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So where is the patch


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I've been playing the campaign 1-2 scenarios at a time and the biggest problem for me is the huge discrepancy in the scenarios.

I don't think da patch is going to make david vs goliath setting any more interesting for me. Bah humbug.

Especially since the catch-all solution to any problem is to swamp "them" with the sheer number of bullets (etc) you have in your disposal.

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Hey, nobody wants the patch out more than we do. There are a couple of things we're still trying to get wrapped up. We don't want to put v1.05 out with known issues that you guys will find in the first day or so. It gets the whiners cranked up because the 60 things we fixed aren't good enough because of the 1 thing that isn't fixed. We try to learn from experience :D

We do need to get it out, though, so we're pretty close to calling it "good to go" even if there are a few significant known issues. The amount of stuff v1.05 addresses successfully is quite substantial AND we don't plan on working through the Holidays at this pace, so not much longer to wait!


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Originally posted by Barleyman:

I've been playing the campaign 1-2 scenarios at a time and the biggest problem for me is the huge discrepancy in the scenarios.

I don't think da patch is going to make david vs goliath setting any more interesting for me. Bah humbug.

Especially since the catch-all solution to any problem is to swamp "them" with the sheer number of bullets (etc) you have in your disposal.


Have you tried some players' made scenarios?

There are some quite good ones. Very well balanced.

Go to the Scenario and Campaign Design Forum and check out some of the ones available and some opinions.

You may find one that is more to your taste.

As for the patch... Christmas is just around the corner! :D

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Speaking as a whiner, Steve, I have to say that I find your "60 things" line upsetting. I think... maybe, like 50. More than that and it would be just silly.

Speaking of which, my company just pushed a massive release (I'd be looking forward to some downtime, but it's like the weekend when you have small children: in theory you should get a break, but you really don't), and what have we heard for our months of work?

That's right, people complaining about how we took out the bugs that they were using (abusing!) dangerously to avoid a few extra mouse-clicks in a part of our site that requires serious diligence. I think all of the positive feedback was used up during UA testing. smile.gif

Anywho, cheers. I'm looking forward to the patch, even if I'm also planning on complaining about it. ;)

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Please keep this in mind before you start planning your complaining strategy. ;)

We do need to get it out, though, so we're pretty close to calling it "good to go" even if there are a few significant known issues. The amount of stuff v1.05 addresses successfully is quite substantial
There are "known issues" that means Steve and Charles know about them ;) and so they will go on the top of the list for v1.06. If I understand how the whole patching system works correctly.
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I definitely don't expect perfection, I just want the major issues to be fixed. LoS/LoF problems, pathfinding issues, and broken multiplayer are the three things that come to mind for me.

I would rather wait six more months for a patch that actually FIXES those things than to get a patch right now that fixes 60 other problems that aren't cutting into the core gameplay.

I'm not trying to be impatient, I just wanted at least a rough idea of when the patch will be here so I can move on to other things for awhile if it's going to be awhile...

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I definitely don't expect perfection, I just want the major issues to be fixed. LoS/LoF problems, pathfinding issues, and broken multiplayer are the three things that come to mind for me.
This may be a good point, hypothetically speaking, is it possible that 2 out of 3 just isn't good enough? (Hence no patch release).

I ask this because if the issues noted above are deemed to be the 3 big ones to fix, (and they might be the most complicated to patch and test and trouble shoot and test again) then if only 2 out of 3 of them are fixed, it "might" understandable to wait for the patch until the 3rd is perfected.

I speak of course, only hypothetically.

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To Patch or not to Patch, the eternal geek question...

I would rather get a patch that improves some things, even though it does not fix all the issues, rather than no patch at all.

I presume the plan is to release the patch next week, that we can play with over the Holidays, while the BFC team takes a well deserved rest.

This way we can have a new list of requested fixes/features/unreasonable demands ready for them when they go back to work in 2008.


