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Invisible Mortars and Block Tanks

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A while ago someone on the Battlefront team, I think it was Steve, said there wasn't much to show graphically for the game yet, other than some rough animations of crews loading invisible mortar rounds into invisible mortar tubes and block-shaped tanks with their hatches opening and closing.

Battlefront, before we all die of boredom, let's see them, however ropey or half finished they are! I promise not to laugh and you can delete them within 24 hours. Deal?

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I demand with all the authority I can muster that BFC publish no such half-finished screenshots on pain of death. :mad:

Well, let's just see whose wishes get served up first on a platter, eh, Cpl S? :D

That's right - any pictures of invisible mortars will result in Instant Jihad. Blood will pour through the threads of this forum like a river. You infidels have been warned - be careful of what you wish for.

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We learned a long time ago to NOT show things until they are nearly ready. To paraphrase Jack... "The images? The images? You can't handle the images!!" :D

As I've said for many months now, we are doing things the right way instead of the usual way. Our emphasis is on getting the game to be great first, then the atmospheric elements. Most games have wonderful screenshots to show early on, then the rush in the game stuff at the last minute when they realize they are out of time.


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Originally posted by Wicky:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sergei:

And I'd like to see hooters. Can I see hooters? I'm a very impatient man. Where are the hooters?

Glassfibre Crustacean and the Inflatable Hooters of Doom

5%20Parade%20Crabs.jpg </font>

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