smelled a rat immediately. They therefore went looking for an SR-71 replacement platform and found evidence of same all over.

"Skyquakes," previously unseen delta planform craft being in-flight refueled, "donuts on a rope" exhaust trails, etc. They thought it was called Aurora after that name appeared under recon projects in a DOD budget request, but a retired intel type who's a source of mine says it's a red herring of a name, deliberately done to provide deniability and to waste investigators' time. The craft definitely exists, though. Let's look at the evidence.

The man featured here is Nick Cook, who writes for JANE'S and is the author of the explosive HUNT FOR THE ZERO POINT: Inside The Classified World Of Antigravity Technology. Note that he specifically references skyquakes, donuts on a rope and presents a remarkable weather satellite picture showing the craft's flight track. Pay careful attention where it originates from, where it goes, and where it lands.

The first man you'll see here, Bob Dean, is a retired Command Sergeant Major who worked in NATO Supreme Headquarters. He has publicly come forward, in all kinds of venues, to say what he knows about UFOs and UFO tech based projects, information obtained from his own direct experience from reading super highly classified data as part of his job then. Of greater interest, though, for our purposes are the two men who appear starting one minute in. The first is an aircraft recognition expert who describes the in-flight refueling he saw, the sizes of the known planes in the image, and the delta craft refueling. Ignore the F-117 background in the vid and concentrate on the drawing he made. That plane is too big and the wrong shape to be an F-117. The second saw the craft at low level.

Let's recap. Apparent open strategic military requirement. Check. Multiple skyquakes reported in mass media and confirmed by seismic authorities as not being earthquakes. Check. Object imaged on weather satellite traveling at at nearly Mach 12; said object originates from Area 51, overflies Russia and China, then returns to Area 51, neatly fulfilling "empty" strategic recon slot. Check. Pulse Detonation Wave Engine (PDWE), or Pulse Detonation engine (PDE), for short, which may be broadly thought of as an enormously powerful, externally detonating Pulse Jet like the V-1, but with hypersonic capabilities, fits both the acoustic signature reports and the donuts on a rope visuals because of the way the PDE works. Check. AVIATION WEEK's William Scott was writing about such signatures in 1989, and the core technology was invented by a Project Paperclip scientist in 1950. Sure would be nice, though, if we had a picture of this bird. Glad you asked! Courtesy of the Vatican's intelligence service....


This blew my source's mind, and it takes a lot to do that.

All that's left now is to show the transition from flight test and field evaluation to operational deployment. Historically, once the workup was done at Area 51, operational flights were conducted from Beale, AFB, California, with forward deployments as needed elsewhere in the world. It so happens there are multiple reports from Beale of something ear splittingly loud that takes off at unbelievable speed and leaves....wait for it...donuts on a rope in the sky!

Thus did an entire black project aircraft program come into being, and it's one of many.

When the western scientific community stopped publishing physics papers on nuclear fission, it was a big clue the topic had gone black. The upshot was the Manhattan Project and the Bomb. Every major aircraft manufacturer was going hammer and tongs on antigravity research through part of 1956, after which it vanished, too. See Cook's book for proof. Bill Cooper got 70mm film of the fruits of that work flying over Area 51, and you can see the blueprints in his book BEHOLD A PALE HORSE and the video on Redlight II, available from the Hour of the Time. You can also see them discussed by aerospace conceptual illustrator Bruce McCandlish in the Disclosure Project National Press Club Briefing.

If you need another example of confusing the public and ignorant foes alike, take a look at the load of codswallop the Air Force put out in 2004 on its military antimatter research. There, it made it sound like it was excited about the possibilities of antimatter, was letting some of the researchers talk to reporters, then came the gag order.


That was October of 2004. The problem is that the Air Force was already going like gangbusters in 1985! The RAND (Research And Development) Corporation, itself a spin off from the Air Force, was tasked by it to investigate antimatter, aptly called "annihilation energy" in 1985. It was called "Concepts, problems and opportunities for use of annihilation energy: an annotated briefing on near-term RDT&E to assess feasibility, by B.w. Augenstein [RAND Note N-2302-AF/RC, June(1985) 61 pp., prepared for the United States Air Force]. You can read the full story in my "The Antimatter Threat: Is It Closer than the Air Force Admits?, ATLANTIS RISING, No. 63.

