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Seanachai Challenges Peng Thread Procedures

Joe Shaw

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

If by "entertain" you refer to the peals of laughter that will ensue I'm sure you're correct.

Yes, I admit it... the ladies find my humor vastly entertaining. For example, when I do my Joe Pshaw impersonation, complete with vapid mutterings, punctuated by wild arm gestures and pratfalls, the applause is deafening.

Now look you here Acting Auxillary Backup Deputy Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread, I have to go to Texas tomorrow (yes, AGAIN, what of it) and I'll be gone most of the week.

... and Texas mourns...

I don't know if I'll be able to peek in or not but BY GAWD I want some progress made or there'll be Berli to pay.

Uh huh...

(eieio] Determine if Seanachai still wants stoat (spelt but not bolded) or not.

Done. He does. When I told him that it had been suggested giving Stoat SBNB* to OGSF, he said, "OGSF? Why not just let him be raised by rats?! Get your arse together and hand down some kind of judgement."

{!!!!!) Determine if Rleete has a valid claim to stoat (spelt but not bolded) or not.

Not to be too cheeky, but my studies have discovered that the only claim rleet has is to an excessive amount of back hair and a brow sloped at a 45 degree angle.

{{{{{} Determine if Seanachai then has a valid claim to stoat (spelt but not bolded) or not.

Of course he does. Inasmuch as Seanachai has a valid ANYTHING. He's an Olde One. He lives by his own madcap and zany rules and for the most part, we live by his sufferance. Or suffragettedness... I always confuse the two.

(Determine if any other Knight has a MORE valid and PRIOR claim to stoat (spelt but not bolded) or not} }

DONE! And the answer is No. rleete was the first Knight to propose Stoat (SBNB) for Serf and then Seanachai lurched up out of his drunken stupor and put his dibs in.

Let's DO try to get this resolved before the thread runs out.


Fine. It seems to me that the poignant... er... point is whether Seanachai as an Olde One AND as the person who lifted rleete to his present level of Knighthood may supercede his former Squire and take Stoat (SBNB) as his own Squire.

How may this be resolved? I submit that either a vote be taken in which all Seniour Knights, Knights in Ordinary and Ladies cast their ballots for one of the two contesting parties...

or we flip a coin.

How's them apples, Sparky?

(*Spelt But Not Bolded)

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Boo Radley you are merely the Chairman of the FISA Committee and therefore your opinion is only one of four.

Now that we've heard from ALL members of the Committee I think we can ask for a Committee Report, with a minority report if one is warranted, to be presented to the Body of the CessPool as a hole.

The membership can then make a determination as to the determination to be determined. I'm determined to see this through you see.


p.s. I've just noticed that I have no photo of OGSF ... why has this oversight not been reported to me previously?

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Boo Radley you are merely the Chairman of the FISA Committee and therefore your opinion is only one of four.

But as the Chairman AND as the Acting Auxillary Backup Deputy Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread, my opinion must carry more weight. Just like your head does in comparison to, say... the Earth.

Now that we've heard from ALL members of the Committee I think we can ask for a Committee Report, with a minority report if one is warranted, to be presented to the Body of the CessPool as a hole.

Not needed. All the testimony can be found by any and all and all and any by merely doing a search, for those whose attention span is shorter than the life span of a sub-atomic particle.

The membership can then make a determination as to the determination to be determined.

JUDAS PRIEST! You're bound and determined to turn this into something worse than a 401K meeting that goes right through lunch, aren't you?

I'm determined to see this through you see.


No you're not. You're scarpering off again to Texas, where you will no doubt be wooed by the right-wing-nut-job lifestyle.

p.s. I've just noticed that I have no photo of OGSF ... why has this oversight not been reported to me previously?

You don't have a shot of OGSF. Happy, Pappy?
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Right then, that's it ... since you obviously can't be trusted to complete a SIMPLE Committee Report I'm forced to DEMOTE you to VICE Chairman (not to be confused with Chairman of Vice) and I hereby promote NG cavscout to be Co-Vice Chairman of the FISA Committee in Charge of Completion of the Committee Report.

I'm thinking that a Sub-Committee may be warranted here to ensure proper formula and completeness of the Committee Report.


p.s. I don't have a photo of OGSF? Why hasn't this been reported to me?

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Right then, that's it ... since you obviously can't be trusted to complete a SIMPLE Committee Report I'm forced to DEMOTE you to VICE Chairman (not to be confused with Chairman of Vice) and I hereby promote NG cavscout to be Co-Vice Chairman of the FISA Committee in Charge of Completion of the Committee Report.

See? This is the beauty of it all. It's just like chores around the house. If there's a job you don't want to do, screw it up and you'll never be asked to do it again.