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It gets the whiners cranked up because the 60 things we fixed aren't good enough because of the 1 thing that isn't fixed.
Im sorry Steve but thats the kind of Bollocks talk that puts me off coming here. If you fix 60 things but dont fix the most important one, the whiners as you call them, loyal customers to some, will still not be pleased.

So it would be nice if instead of insulting your customer base you just fixed the bloody game I paid you for.


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I ask this because if the issues noted above are deemed to be the 3 big ones to fix, (and they might be the most complicated to patch and test and trouble shoot and test again) then if only 2 out of 3 of them are fixed, it "might" understandable to wait for the patch until the 3rd is perfected.

I totally agree with this. Although I don't think CMSF is a terrible game (in fact I think it is a great game/engine waiting to break out), the 3 issues I mention make the game not worth playing to me. If the patch comes out and only partly fixes them (kind of like 1.04), I will lose interest and quit playing after a couple games (exactly like 1.04).

So I would rather wait until the issues that ruin the game are fixed than even bother installing another patch that doesn't truly fix these things. Of course, there has to be some sort of cutoff point too and I suppose after long enough it is better to release what you've got as long as it's an improvement.

I just genuinely hope that the majority of the time spent on this patch has been to fix these 3 problems. With such fundamental flaws, it makes no difference to me if there's a bug when a soldier fires a javelin at night on a forest map.

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If I don't say anything about the patch some people get upset and unpleasant. If I start talking about the patch some people get upset and unpleasant. And some people wonder why I didn't want to post until v1.05 was out the door :D


Im sorry Steve but thats the kind of Bollocks talk that puts me off coming here. If you fix 60 things but dont fix the most important one, the whiners as you call them, loyal customers to some, will still not be pleased.
Yeah, but who said we didn't fix the things you are most concerned about? All I said was we don't want to release the patch when we know there is a significant problem because (based on prior experience) some "loyal customers" are too eager to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Currently the problem we're trying to fix doesn't have anything to do with major issues, but it would likely become a major issue if we didn't fix it for v1.05.

BTW, I do not consider people that personally abuse me, CM, or Battlefront to be "loyal customers". Just because someone pays some money for CM doesn't mean they have the right to be insulting or abusive. I don't expect loyal customers to be kiss asses, but I also don't expect them to go out of their way to be unpleasant. People that go ballistic on us are just "customers".

So it would be nice if instead of insulting your customer base you just fixed the bloody game I paid you for.
I'm not insulting the customer base, just those who insist on being unnecessarily pissy when they don't get EXACTLY what they want out of a patch. Bad attitudes are never helpful. If you don't have a bad attitude remember there are a few people on this Forum, so chances are I'm speaking about someone other than you.


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Originally posted by Webwing:

Have you tried some players' made scenarios?

There are some quite good ones. Very well balanced.

Go to the Scenario and Campaign Design Forum and check out some of the ones available and some opinions.

You may find one that is more to your taste.

Actually, I'm waiting for the patch so I just thought I'd finish the campaign in the meantime. After all, I had CMSF sitting untouched for months and I decided 1.04 seems good enough to give it a proper try. (bought it when 1.02 came out)

FWIW I don't know how realistic a balanced scenario would be, after all US army DOES have firepower coming from wazoo. And relatively few soldiers. We're talking about guys who use ATGMs to do the job of a humble RR..

And about gameplay, I ran into an obvious (and annoying) bug twice so far. Some guys on a roof of a garage who couldn't be shot. Not from the 3-story building next to the garage, not from ground.. Just couldn't get LOS althought they apparently could see ME just fine.

Second one was that scenario did not end and the OPFOR had grand total of 1 spy and 1 panicked soldier covering in a basement left. I spent last 30 mins of that scenario performing house-to-house search..

So not so many blatant bugs to my mind. Lots and lots of problems with the UI and unit behavior, thought.

And, well, the stock campaign IS pretty one-sided. You can get total US victory dead drunk. Believe me, I've tried.

[ December 11, 2007, 03:11 PM: Message edited by: Barleyman ]

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