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Annoying bugs and missing functions...

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Originally posted by Brent Pollock:

Maybe this never came up in beta testing because it didn't occur to anyone to give a heavy weapon team (MMG) another heavy weapon (the Javelin), instead of letting a squad breeak out a couple riflemen for the task as an ATG team? I am even leary to give the HQ section the Javelin, because they should be doing other things than sniping AFVs.

..or do you mean MG or Javelin teams on rooftops?

Actually, they were Scout Infantry Units with one of the soldier carrying a MG. Of course, once you have access to a "Deploy weapon" command, that it be for a dedicated MG Team or anyone in one X type unit carrying a MG, the thing stays the same: they just can't deploy their weapon. As for the ATGM issue mentioned earlier, it should go by the same logic, that it be a ATGM team or not. In fact the Scout unit I am refering about had 1 soldier with a MG, 3 with M-16s and 1 with a M203-M16 hybrid. Once I asked the unit to acquire their ATGM launcher, one soldier with a M-16 got it replaced by that launcher and acquired 3 Javelins afterwards. That's it. After that Scout unit was ordered to take position on the (same) rooftop we've been picturing from the beginning.
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Originally posted by moneymaxx:

It seems they don't even relay info to the troops riding in them. I had a Stryker facing a T72 and I ordered the inf. to disembark to attack it but they couldn't see the T72 (not sure though if the Stryker detected the T72 with some special equipment).

That is really an error from BF if what you just said holds to be true. Of course, over a certain range it should not be too probable for an infantry unit just dismounted (hence at ground level) to see an enemy tank, but if it has been detected by the vehicle in which they were riding and told at what range (unless to far) and which direction [both, all in all, communicated to them as it should happen], they should be either wary of the vehicle's presence through more than a god-forsaken "interrogation mark" red icon (rather for such situations, add-in an "exclamation mark" of an identified enemy unit [and] pressing immediate presence but not flawlessly marked off: exact coordinates for range, direction in degrees and terrain elevation from spotter's observation emplacement) or be able to receive situational updates from an other (at least one belonging to their group) or their own vehicle commander about enemy current whereabouts. If that infantry unit can't CLEARLY mark them off (let's assume to "Javelin it down"), at least they should know what that enemy is up to.
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Playing Brandenberg: I had a Brad 5 meters from a BMP that every other unit on the map could see and he sat there for 2 minutes before finally noticing. The BMP must have been braindead as well as he didn't notice my Brad.

The Brad had all communication icons active and was a veteran with no crewmembers out of action. I purposely let him sit there when I noticed that he didn't seem to notice the enemy.

I am also becoming quite annoyed with the MOUT proceedures of the squads. Windows are entry points. When you enter a room the first thing you do is clear it. I am tired of watching my troops run around a building to find a door and then enter a room filled with enemy soldiers and proceed to run across to the far wall before anyone thinks to open fire. I am starting to prefer the old infantry system.

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Originally posted by sgtgoody (esq):

I am also becoming quite annoyed with the MOUT proceedures of the squads. Windows are entry points. When you enter a room the first thing you do is clear it. I am tired of watching my troops run around a building to find a door and then enter a room filled with enemy soldiers and proceed to run across to the far wall before anyone thinks to open fire. I am starting to prefer the old infantry system.

Have you seen the wonderful animation of the standing soldier shooting a prone enemy? It's classic. I had squad of 4 dudes run into the room and then run laps around the inside walls shooting the prone defenders who seemed to be really annoyed at the visitors but not annoyed enough to fire back at them.
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On a semi-serious note, using "Assault" inside buildings is nearly suicide. The bounding action just leaves 50% of the squad outside the room when the fighting starts. After the first half of the squad dies, then the second half of the squad runs in and dies.

Assault might be OK in special situations while approaching a building, but entering the building should be done with "Quick".

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Just bought the full game today after playing the demo and loving it. Great work BFC, well worth the wait in this longtime fan's opinion.

One minor bug I noticed in the demo: when I saved a game and returned to it (WeGo), my casualties were standing up again (although they still showed as casualties and I couldn't issue orders). Once I hit the Go button though, my zombies obligingly returned to the grave and stayed there. Please fix or do sumfink... or don't, it's just FYI.