And once again, the Justicar falls into my cunning trap.

I'm thinking that a Sub-Committee may be warranted here to ensure proper formula and completeness of the Committee Report.


And I'm thinking that if you keep it up, there might be a special sub-committee formed to check the elasticity of hemp products when fastened tightly around your throat.

p.s. I don't have a photo of OGSF? Why hasn't this been reported to me?

It was. Obviously, your meds are wearing off.

And, no offense, but do you realize that people who actually read your posts in entirety, form self help groups?

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I frightens me that Boo! expends the engery not only to actually read Pshaw!'s entire posts, but then responds point by point to them. I think I'd rather saw my own eyes out with shards of broken coke bottles. I don't suppose any of you would care to arrange that for me would you? I mean, so I don't have to do it myself? I'm not quite up to it. Better yet, let's just kill both Phsaw! and Boo! with a single 9 mm shell for each of them to the bit of the brain they share just behind the left ear. Can we do that please?

OH! Almost forgot, the Blood Hamster II match I have going with Monsewer Radlie is coming to the end, and unless I fecklessly farkle everything up in a supremely boneheaded feckstickian fuster cluck it appears as if I will own his sig for the thirty days following the conclusion of the game. At this point I don't give a hoot anymore, so I am willing to SELL my rights to Boo!'s sig to the highest bidder. Bidding starts at 37 amerikkkan cents, BUT the minimum offer I will accept is 37 Australian Dollars, or 165 Euros, OR 12,000 yuan, OR 19 bazillion yen, OR a six pack of Anchor Brewing Company Liberty Ale whichever can be got to me quickliest.

Never mind. I just thought of something so humiliating that Boo! will be the laughingstock of the western hemisphere nigh unto eternity.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Right then, that's it ... since you obviously can't be trusted to complete a SIMPLE Committee Report I'm forced to DEMOTE you to VICE Chairman (not to be confused with Chairman of Vice) and I hereby promote NG cavscout to be Co-Vice Chairman of the FISA Committee in Charge of Completion of the Committee Report.

I'm thinking that a Sub-Committee may be warranted here to ensure proper formula and completeness of the Committee Report.


p.s. I don't have a photo of OGSF? Why hasn't this been reported to me?





How about some vaseline next time Joe Shaw?

Well, since none of the rest of you tossers can seem to string more than 2 syllables together, let me try and sum this up for the illustrious Justicar.

Point f5 - rleete made first call for liegeship of young Stoat.

Point ~ - Seanachai made second call but is senior Olde One and therefore, in my not so humble opinion, holds droit du seigneur.

Point (and laugh) - The young Juanito made a very valid and well thought out (cute and touching wasn't it?) argument that I, surprisingly, find myself in agreement with, to whit, that Seanachai should be awarded liegeship of young stoat.

Sir 37mm is off raving again, not making much sense, but then really, what more would you expect? So I think we shall have to remove his voting authority. He can be in charge of Sweeping Out The Office After The Halloween Party. He should be able to handle that.

As a consolation prize to the esteemed rleete, I recommend that Seanachai sing him a song, and that rleete receive first right of refusal on new squires, negating droit du seigneur (at least from Seanachai but not Berli or Mr Peng), until he finds one to his liking.

So Let It Be Written, So Let It Be Done

at least till the Justicar over rides me....

[ February 18, 2006, 11:44 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]

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Right-O, me laddies and lassettes!

Quiver ye no more in yer boots!

Yer old Unca Stukey is back on air!

Toot Toot and Huzzah!

I'm all nicely settled here in Qatar and life is good.

Now I am more than aware that your lifes have all suffered immeasurably during my absence and as such I'll toss you a bone.

Last night the much awaited hot date between my goodself and the very lovely NGCavscout went ahead as planned and a nice meal of local cuisine and non-alcoholic beverages was enjoyed by all.


There was much rejoicing and back slappery as we chatted amically and planned the demise of various Cesspoolers in manners most foul before NG's army playmates arrived to whisk him away to base, leaving only a glass slipper as a reminder of the evening.

Nice to meet you NG and to the rest of you.... Pffft!

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

I am the ugly one with the huge round head, and the glasses. Stuka is the one that looks like he is wearing a cape, but that is actually just the Qatari gentleman standing behind him. The lovely Lydia is taking the picture.

Damn Scout you're head is growing , how do you get a kevlar on that thing?

Edit: Notice how I'm hip with all the new military terms...in my day it was a steel pot.

[ February 19, 2006, 02:54 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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You know, my friend Jen gave me a 'hot buttered rum' mixture for Christmas that I've just decided to try out...


Not bad, really...




You know...







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