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Australia hijacks the Peng Challenge Thread...yet again!!

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Originally posted by Flammenwerfer:

I believe Australians are responsible for reality television. :mad:

Pillenwerfer ... you're a photographer I see ... we already have one of those and he's an idiot.

This is the CessPool lad ... we don't DO smilies in here.

You're in Florida, the last good thing that came out of Florida was the Late Sir Jim Boggs. I don't expect lightning to strike twice in the same place.

Since there are NO RULES (way to go Speedy) you aren't aware of some of the finer points of the Peng Challenge Thread. One of those rules is that you should prove your worth by actually CHALLENGING SOMEONE.

If not ... SOD OFF!


p.s. Alternatively you can say nice things about the Podcasts.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Pillenwerfer ... you're a photographer I see ... we already have one of those and he's an idiot.


Thank you, Joe. Coming from you that means... less than nothing, really.

So, Flinginwaffles says he's a photographer, eh? Well, seeing he's a Floridiot, I'm betting he does weddings, senior portraits and pets. Either that, or he does church annuals.

So, it's best to treat him gently, because his brain was probably fried long ago.

Hey! Maybe you could take him to Squire, eventually. He'd fit right into the Shavian House.

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I find it odd (read suspicious) that phlegminmywaffles has been here longer than Boo & yet only now chooses to post in the One Thread.

Why, of all times, now?

Personally, I reckon he’s nowt but a BFC plant… either that or a complete dweeb

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Oh, and I just whomped Shaw mightily in our last game.

He might not have seen the score yet, so I really don't want to give it away*, but the few, pitiful troops he had left, surrendered to a man, then dragged him out of hiding and beat him unmercifully with their entrenching tools.

(*Oh, what the hell... 78-22. Major Victory for yours truly. Now, if I can only do the same to Peng.)

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Originally posted by Flammenwerfer:

Please. I don't want to be recruited, I just want some CMSF news.

The best way to gain a few bones concerning Shock Force is to gain the favor of one of the BFC insiders. I would suggest asking a fellow named Michael Dorosh on the Forums. He should be able to toss a bit of info. your way.
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Originally posted by stoat:

I smell a stinky, stinky fish.

Too true stoat!

I, for one, certainly smell a rat... or smoke... and you know what they say about fires without smoke... or was that rats...


... now I've only gone & confused myself again

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Oh, and I just whomped Shaw mightily in our last game.

He might not have seen the score yet, so I really don't want to give it away*, but the few, pitiful troops he had left, surrendered to a man, then dragged him out of hiding and beat him unmercifully with their entrenching tools.

(*Oh, what the hell... 78-22. Major Victory for yours truly. Now, if I can only do the same to Peng.)

Well what do you expect when he's attacking and gives himself 60 turns on a medium map?

I finally just surrendered in disgust ... if he wants to win that badly I guess it's important to him ... somehow. I would never take advantage of someone's good nature that way.


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Swine. Swinishly swiney swine-boy with your swinerly swine ways.

It was 40 turns.

And I can imagine you surrendering in disgust. Disgust in the way you defended your flags. Disgust in the way you relied on an Engineer strong force and NO AT assets, other than two M-18s.

Bah! Slatternly trailer trash skanks defend their honor better than you defended your territory!

Oh, and Fleur-in-Wiffle? I don't accept challenges from untried tired trodden tipsy SSNs such as yourself. Stoat's fair game though.

(See? THIS is why we need rules posted at the beginning of the Thread! And of course, it's those drunken Aussies who are to blame,)

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Nidan, here's hoping my route home is a bit simpler than yours was. I am going to have to shake your hand one day.

Stoat, maybe you could return the fecking turn, then you might have something to say, unless of course, I owe you a turn, in which case what kind of rat bastage are you for not reminding me? Tell you what, I forgive you. There, see how nice I really am?

Sir 37mm I am sure you smell something foul, smoky, and rat-like every day, you do, after all, live in Manchester...

halfanerfballer, that won't do at all, come on now, show a bit of panache. Do old Florida proud now, the state has to have something besides man eating alligators to be proud of...

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Stoat, maybe you could return the fecking turn, then you might have something to say, unless of course, I owe you a turn, in which case what kind of rat bastage are you for not reminding me? Tell you what, I forgive you. There, see how nice I really am?

I remind you in my own way. I imagine you find it preferable to spam, spam, spam, and spam?
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

snipped ...Bah! Slatternly trailer trash skanks defend their honor better than you defended your territo... and again snipped

You probably shouldn't hide behind wordgames there Boo... just go right out & say Abbott
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Originally posted by Flammenwerfer:

And I challenge Stoat's sawed-off pair.

Well, I hate to admit it, but Joe Shaw was right, and I blame this SSN for forcing me to write that. This, THIS is what happens when you don't post the rules. I will never again question Great Britain's wisdom for shipping the proto-aussies to the other end of the world, but may start questioning why they didn't just shoot them all and save the ship fare.

Flaming waffler, you are to sound off like you have a pair. Not like you are ordering a prosthetic pair at your local pharmacy or sex shop.