Note well the phrase "near-term" and its coupling with RDT&E, Research, Development, Test and Evaluation. IOW, in 1985 the Air Force was already looking to produce military antimatter devices of numerous sorts as test articles and soon. Thus, the 2004 story is utter hooey, is designed to stop further inquiries which might reveal where the real technology is now, and is designed to keep the American public and most of the world totally in the dark. Consider that we built the Bomb in five years. The Air Force has now had nearly 30, and it had already done the fundamental scientific investigations before that clock started.

These sorts of things are why I dare posit the outrageous to you things I do. I spent eleven years at Hughes and Rockwell, during the latter of which I literally had an entire black project aircraft design program (later went white) right next to my work bay (just another anonymous cipher locked door) and knew zero about it until my particular threat analysis services became needed. Only when I was briefed in did I find out what was going on in the room next to my work area!

Compared to these, the Marine spaceplane is almost trivial as a design effort. The existing design needs to be scaled up, special comms and protective devices installed, etc., but the real issue is getting the AAV into space, and every indication shows that a piggyback launcher has already been built and is in use. We'll skip that discussion for now. When I return, I'll show you how to provide Devil Dogs with such incredible weaponry that a single squad can have a huge impact.


John Kettler

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Time now for Huntarr's favorite subjects, the arming and equipping of Devil Dogs! You laughed when I posited powered armor as a real possibility, but I wasn't kidding in the slightest, and it becomes much easier if I get to use black project technology, some of which derives from UFO crash recoveries. You'll see I have an authoritative source on this shortly.

Such a suit will require power, and it's trivial to demonstrate the U.S. has had Over-Unity devices, in operational weapons, going back to the 1960s vintage Minuteman. Details of that are on Tom Bearden's site at www.cheniere.org and you can read about the man who designed the circuit here. http://www.cheniere.org/misc/kron.htm We also have the German Coler Apparatus and related items, not to mention this item from Serpo.org

"We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity.... Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do."

Ben Rich, former Head of the Lockheed Skunk Works, in a lecture shortly before he died

Ben Rich was the anonymous deep background source for aviation writer Jim Goodall's GUNG-HO magazine cover feature, "Stealth and the UFO connection" in which he said "We have things here that would make George Lucas green with envy" and went on to say that McDonnell Douglas engineers had carefully examined the Millennium Falcon's design and "saw no reason" they couldn't duplicate it.

One of those marvels is this CR, a device which supplies power on demand and autoconfigures to whatever's plugged into it. I've personally spoken to someone who not only confirms the basic Serpo scenario but has handled the ET power device.


Bottom line? Through any number of means, I've got power to run the suit, cool the suit and the operator, warm the operator if it's cold, operate suit hydraulics or other forms of actuators, and power pretty much whatever offensive and defensive weaponry I like. I'll posit you know about hydraulics already, so shall skip to something you've probably never heard of--artificial muscles. This is another way to amplify the power of the individual soldier.


How do I "talk" to these strength multiplying actuators? I need an interface. Enter biocloth!


Hurtubise has a pretty good design, but I can do better, and his lacks NBC protection, too. Between the WW II German work you can read about in HITLER'S SUPPRESSED AND STILL-SECRET WEAPONS, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY by Stevens, the ultra lightweight, bulletproof memory metal Colonel Marcel described recovering at Roswell, and a bunch of other work, we can confidently expect the suit armor to be effectively impervious to small arms at the very least, and there are measures which may stop vastly more. Ever heard of electric armor? Remember, I've got enough power to do for a single Marine what would take a vehicle to do normally, and that's conservative.


Gee, this one talks about "a special shape memory alloy." Isn't that interesting?


We already know how to do NBC protection, and this suit would be an NBC citadel, with an interior MOPP suit in case of leaks. Heat exhaustion wouldn't be an issue, for I can keep the occupant cool as long as I've got power. Significant radiation protection can be provided by nanomaterials, and the insider word is this is ET supplied tech is how we got to the Moon through the otherwise deadly Van Allen radiation belts. As part of NBC protection, I envision special hardening vs. nuclear and nonnuclear EMP and High Power Microwave threats.

