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A Pengly Pastafarian Challenges The Notion of Spaghetti Monster Side Salads

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Why don't you all just shut up with casual jokes about people fighting in Iraq?

I still know career soldiers that fought in IraQ_1 and hated the whole ****. I was a soldier with them a long time ago. We were soldiers together.

'We' (now) mostly civilians had a reunion with all the guys in our old unit. A few had stayed in for the whole 20.

'They' did not like IraQ1. 'We' were not 'we' anymore.

If you haven't stood a post(1), taken a swear(2), been a soldier(3) and known that all the above (1 through 3) is just total **** compared to how you feel about being a Bud in the service and knowing that you would, and could, fight to the death, and fight for someone other than yourself, the same way, then just shut the hell up.

Given the way they felt about post Iraq_1, I would hate to know how they feel now. E-6 and above all of them.

So shut up. The modern state of affairs in the world is not a joke or a game.

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To ****zell, he happens to be there now, obviously enjoying it (except when he is not) so there must have been something wrong with the people you know.

P.S.- Mace you Geelong boys pulled in a great draft pick at 47, Ryan Gamble played juniors and seniors (last year) for my footy team before heading to Glenelg this year to play U19 and seniors. He missed the U18 Championships with a broken jaw and the draft camp because he was playing in the SANFL grand final so I think he might have been a bit overlooked to bepicked up so late in the draft.

[ November 26, 2005, 02:35 AM: Message edited by: Speedy ]

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Dear Joe,

Perhaps you are correct on this one.

I woke to to find a file this morning which is either CMAK that isn't the latest version OR CMBB and he didn't mention it the email.

Either way I was on the fence about continuing after reading the WWF style rant in the email. Now that I think about I may continue just to receive more of them.



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Originally posted by Sergei:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

In addition a large number of my inlaws are from Saskatchewan.

You have in-laws? You mean some poor wretch of a woman actually consented to...I can't go on, it's too awful.

Michael </font>

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Originally posted by shlitzzlipzz@hotmail.com:

Why don't you all just shut up with casual jokes about people fighting in Iraq?

I still know career soldiers that fought in IraQ_1 and hated the whole ****. I was a soldier with them a long time ago. We were soldiers together.

'We' (now) mostly civilians had a reunion with all the guys in our old unit. A few had stayed in for the whole 20.

'They' did not like IraQ1. 'We' were not 'we' anymore.

If you haven't stood a post(1), taken a swear(2), been a soldier(3) and known that all the above (1 through 3) is just total **** compared to how you feel about being a Bud in the service and knowing that you would, and could, fight to the death, and fight for someone other than yourself, the same way, then just shut the hell up.

Given the way they felt about post Iraq_1, I would hate to know how they feel now. E-6 and above all of them.

So shut up. The modern state of affairs in the world is not a joke or a game.

[sERIOUS]Lad, just as there is no crying in baseball, there are no politics in the CessPool.

NG Cavscout was a valued member of the Mutha Beautiful Thread long before he shipped out to Iraq and long before you stuck your head in here. YOU are a Scum Sucking Newbie (SSN) ... get the picture? [/sERIOUS]


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Originally posted by shlitzzlipzz@hotmail.com:

Why don't you all just shut up with casual jokes about people fighting in Iraq?

I still know career soldiers that fought in IraQ_1 and hated the whole ****. I was a soldier with them a long time ago. We were soldiers together.

'We' (now) mostly civilians had a reunion with all the guys in our old unit. A few had stayed in for the whole 20.

'They' did not like IraQ1. 'We' were not 'we' anymore.

If you haven't stood a post(1), taken a swear(2), been a soldier(3) and known that all the above (1 through 3) is just total **** compared to how you feel about being a Bud in the service and knowing that you would, and could, fight to the death, and fight for someone other than yourself, the same way, then just shut the hell up.

Given the way they felt about post Iraq_1, I would hate to know how they feel now. E-6 and above all of them.

So shut up. The modern state of affairs in the world is not a joke or a game.

Blow me.
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Originally posted by Speedy:

Mace you Geelong boys pulled in a great draft pick at 47, Ryan Gamble played juniors and seniors (last year) for my footy team before heading to Glenelg this year to play U19 and seniors. He missed the U18 Championships with a broken jaw and the draft camp because he was playing in the SANFL grand final so I think he might have been a bit overlooked to bepicked up so late in the draft.


Of course I'll blame you personally if he fails to perform next season.

I'm also planning to blame for you for other unfortunate events, but I'll get back to you once I work out what they are.

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Speedy:

Mace you Geelong boys pulled in a great draft pick at 47, Ryan Gamble played juniors and seniors (last year) for my footy team before heading to Glenelg this year to play U19 and seniors. He missed the U18 Championships with a broken jaw and the draft camp because he was playing in the SANFL grand final so I think he might have been a bit overlooked to bepicked up so late in the draft.


Of course I'll blame you personally if he fails to perform next season.

I'm also planning to blame for you for other unfortunate events, but I'll get back to you once I work out what they are. </font>

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Originally posted by Abbott:

The kitchen is finished, been working on the bathroom. Finished soon.

I don't know what is more important...a place to eat or a place to take a dump??

We should have a poll on this.

I hated Iraq_1 too, all that sand...and you know when wind blew the sand got into everything. Thank God for inventing baby wipes. The only problem was the Iraqis wouldn't fight, same thing today...they don't want to close...you know get real near and smell the other guy's onion breath. Sure any turd can blow themselves up...give me a squad of jarheads in a narrow streeted souk, a couple a SAWs maybe a grenade or two or three, a sharp K-bar...saftey glasses to protect the eyes from concrete chips...and awaaaaaay we go!!!!!

