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Everything posted by belasarius

  1. I hope our aliens are better than the syrian's aliens. by the way I've contacted my neocon allies and homeland security agents will soon pay a visit to anyone reading this thread! :cool:
  2. Michael if they include that feature you can mod in Panzer Pajamatruppen SS Division Commandante and everyone will be happy.
  3. From what BF has said the force selection will be more flexible and customizable than CM1. The replay value came from the QB system, which I expect to be improved after 9 years of development. as far as what will keep it from being an air to ground turkey shoot, well syria has some of the best weapons money can buy for a non-us ally. For purposes of deterring tactical air assaults I imagine that 1) counting plane kills along with other casualties and 2) Syrian forces having modern russian or even somewhat dated russian man portatable anti air missiles available would initiate the proper balance.
  4. Sounds great, can't wait. My main question is: with unconventional warfare being so important in this theater, subterfuge and disguise are paramount. How will this be dealt with? Obviously the car bombs can't look like car bombs long before they blow up or else they wouldn't be effective. Will there be civilians?
  5. I'm disappointed in you people complaining about the next great combat sim game.
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