With enough power, I can fly, but why use rockets like in STARSHIP TROOPERS? The same tech base will give me virtually silent antigravity flight, and I can hide from all sorts of sensors using Philadelphia Experiment type and scalar bubbles. The latter can also produce a true SF style force field. Details are at Bearden's site under weapon slides.

Let's recap. Suit amplified muscles. Check. Means to "talk" to said muscles. Check. NBC protection. Check. Projectile protection vs. small arms, fragments, and even shaped charges. Check. Flies. Check.

What about offensive weapons? If you've got enough power, you can write your own ticket. How much would you like? Did you know that the Germans successfully demonstrated a disintegration beam on 200 rats in 1944? It's in the Stephens book. Further, the U.S. had them on antigravity craft and used them operationally in GW I, per a Marine general who confiscated videos of the before and after from his unit. Thus, a handheld unit would seem reasonable, and if not that, a no-kidding SF style laser. Need to keep the locals away from you? Miniaturize the ADM or use the Acoustic Technologies, Inc. directed beam sound weapon. If you like, you can keep a nonlethal and lethal ultrasonic weapon as a backup. Some of our high security areas are guarded by soldiers with them, and I know somebody who got hit by one. Smarted!

Sensors and weapons can be controlled by thought (intent signal detected late 1980s) and/or voice. I knew someone doing cutting edge brain controlled weapon work for operational tasks in the 1980s. The squad would have an organic UAV and UGV capability (armament optional), multispectral sensors and communications to include satellite, broadband obscurants for when the high tech fails and break contact becomes a must. Am talking about disappearing visually, thermally and from radar simultaneously. That tech has been known since at least the 1980s.

We've already demonstrated guided 40mm projectiles, so it wouldn't be hard to fit each Marine with such a capability, nor would it be terribly difficult to build small missiles with modular warheads to reach out and express national displeasure. Since the evidence indicates we can already fabricate and use antimatter, it would be reasonable to assign such weaponry to the squad on an as needed basis for when we get really angry. This has the priceless advantage of not leaving a radioactive wasteland afterwards, too. This is but one of several areas in which my concept exceeds what Heinlein came up with, but that's to be expected. I'm building on him.

Bottom line? Powered armor's entirely doable and very likely has been done already. Bear in mind what Ben Rich said earlier. Even without resort to some of the more exotic technologies, using say miniature nuclear power sources or state of the art battery tech, I have no doubt whatsoever that the U.S. could produce a powered armor suit, in a small handmade batch if need be, that would turn one Marine squad into a force which could literally lay waste to an entire city, destroy whatever force opposed it, and emerge intact despite devastating firepower.

This is a back of the envelope type design, but rest assured there are people who vacuum up useful tech the way a Hoover does dirt, and others who know how to apply it. Did you know the government can and does embargo patents and classifies unclassified ones, denying even their own inventors access to them? The real tech base is WAY beyond what most imagine. For that matter, the government is still sitting on technical secrets it stole from the Germans at the end of WW II, and Ben Rich himself told you what can really be done. Wasn't kidding, and that came from a dying man!

Given the wealth of material I've provided, it's clear that the tech base is not only there to whip out the craft itself but furnish the Marine squad it exists to deliver anywhere in the world with undreamed of firepower and other military capabilities. I've got eyewitness reports from the late 1980s of a U.S. built saucer whose diameter rivals that of a B-52's wingspan. If we could do that then, the fairly conventional rocket plane ought to be trivial by comparison. After all, Sanger designed one of those for the Germans during WW II!


John Kettler

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Oh man thats a nice idea... would be freaking cool to be able to decide WHERE the tax money goes... I would put 50% on the military (ARMY) and 25% on schools and 25% on welfare (hospitals etc)

I wish that option existed...