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Emrys is having another birthday?

How do we know?

Have archeologists finally unearthed his clay birth certificate?

Shouldn't you be polishing a rock or some other undertaking not too demanding for one of your accomplishments?

Michael </font>

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I extend my thanks to the members of the MBT for leaping to my defense. I really didn't mean to disparage our brave troops by my post. Of course if the SSN had bothered to read my profile it might of kind of leaped out at him that I am one of those brave troops.... well one the troops anyway. Oh well, SSN's, what can you do with them?

No really, what can you do with them? I have heard that they are quite good after being baked and stuffed with a nice pimento and sage dressing!

Also, happy belated Thanksgiving to everyone. I spent the day stuffing myself with prime rib and turkey. It was a very hip-hop Thanksgiving just north of Baghdad. The Army decided we needed a DJ in the messhall to serenade us while we ate. I never really thought of "Fifty-Cent" as Thanksgiving music, maybe Sweetest Day or Arbor Day, but not really Thanksgiving, that has always been more of an "NWA"/"Snoop Dogg" kind of holiday for me.

Joe Shaw I didn't have any idea what they were talking about either, I just saw that they were Oddstraylans and assumed that they were either discussing mugging Koala Bears for beer money or buggering Kangaroo's. Upon further investigation, I do believe that they are discussing Soccer. You know, that game that is played by girls here in the States.

[ November 26, 2005, 09:16 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I got the "U19" bit but the rest was gibberish ... as is most of what Mace and Speedy say to one another.

I tried playing it backwards at double speed and it turned out to be an ad for Carter's Little Liver Pills. I guess it takes time for these things to reach the Antipodes.


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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

I do believe that they are discussing Soccer. You know, that game that is played by girls here in the States.

We were discussing that uber-footy game, Australian Rules, where the men are men and every one else is trampled into the sod or drunk.
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Originally posted by shlitzzlipzz@hotmail.com:

Why don't you all just shut up with casual jokes about people fighting in Iraq?

I still know career soldiers that fought in IraQ_1 and hated the whole ****. I was a soldier with them a long time ago. We were soldiers together.

'We' (now) mostly civilians had a reunion with all the guys in our old unit. A few had stayed in for the whole 20.

'They' did not like IraQ1. 'We' were not 'we' anymore.

If you haven't stood a post(1), taken a swear(2), been a soldier(3) and known that all the above (1 through 3) is just total **** compared to how you feel about being a Bud in the service and knowing that you would, and could, fight to the death, and fight for someone other than yourself, the same way, then just shut the hell up.

Given the way they felt about post Iraq_1, I would hate to know how they feel now. E-6 and above all of them.

So shut up. The modern state of affairs in the world is not a joke or a game.

When we quit with the casual jokes, lad, it will be because we're all dead.

Here in the Peng Challenge Thread, we're after being a very mixed bag. The Justicar will tell you that there's no politics here, and, truth be told, you'll see that honoured more by the Conservatives than the Liberals, if we were to give them labels. I should know, as I'm far more likely to rant on the 'Liberal' line, than the Conservative.

But, in my more sober moments, I'd like to think that what I'm after doing is trying to understand. So I like to hear from everyone. That includes such as our MrSpkr, and our Dalem. Because what I want, is the Truth.

Personally, you're never, ever going to find anyone as hates 'The Current Administration' or the Neo-Con position as much as I do. But you're never going to see me tell someone who holds a different position to: 'Shut the Hell Up'.

Well, you might, but when I do, I'd be wrong. I always want to hear from the Other Side.

There's only one side. It's the side of Truth and Justice. And it takes a powerful lot of work to even begin to approximate that.

So, I'm always willing to hear what a group has to say about current affairs. But I'm not after willing to hear that any group should 'shut the hell up'. Believe me, I hate my ideological enemies. But when I tell someone just like me to 'shut the hell up', I end all dialogue.

And I don't want to do that with anyone unless I know they're simply no longer reachable. And even then, I don't want to do it unless I'm addressing a person whose bigotry and viciousness takes them outside the pale.

Witness the Dalem. His political views are vicious, his social views are laughable. But we are friends. I never go up to his house without a sigh, and I never listen to his views without shouting: YOU ASS! FOOL! KISS MY ARSE!

And then we smoke cigars, and he shows me how to properly parry using his rapiers. We sword fight a lot. And often have breakfast.

But what am I to do? He's a stupid git. I never met so many fecking stupid gits in my life, before I posted on this Forum. But I have chosen to take them in stride, and, by my example, my acceptance, and my intellect, I have chosen to make them see reason.

it's a damn hard row to hoe. But the alternative is to strap 40 lbs. of C-4 to my chest and go over to his house. And that's just not American, Goddamnit!

You seem well-spoken in terms of your ability to Taunt. Do you actually have the Game? If so, I might give you a game.

Oh, and as for my abilities as word-smith? I could run up one side of you and down the other, laughing like a two-year old.

You're lucky I regard you as a small and silly poodle. It's been a long time since I pounded the nails into the hands and feet of a new poster. So, tell me about how I should give you a game.


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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

I extend my thanks to the members of the MBT for leaping to my defense. I really didn't mean to disparage our brave troops by my post. Of course if the SSN had bothered to read my profile it might of kind of leaped out at him that I am one of those brave troops.... well one the troops anyway. Oh well, SSN's, what can you do with them?

Hush, now! Like anyone jumped to your fecking defense, you silly bastard!

Mind, I'm after being glad to know that you're alright. When are you coming home, you bugger? When you arrive, I'd be honoured to drive over to that hell-hole of a border town you call home, and buy you breakfast, and such.

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