My two cents though: I REALLY miss the LOS tool, and it's all the worse in RTS mode. In CMx1 that blue stripe showed me the contours of the land really quickly so I could spot draws and dells (you know, where elves and fairies live), etc., for deploying and hiding. While I appreciate the reasons why the terrain gets fuzzy in CMSF when you look at it from a distance, I've now lost several grunts by debouching them from their vehicles into "low ground" I thought was out of enemy LOS and wasn't anything of the kind (the aforementioned zombies among them). Would providing a toggle to a terrain wireframe mesh view be too gamey? At present, I'm at a loss as to how I'm going to learn to use ground in the open desert the way I could in CMAK. My tendency now is to leave my infantry mounted... they're safer.

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I have noticed that nothing returns to beginning turn state when you replay a turn. Ammo counts, crew status, everything remains as it was when the turn ended. Well dead things come back to life but that is about it.

I had an M1 take a hit that I think took out the driver. As I was cussing my stupidity I believe I saw the driver status change back to driving and the Commander's status change to casualty. All within one minute. I was going to ask about this as unless the M1HC comes with a transporter there is no way the TC and Driver (a wounded driver at that) could switch positions that fast. The replay, however, remained at the endstate and so I could not be sure of what happened.

Also, can the remote turret on the Stryker be operated from the driver's station. I had one of my Strykers hit by autocannon fire from a BMP and become immobilized. The same attack also took out the TC. The status messages then showed the driver firing (which he was, gotta admire his spunk). I suppose the driver went back to the TC station to fire but I would have expected his status to change from driver to commander. This isn't really so much a bug as something I have noticed. I like to know what everyone is doing (old NCO habit) and better status messages would be a big help.

By the way, does anyone know how easy or hard it is to move from the drivers position to the TC position in the Stryker? I've never been in one but I know in vehicles like the Brad it is a pain in the rear.

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Earlier in this thread Sgt.Joch wrote about not noticing reinforcements arriving. Now that I've paid more attention to this, either the text appears for a moment and I don't notice it or it's not always shown.

Maybe there could be some sound also? Like many email clients play when there's new email.

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The sluggishness when using shift and ctrl can be worked around by changing the priority of CM with the task manager. Just set it to normal rather than above normal. Now if someone could tell me how one does this permanently in stead of having to alt-tab out every time I start up I would be very glad. smile.gif

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Originally posted by SlowMotion:

Earlier in this thread Sgt.Joch wrote about not noticing reinforcements arriving. Now that I've paid more attention to this, either the text appears for a moment and I don't notice it or it's not always shown.

Maybe there could be some sound also? Like many email clients play when there's new email.

You've got new troops!
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Originally posted by sgtgoody (esq):

I have noticed that nothing returns to beginning turn state when you replay a turn. Ammo counts, crew status, everything remains as it was when the turn ended. Well dead things come back to life but that is about it.

And also if a unit is eliminated during the turn (so it's little marker disappears) the marker doesn't reappear when you rewind back to the start.
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Originally posted by BlAin:

Seriously, what do you think about the "exclamation mark" idea about which I was refering previously? Just read the last reply I posted above...

Thanks, we should debate on this...

Sorry but the use of that punctuation(exclamation point) is being used to identify routing troops tongue.gif
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I'm sure this has been mentioned.....

Selecting individual unit types instead of whole elements. I was really fantasizing about setting up scenarios that mirrored real life experiences. Without the ability to handpick my force, this is impossible.

The LOS tool was awesome. Although, the functionality is all still there even if it's in different forms.

I'm another big fan of the WEGO system. I loved it and swore by it. Maybe the time span could have been variable, but other than that I had no problems.

Unit statistics. Remember when you could click on a unit and find out how many kills they had gotten ? Wasn't that fun ? Really gave a better picture of the battle. It was gamey, yes. During a battle, you could restrict it only to confirmed kills. But after the battle, I'd like to know how well that infantry squad did. Or how effective the anti-personnel rounds from my mortars were.

Anyways. That's all I ask to make this my wet dream of a game.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by Schmoly War:

A PBEM, Al Hawl scenario;

The sudden inability for me and my opponent to disembark our infantry from our bmps and strykers.

What's up with this? I play PBEM and have a Company of strykers loading and un-loading just fine...Your report is troubling. The Unload freeze thing made me stop PBEM in V1.02.

Have you duplicated it? Any other info?

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