That would be nice wouldn't it? I worked the Chitown area in my career as a Senior Telecomm Engineer & we installed a LOT of phone switches in hospitals (PBX) & I was shocked then as I still am now. The areas on the south side & west side looked liked arty strikes. The public schools have been broken forever & it's a very bleak life these kids face. No wonder gangs can thrive there. We should be able as a country, give these kids a good education & a leg up to better themselves. End the cycle of violence that goes on in these neighborhoods every day & to every generation of young people that live there. Clean up & rebuild these areas. I know, I'm dreaming...

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I've found out what it is that ticks me off about John Kettler. It's his inability to learn from his mistakes. Nothing is more annoying than a broken record repeating the same line over and over again.

It's the same damn procedure every time: Something that may be plausible is reported by someone that may be a trustworthy source. From there, ANYTHING reported by ANYONE is to be considered the absolute truth, no matter how bat**** insane.

Mr. Kettler, the reason people call you an idiot or a nutcase is that they've grown tired of trying to respond with sound arguments; nothing gets through to you, and we've grown tired of doing your source critique for you.

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Have you ever done the kind of the kind of tech base analysis I just presented an overview of? I have. In fact, I used to spend hours on end poring over document catalogs from DTIC, flagging things in various technical journals, buttonholing colleagues in other parts of my firm, calling firms that made various odd things, all in an effort to stay abreast of where things were technically. This was in addition to monitoring all pertinent Soviet and Warsaw Pact developments withihn my clearance level while keeping a weather eye on friendly and neutral systems as well. I was specifically tasked to prevent technological surprise from blindsiding Hughes. This was all done pre Internet. There was a time when I probably knew more than the Air Force did about rapid runway repair, when I created an-depth assessment of every plane in NATO which could be made to carry an AMRAAM (now AIM-120 Slammer), and because I know how to dig hard and deep, I even came up with a novel way to decontaminate aircraft exposed to nerve agent.

Let me be blunt. I am NOT responsible for your inability or unwillingness to understand

where the tech base lay even at the end of World War II, never mind now. I have provided some places for you to go check for yourself, but it's evidently much easier for you to name call than it is for you to go outside of your comfort zone by positing, just for the sake of argument, that I might actually a) have some clue regarding what I'm saying and B) might even be right. I used to have to go brief the Hughes Missile Systems Group Chief Technology Officer on Soviet threat matters as they applied to the company product line, and this guy was a Project Paperclip scientist who used to run the Hs-293 guidance system factory during the War. I can assure you I went in well prepared and was listened to closely and with great respect, despite a roughly 30 year age disparity and a Grand Canyon sized chasm in our positions within the firm, not to mention education and experience.

Somehow, though, you seem to think my mind and I parted company, between then and now, despite the fact that I had many of these interests while in military aerospace, as did some of my colleagues. You can get some truly unique perspectives on UFOs when you have a guy with a Master's in Aeronautical Engineering from Cornell to talk to, let alone feeding you stacks of UFO books and showing how this or that feature or report relates to this bit of, say, advanced propulsion technology.

Did you know that the then head of McDonnell Douglas's Advanced Propulsion Technology was given a UFO contactee book by his wife in which the Pleiadians gave travel time to Earth? He ran a back of the envelope analysis and concluded it was within 20% of his firm's best estimates for a related scheme called field propulsion or field effect propulsion, which you can look up. Recall it was McDonnell Douglas engineers who said they saw "no reason" why they couldn't duplicate the Millennium Falcon and fly it. Did you know that the great Hermann Oberth figured out that part of the reasons UFO's could do those "impossible" maneuvers was that they maintained their own local gravity, thus weren't mashing the crew flat from acceleration and deceleration forces?

If you wish to dwell in a cozy world of ancient chemical rockets and such, then that is on you. Jim Goodall directly identified Ben Rich as his source for the mind-shattering GUNG-HO piece.

See the comments here on what Ben Rich said shortly before he died, what other insiders have said that confirms it, etc. I've already mentioned Nick Cook and what he found out.


Here is an example of the other material Ben Rich shared with Jim Goodall. Note the level of trust involved here, on both sides.


Here's more on what Ben Rich said; from here


Originally Posted by gsoboi

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"Ben Rich "father of stealth technology" and former vice-president of the Lockheed corporation made a few statements to Jim Goodall. He said "we have things out in the desert that are 50 years beyond what you can comprehend" "and wont be made public for another 50 years" "If you've seen it in Star Trek or Star Wars, we've been there and done that.


