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Peng Challenges Seanachai in a Thunder Run


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By the gods, 'Firefly' is one of the best shows that was ever done.

And Boo Radley is a low, lying, cheating, loathsome bit of manhood who has, over the last few weeks, repeatedly failed to send me our next setup.

Ignore the protests that he will shortly show up here to spray about like a leaking colostomy bag.

In a show-down over Truth, Beauty and Goodness, who would you choose? Myself, or Boo?

Oh, and just to reiterate the obvious: Dalem is Jayne Cobb.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

In a show-down over Truth, Beauty and Goodness, who would you choose? Myself, or Boo?

Boo would no doubt twist one into a pretzel shape and bounce one out the bar room door into the gutter.

You on the other hand would likely be waiting in that gutter with a tin can of paint thinners in your hand, and willing to share....

I'd choose the Gnome.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

In a show-down over Truth, Beauty and Goodness, who would you choose? Myself, or Boo?

Think I'd just weep that the world has come to this. </font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

By the gods, 'Firefly' is one of the best shows that was ever done.

Old news...

And Boo Radley is a low, lying, cheating, loathsome bit of manhood who has, over the last few weeks, repeatedly failed to send me our next setup.

Do you really want me to send you ANOTHER set-up? Do you?

I don't think that you do.

Ignore the protests that he will shortly show up here to spray about like a leaking colostomy bag.

I don't think colostomy bags spray, really. I think if one were to leak, it might merely dribble a bit. Like you. It may even ooze. Again, not unlike you.

In a show-down over Truth, Beauty and Goodness, who would you choose? Myself, or Boo?

All the smart money would naturally be on me.

So, I figure just about everyone in here would vote for you.

Oh, and just to reiterate the obvious: Dalem is Jayne Cobb.

Yeah, in his dreams.

I see him more as a "Badger"* type of character.

(*A character that showed that in the future, Aussies will still be annoying.)

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WineCape ... I shall require a photo of you and some biographical information which I shall butcher and rearrange to suit my own purposes. Email in profile.
There's a good Sommelier of the CessPool. Butchered meat on its way.

To the Justicariate: I have refreshed your webpage many times to up your visitor count from 421 to 1241. Go figure.

[ March 23, 2006, 04:56 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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Originally posted by WineCape:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />WineCape ... I shall require a photo of you and some biographical information which I shall butcher and rearrange to suit my own purposes. Email in profile.

There's a good Sommelier of the CessPool. Butchered meat on its way.

To the Justicariate: I have refreshed your webpage many times to up your visitor count from 421 to 1241. Go figure. </font>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Joe, where specifically on the website will we fine the profile on Winecape? Seriously, I looked on all the pages (Even the Ladies of the MBT, figuring that was as good a start as any...) and could not locate him.

And you call yourself a member of the Justicariate, just for that I ought to take your key to the Justicariate washroom, but then I'd have to remember to bring my own magazine with me (by the way, your subscription to Rubber Suit and Whip Quarterly is about to run out).

You can either go to the MEMBERS link which lists everyone OR you can go to the OTHERS RECOGNIZED link which contains those who are not in the formal order of the CessPool (Serfs, Squires, Knights, etc.) but are recognized and granted rights to mingle with their superiors and have their names bolded.

I shouldn't have to explain this to you. I'll bet that juan_gigante knows it already.


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For once I am in full concurrence with a Conservative group:

A major conservative American lobby group is set to unleash a campaign of protest against Australian tourism's "where the bloody hell are you?" TV advertisement.

The controversial commercial has made its US debut in front of 20 million American TV viewers and one influential group was not amused.

The American Family Association (AFA), which has more than two million members and leads campaigns against abortion and gay rights, was upset with the bikini-clad model Lara Bingle's use of "bloody" and "hell" in the ad's tagline.

AFA members are expected to bombard Tourism Australia with thousands of emails and phone calls in coming weeks to vent their feelings.

Members are also expected to boycott Australia as a holiday destination.

Now I could care less for the "bloody" tagline and I personally APPROVE of most bikini clad models ... this one in fact is VERY nice ...


But that aside ... hard to put that one aside though isn't it ... where was I ... oh yes, that aside, all RIGHT thinking people will do all they can to discourage anything that would benefit Australia.

And why in the world would anyone WANT to visit ... again, the above aside ... Great White Sharks, the Great Barrier Reef (remember, if Gawd had wanted to make it EASY to get to he wouldn't have put THAT honking great reef in the way), fourteen gazillion species of snakes that are ALL deadly, spiders that can kill you, JELLYFISH that can kill you, salt water crocs who live in FRESH water (they're Australian too, what can you expect) and besides you can't understand a word those people say ... I know, I've heard Mace talk.


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AFA members are expected to bombard Tourism Australia with thousands of emails and phone calls in coming weeks to vent their feelings.
I'd really like to be there when those morons get their phone bill.

But I can't.

So be sure to tell me how much your share of the tab is Joe.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Joe, where specifically on the website will we fine the profile on Winecape? Seriously, I looked on all the pages (Even the Ladies of the MBT, figuring that was as good a start as any...) and could not locate him.