This is the Peng Challenge Thread, the big leagues, the oasis of reason, the palace of wisdom, the bright cherry on the top of the big steaming pile of postings that otherwise clog the bandwidth. We are the real reason this forum exists. The rest of it is permitted to exist for tax purposes or somefink.

That tepid challenge just won't do at all. This is a manly and masculine thread (ladies excepted of course), although even our faire ladies could come up with a better taunt than that! Now here are some helpful hints for a good taunt, with some helpful memory devices to keep them in your pointy noggin.

Find someone of proper social standing to challenge, in this case stoat has been identified as being low enough.


Garble your opponent's name in a clever way. The more ways you can do it, the better. Remember that it has to be close enough that we can decipher who you are talking about. Glwenfhvvysnbf or the like will not do.


Mention how inadequate your would-be opponent is. Just about any area of life is open game here. It could be their appearance, their intellect or lack thereof, their inferior strategems, where they hail from, or better yet, make up a reason. The key is to show contempt for your opponent.

[bOOT] I wasn't done with this point, I just thought another booting couldn't hurt.

A proper taunt will incite your opponent to a mindless, blind rage. You are not so much wanting to win a game so much as making the other person despise you for turning their recreation into a living hell as you make them your own whipping boy.


Finally, you must glory in the um...glory that will be yours at the end of this contest. You need to gloat just a little about how much scorn your adversary will face having been defeated by the likes of you!


and one to grow on!


So try again. It's STOAT for crying out loud! The taunt practically writes itself. And remember, the rest of us want you to succeed. It's just that we are equally happy to revel in your incompetence should you fail. There a special joy that comes from trampling the unworthy into the muck of the poole, heh heh.

So give it a go, and remember, I'm the nice one.

<font size=10>[bOOT]</font>

Ugh. Now I need stoat to wipe the floomiwaller off of my boots.

[ June 10, 2006, 06:50 AM: Message edited by: Lurkur ]

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Well said Lurkur, the only quibble I might have is that NO SSN should even consider mangling the name of a Squire or Knight of the CessPool. Those are sacrosanct after all.

Look, it's not Pillenwerfer's fault that he didn't know the rules, that he didn't know the proper form for taunting or that he's descended from the shallow end of the gene pool. Perhaps we need to be more accomodating here.

In light of that I wish to make amends and offer a new Ker Dessel* CMAK scenario to test the mettle of this SSN. It's called "Doc, It Burns When I Pee!" and is a German attack on an American hospital that has sulfa drugs which do a good job on ... certain delicate conditions.

Do we have a volunteer to take him on?


*Ker Dessel - When You Want To Play CM In The Worst Way.

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It seems we always have these troubles when an Oddstraylian starts the Thread .

They (the Oddstraylians), never see fit to announce the proper rules....and before you know it, all sorts of SSNs come wandering in, without any knowledge of how to behave, because of the lack of the aforementioned RULES.

Like the rest of the goober countries of the world, the Oddstaylians are wrapped up in this annual snore fest called the World Cup. While it may be the most popular spectator sport in the world, it's only popular in goober countries (you know who you are), and the actual center of things, the good ole USA...doesnt give a hoot about kicking a ball around, and trying eventually after hours of set up....to get it into a large net to score.

Due to this preoccupation with soccer....the representatives of goober countries in the MBT neglect their dutiful responsibilities....such as posting the rules.

I blame the World Cup, and all its fans for this!!!

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

It seems we always have these troubles when an Oddstraylian starts the Thread .

They (the Oddstraylians), never see fit to announce the proper rules....and before you know it, all sorts of SSNs come wandering in, without any knowledge of how to behave, because of the lack of the aforementioned RULES.

Like the rest of the goober countries of the world, the Oddstaylians are wrapped up in this annual snore fest called the World Cup. While it may be the most popular spectator sport in the world, it's only popular in goober countries (you know who you are), and the actual center of things, the good ole USA...doesnt give a hoot about kicking a ball around, and trying eventually after hours of set up....to get it into a large net to score.

Due to this preoccupation with soccer....the representatives of goober countries in the MBT neglect their dutiful responsibilities....such as posting the rules.

I blame the World Cup, and all its fans for this!!!

The problem, as I see it, isn't with the GAME, but rather with the NAME. Goober nations refer to it as Football, whilst we know it correctly as Soccer. Football being reserved for the RIGHTFUL owner of the name, American Football.

As to the World Cup, you are correct Nidan1, it's a worthless spectacle and should rightfully receive the back of our hand in those years when the USA isn't a contender for the crown. Womens Soccer, in past years, was the exception which proved the rule and besides we had chicks taking off their shirts ... now THAT'S SPORTS!*

Finally though, you should edit your post where it states:

and the actual center of things, the good ole USA...doesnt give a hoot about kicking a ball around ...
Since, of course, kick offs, PATs and field goals are a part of AMERICAN Football and therefore worth our consideration.


* For those who might denigrate the specific example, it's the THOUGHT that counts and it was an AMERICAN chick.

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