"Ben Rich told me twice before he died: 'We have things at Area 51 that you and the best minds in the world won't even be able to conceive that we have for 30 or 40 years, and won't be made public for another 50." A friend of mine at Lockheed told me: "We have things in the Nevada desert that are alien to your way of thinking far beyond anything you see on Star Trek."

Ben Rich also publicly said this at a convention just months before he died of cancer.

"We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity….. anything you can imagine we already know how to do."

Ben Rich, former Head of the Lockheed Skunk Works

While you pooh pooh Bearden and any and all Over Unity technology, my contact who retired first from the military, then a string of alphabet soup intel agencies, tells me that the intelligence community has understood scalar physics for some twenty years, and he retired shortly after 2000. Further, my contact considers Bearden to be one of the leading intellects of our day, on a par with Einstein.

In your world, Marconi invented the radio. Not so. Nikola Tesla got there first, and I have a 1945 U.S. Supreme Court ruling to that effect. In fact, he demonstrated radio control in 1898. If that's the case, where else might you be in error?

You will NEVER understand today's technology if you can't or won't understand what preceded it, and you'll never manage that unless and until you're willing to undergo the wrenching experience of giving up unquestioning trust in the "scientific authorities." Those who've worked black projects talk about how they've found that despite all their education, the first thing they had to do was absorb a mass of radical new scientific information just to be able to function. Word is that it was a deliberately bridgeable gap, but only with hard study and direct, specific help. Turns out many critical items are deliberately inaccurately presented in the open source literature. You need access to obscure scientific papers, particular reports, little known lab oddities, etc., and someone has to put the pieces together for you, either in person or in a series of training documents.

I know such things are doable, for I've done them. I once took a standard SECRET/NOFORN/WNINTEL level document on threat laser countermeasures, did a little lateral thinking, and briefed a novel spacecraft defense concept I came up with at an NDV Quarterly Program Review. There followed gasps of shock and horror from some intel types there, who demanded to know how I got possession of Special Access Program material. Bottom line? If you always look at things the same way, you'll never learn anything new. We have penicillin because Fleming was curious about that mold on his bread. You not only don't seem to be curious, but actually come across as profoundly incurious, aggressively so!

I've made a preliminary technical argument as to how we could already have powered armor and the far simpler Space Plane, and I've shown you that pales compared to where Ben Rich and others said the tech base really lies. If you wish to contradict me, I think it only fair you systematically refute, point for point, the technologies I described and explain to me, from a scientific-technical standpoint, why they are impossible. Shall be happy to provide you with additional citations if needed from my end. Please bear in mind that I've talked to people who've worked on U.S. applied antigravity programs, who guarded our agrav craft at Edwards, who've reverse engineered cybernetic devices via technical descriptions allegedly from the Roswell craft and demonstrated simple versions of same at 50 teraHertz clock speeds (Lawrence Berkeley Labs managed 12 THz), with a theoretical clock speed of "2 million gigaHertz." Call this a sampler! I personally worked on what was supposed to be the cutting edge aerospace project in the country, the NASP, and I can tell you that such was the acute lack of funding, clerical support, critical equipment supply, etc., that my Cornell colleague and I reluctantly came to the sad conclusion that ours was, in fact, a cover project. Mind, this was described to us as "the future of the company." Some future, one with a huge hole in the classified trailer floor, rain coming through the roof and no computers for six months.

Jimmy Carter's SecNav W. Graham Claytor used to say "Everyone's entitled to his own opinion; everyone's NOT entitled to his own facts." Rather than deal rationally with the issues raised, you take the far easier path of attacking the messenger. And while you and others like you slang me, you are a source of vast entertainment to those who go out of their way to keep the people ignorant. Time and again, you have consciously chosen ignorance. If that's all you did, then it would only be on you and yours. Instead, you have made it your particular business, more like crusade, to systematically attack anyone and any idea you don't like, in an apparent concerted effort to completely silence such threatening to you discussions. That's a different matter entirely, and I won't have it.