And you call yourself a member of the Justicariate, just for that I ought to take your key to the Justicariate washroom, but then I'd have to remember to bring my own magazine with me (by the way, your subscription to Rubber Suit and Whip Quarterly is about to run out).

You can either go to the MEMBERS link which lists everyone OR you can go to the OTHERS RECOGNIZED link which contains those who are not in the formal order of the CessPool (Serfs, Squires, Knights, etc.) but are recognized and granted rights to mingle with their superiors and have their names bolded.

I shouldn't have to explain this to you. I'll bet that juan_gigante knows it already.

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Joe, where specifically on the website will we fine the profile on Winecape? Seriously, I looked on all the pages (Even the Ladies of the MBT, figuring that was as good a start as any...) and could not locate him.

And you call yourself a member of the Justicariate, just for that I ought to take your key to the Justicariate washroom, but then I'd have to remember to bring my own magazine with me (by the way, your subscription to Rubber Suit and Whip Quarterly is about to run out).

You can either go to the MEMBERS link which lists everyone OR you can go to the OTHERS RECOGNIZED link which contains those who are not in the formal order of the CessPool (Serfs, Squires, Knights, etc.) but are recognized and granted rights to mingle with their superiors and have their names bolded.

I shouldn't have to explain this to you. I'll bet that juan_gigante knows it already.

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />AFA members are expected to bombard Tourism Australia with thousands of emails and phone calls in coming weeks to vent their feelings.

I'd really like to be there when those morons get their phone bill.

But I can't.</font>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

That's true. If it's something that's originating out west of us, the signal has to fight against the rotational force of the Earth to make it here.

OK. No problem.

That and the fact that when it hits the state line of Ohio it NOW has to travel over a wet string between two tin cans.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

That's true. If it's something that's originating out west of us, the signal has to fight against the rotational force of the Earth to make it here.

OK. No problem.

That and the fact that when it hits the state line of Ohio it NOW has to travel over a wet string between two tin cans.

Joe </font>

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A close call on the Olde Woman (aka Peng's Mom) front yesterday. There were a couple of hours in the afternoon when I had begun to resign myself to her demise. A drop in her BP made everything sort of just back up and shut down.

She hadn't been coming along as quickly or as well as they said she would in the brochure (I never got my complimentry pint of Watney's Red Barrel neither) after the valve surgery. Things started off on the wrong foot when they put her on a salt free, fat free diet. Sure, its a heart diet. But she was the food critic for the Trenton Times for 25 years and you don't put an effing food critic on a diet that doesn't include salt or butter! Talk about losing the will to live... yeesh.

Anyway, suffice to say that a sort of vicious cycle developed in which an undetected problem with her gall bladder caused her esophogus to have certain issues, which combined with her general orneriness about not eating because nothing tasted good AND her anxiety about PT, pain, recovery, retirement and whatever else she could fret about she and the hospital staff allowed her to go from having a normal, good recovery in the first couple of weeks to a goddam disaster the last two.

Yesterday afternoon the pulmonary specialist said to me and my sister "call the person in charge of making your mother's medical decisions if she is incapacitated (our brother) - we need to get her on a breathing tube and dialysis right now or she won't make it through the day." Our response was "Why don't you start putting the ****ing tube in NOW and we'll worry about the other part after you get started?"

Turns out she didn't really need dialysis, a bit of dopamine to boost her BP got her kidneys pumping waste out again. Oxygen from the tube got her lungs functioning, and everything started falling back into place. By 9 pee em she was awake and really pissed off, which is good.

This morning when I visited she was even more fully awake, and madder'n hell, which is even better. She is a fighter. She beat Polio. When it was killing tons of people back in the 40s she got it and kicked its ass. It beat her up pretty good - gave her a bum leg that made her wobbly most of her life, and it seems did some damage to her heart muscle that only showed up late in life, but she was 12 and she beat that ****er, and she always had that in her head somewhere, so when **** flew she could stand up to it and take it.

They found the mystery that seemed to be at the root of her recent gastric woes - the gallstone - and are taking care of that now. So, after a brief and reversable set-back OW is back on the recovery trail, and now that she has had additional time for her original surgical wounds to heal and pain to recede the PT part should go fairly well and she'll be back on her feet almost on schedule. As long as she doesn't quit. I know one of the reasons that she's so pissed today is that she did quit. She expected to be dead, she wanted to be dead yesterday but her kids disagreed.

All she heard when they told her that the surgery would fix her up and give her a bunch more good years - better than the last few - was that it would be easy. She didn't bargain for weeks of pain, hard work, struggle. So she quit. The woman who kicked polio's ass quit. But we made her come back and try again. And she's mad, but now she can turn that anger to getting better. My big brudder, whom she listens to because he is not a feckless wonder like me, spent the morning with her explaining things, which seems to have helped her understand that just because she had a crisis yesterday it doesn't mean that we had to let her die. Her living will says not to use any extraordinary measures if the problem is "terminal and or irreversable" Not "Pull the plug at the first sign of trouble." I think she'll get it. Eventually. He's got a knack with getting her to grok things. But she's hardheaded and holds a grudge and will make us ALL PAY for keeping her alive. I'm looking forward to paying that tab.

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