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I'm sure this has been asked before, but can we have the tracer colours and ratios changed?

As to colour the US would I guess have red/orange tracers and a 1:5 tracer ratio for all weapons (snipers/airial notwithstanding).

For the OpFor maybe the conventionals should have tracers in the same manner (Green of course), but maybe not for the unconventionals.

As far as I know most of this should just involve a few colour changes and the like and I can't see how it would cause any bugs - so is it possible for 1.5?

Pre-empting a discussion on the fact that the current tracers make it easier to see where your shots are going, I think that it would be better the other way around.


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Great idea!

Does CM:SF actually use a ratio of tracer to normal bullets? If not, it would be a cool feature to add.

Reading about tracer on Wikipedia, I found that tracer rounds have less mass than normal rounds (due to the pyrotechnic compound at the back) and so should cause less damage/penetration. Is this modelled? If not, it would be another cool feature to add.

How about a different colour tracer far down in the magazine to tell the shooter he needs to reload soon? Absolutely no game effect but it would be a nice touch.

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Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:

How about a different colour tracer far down in the magazine to tell the shooter he needs to reload soon? Absolutely no game effect but it would be a nice touch.

That's how we used to load. Sometimes team and squad leaders would load tracer heavy to help directing fire but normally we never had much. the prepackaged stuff for the SAW and 240 of course had a 1 to 4 mix. Going to the range for night fires we used to put lots of tracer in the mix just because it looked cool and they didn't want them back.
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Originally posted by the Fighting Seabee:

Have you ever seen a firefight at night???

The tracers aren't white. To me, white tracers look dumb.

What colour are they?

What should the tracers look like in the game?

Different coloured tracers for the Syrian's is an interesting idea.

(maybe not realistic and a little on the "gamey side" but I don't know that for sure.)

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By keeping the tracers the same you won't get a gamey effect of knowing you are being engaged by friend or foe. Higher FOW settings, fratricide can be an issue. Also, what I think he is trying to convey is that the tracers are there for more than aesthetics they are part of the UI so that the game can provide a level of output for the player, without breaking the FOW effect.

That being said, sure it would be nice to have the varies forms of tracers in game as a toggled option, if it does not cost too much coding time.

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What is gamey is that tracers stand out like neon signs even during the day. At night it looks like a laser show but during the day they are hard to notice, especially if you are at the receiving end.

While we're at it, muzzle flashes are also overdone. In reality the M16 generally has little to no flash during the day and only a small streak during the day. The starburst pattern is pure Hollywood.

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What I've noticed from combat videos in Iraq/Afghanistan is that U.S. tracers from the U.S. POV are relatively easy to spot, but they look like little red dots rather than streaks of red.

At night though, yeah, its fricken crazy, especially tracer rounds from automatic weapons and cannons.

The only tracers I've seen during daytime videos are in that one video where the guy picks up a RPG on the street and gets waxed by a M246. You see the red tracer rounds go through him and bounce off the street.

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Could we get more "robust" tracer modelling? Few games ever do it correctly and it would make CMSF that much better (even more so now that sound is moddable and theres dynamic lighting).

Check some of these for what I mean:


I seems like the tracers in CMSF are too "defined" and long. They need to be a little wider but not so "hard", kinda like a haze of bright light. Also, I think they need to be shorter. Steel Beasts uses red dots as their tracers, and VBS 2 are much shorter as well (both military simulations). Just my 2 cents.

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  • 1 month later...
Originally posted by fireship4:

As I said though steve - isn't this the opposite of what you would have on a battlefield? Why do you want the player to know who is shooting at who so easily when this would not be the case on the battlefield?

I tottaly agree !

You know in a few seconds where the bullets come from... make a area target and lets go... :(

I mean, if you come under fire, dont know where it comes from...go into cover and watch the situation...maybe spot the shooter and then get him. Thats the way i would like to play CMSF.

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In CM you're missing so many real world cues. You can't locate the direction of fire from the sound for instance. And simple-minded visual cues like seeing civilians all look to the right and start running to the left! I recall one problem in WWII was the tendency of soldiers to start firing in the same general direction as their buddies. That kept alot of soldiers from firing that opening shot in a firefight, thinking of all the flying lead they'd attract. The tracer graphics are meant to compensate for the lack of other sensory inputs. There is a way to mod tracer skins to be invisible. I think you'd find the game unplayable though.

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That would be the case if your down in the trenches, but most if not a large majority of players play CM:SF in god mode which is higher levels of view instead of being in ground level and will have a hard time knowing where the fire is coming from. As the old saying, you can't please all the people some of the time but you can please allot of people most of the time. Just my two cents.

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Originally posted by MikeyD:

In CM you're missing so many real world cues. You can't locate the direction of fire from the sound for instance. And simple-minded visual cues like seeing civilians all look to the right and start running to the left! I recall one problem in WWII was the tendency of soldiers to start firing in the same general direction as their buddies. That kept alot of soldiers from firing that opening shot in a firefight, thinking of all the flying lead they'd attract. The tracer graphics are meant to compensate for the lack of other sensory inputs. There is a way to mod tracer skins to be invisible. I think you'd find the game unplayable though.

Yes but what about dont see the tracers with the first shot, maybe you can see the tracers only i you have spoted the shooter ?

At the moment you dont need to spot the enemy...you see where the tracers come from.

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