Technology is dynamic, but you've evidently chosen not merely stasis, but retrograde movement. Enjoy the trip!


John Kettler

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You're telling us that we already have FTL travel? Than why haven't we used it? There's potentially trillions of dollars to be made from the tech alone, not to mention what we could potentially find with it. Follow the money John, this country was founded on the almighty dollar and if that stuff really existed those with power would be using it to get more, not cover it all up in the Nevada desert.

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Yes, and you can see it for yourself on the aforementioned Project Redlight II vid, in which multiple observers have the Alien Replica Vehicle under simultaneous surveillance, whereupon it blips instantly to another part of the sky and is never seen moving to the new location. This is because it is basically teleporting from point to point.

During my military aerospace days, a colleague with known Agency connections informed me of an incident in which a U.S. carrier skipper got tired of Russian trawlers and activated a highly classified piece of gear, causing his ship to vanish, and I don't mean become invisible. It disappeared completely from the area and when relocated after an all out search of many hours using everything that would fly and sail by the thoroughly freaked Russians, who viewed every U.S. carrier as a mobile strategic strike threat to the Motherland, it was found way down near Antarctica, I believe. Care to explain that using standard physics? Al Bielek said that not only were our ships so fitted, but so were Navy strike aircraft, at the time, A-6s. The case of the disappearing carrier was even reported, in rather truncated form, in an open source book. Further, my alphabet soup agency retiree tells me that the Libyans had no idea we had a carrier battle group a mere 200 miles off the Libyan coast

until it unmasked and began launching the strike intended to punish Libya for bombing the discotheque in Germany. The carrier battle group was, according to him, there for two weeks, during which, the Libyans were completely clueless.

The technology exists, funded by a black program budget running, in one case, at over a trillion a year for three years just from what was squirreled away in the Pentagon. But the real black program money comes from things like narcotrafficking, gunrunning, and large scale financial manipulations and outright theft. Suggest you look up the Nugan Hand Bank, BNL, the S&L collapse, to name but a few. If you do any digging at all, you'll find the same cast of characters over and over again, including some brothers of our fearless leader. And don't forget that the former top undercover narcotics officer for the Los Angeles Police Department, Michael Ruppert, has publicly named Bush Senior as one of the key original conduits for drugs into this country, via the crew boats and helicopters from the Zapata Oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico, neither conveyances being subject to Customs! In return, Bush rose to the top, with the skids greased at every step. Clinton had a similar deal with William Casey. In return for letting the CIA use Arkansas for money laundering, sterile weapon manufacture and drug shipments, Bill was promised the top job, provided he did what he was told. Terry Reed, who trained the Contra pilots and manufactured the sterile weapons, was there when Clinton got blistered for skimming the cocaine rather than just settling for the agreed 10% of the value of money laundered. Read Reed's book COMPROMISED if you think I made this up. This is backed by what Bill Cooper says in his sworn affidavit "OPERATION MAJORITY." I quote the drug portion.

"MJ-12 runs most of the world's illegal drug trade. This was done to

hide funding and thus keep the secret from the Congress and the people

of the United States. It was justified in that it would identify and

eliminate the weak elements of our society. The cost of funding the

alien connected projects is higher than anything you can imagine."

"GRUDGE" Contains sixteen volumes of documented information collected

from the beginning of the United States investigation of Unidentified

Flying Objects (UFO's) and Identified Alien Craft (IAC). The project

was funded by CIA confidential funds (non-appropriated) and money from

the illicit drug trade. Participation in the illegal drug trade was

justified in that it would identify and eliminate the weak elements of

our society. The purpose of project GRUDGE was to collect all

scientific, technological, medical and intelligence information from

UFO/IAC sightings and contacts with alien life forms. This orderly file

of collected information has been used to advance the United States

Space Program."

It serves those in charge very well to have us imagine we know what is and isn't doable, when the reality of what's possible is well past where even certain SF writers feel comfortable. It is eminently possible to have a perfectly ordinary weapon system fitted with the most astounding capabilities. We've already talked about aircraft carriers, but they're the tip of the iceberg. You can have radars with scalar weapon modes, you can see right through the ocean, you can see deep underground structures, etc. All of this is old hat and has been for many years. While physicists argue about whether artificial wormholes can be made, let alone used for anything at all, large scale explorations have been conducted, sending people and equipment to all sorts of places, one of them being Mars. We're already there. In quantity. See, for example, the online books at the site The Mars Records and compare them with what's said in the various accounts of the Montauk Project. With that as a frame of reference, go see what whistleblowers "Henry Shelton" and Dan Burisch are saying at Project Camelot.

Burisch, BTW, was specifically tasked by MJ-12 and its successor to tell what he knew as his last task before retiring. If you do this, I seriously doubt you'll ever view things the same way again.

The American public in particular, and the world public in general, have been kept dazzlingly ignorant as to what we know, what we've done, what we can do, are doing and why. With virtually his dying words, Ben Rich told the shocking truth of where things really stand, and that was merely an overview.

In pursuit of a whole series of agendas we were never consulted about, we have been taken to the cleaners on a scale that beggars description. Our reputations have been destroyed, our best inventions systematically suppressed on one hand and stolen on the other, our communities destroyed by drugs and engineered crime, our minds messed with in a slew of ways, our institutions controlled, and ourselves and those dear to us threatened and even killed to keep a series of secrets. This has gone on for so long and is so disgusting and appalling to many insiders that they've rebelled and are talking. Recently, I had someone volunteer to me how glad he was he never had to issue death threats to UFO witnesses, though he knew someone who had. I close with what Cooper said on the matter. Compare that with what's said in the Justice for Military Personnel letter to Reagan.

MURDER: The documents stated that many military and government

personnel had been terminated (murdered; executed without due process

of law) when they had attempted to reveal the secret of the aliens, the

JASON SOCIETY and MJ-12. [NOTE: Any adult human being who lives in

today's society and who still does not believe that "Our Government"

would commit cold-blooded murder in order to preserve their idea of an

acceptable "status quo"....that person should be placed in a secured,

well-padded cell and not allowed to play with pointed or sharp objects.

He/she is both intellectually and morally Brain Dead. As an example,

does any sane person really believe that Karen Silkwood died in an auto

"accident" ?

Justice for Military Personnel Letter to Reagan (Emmy Award winning Science Reporter Linda Moulton Howe included this in her book AN ALIEN HARVEST, together with Cooper's OPERATION MAJORITY). The letter proper beautifully and chillingly details the measures used to keep military personnel quiet. I can show you death threats against civilians going clear back to Roswell, too.



John Kettler

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I made a mistake. Regarding Project Camelot, the source is named "Henry Deacon." Note what Gary McKinnon found and what he's charged with in consequence. Hint: It concerns the existence of an off-planet U.S. space fleet and officer transfers pertaining thereto. Compare that with The Mars Records, wherein the witness says he not only served but fought, and with what what NSC consultant Dr. Michael Wolf had to say about the true state of our tech base.


Here's a fascinating org chart leaked by Steve Wilson, U.S.A.F. Lt. Colonel, Retired, formerly, the head of Project Pounce (crashed UFO retrieval). Note particularly the presence of the AFSA, Air Force Special Academy. The Air Force Academy trains officers, hopefully to become pilots, for the Air Force; this is a "Special Academy," automatically implying something decidedly not in the standard military ouvre, as in special forces (commandos), special ops (black ops, frequently way behind the lines, conducted even in peacetime), and special weapons (nukes, as opposed to conventional). An entire academy devoted to something special. How about piloting the good stuff (antigravity spacecraft), rather than the eye candy for the ignorant?


And here's some of the good stuff and what we've been doing with it. More insider accounts.


My own direct intel involvement with this goes back to the 1980s, when that Agency affiliated colleague of mine informed me of "space junk" which was highly technological space debris not of terrestrial origin. I can further directly confirm seeing UFO reports in classified intel summaries, exactly like the ones Timothy Good has in his books. Also, I personally interviewed cyber genius Jack Shulman regarding a highly classified fax his firm received--from a space station that supposedly didn't exist, the very one described in the last link I gave. You can read the story in chapter 34 of FORBIDDEN SCIENCE, edited by J. Douglas Kenyon.


John Kettler

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