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Seanachai Challenges Peng Thread Procedures

Joe Shaw

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Originally blathered by juan_gigante:


Hell's Bells. Who is responsible for this waste of bandwidth? Not only does it number the whole damn thing (just wait until Elvis sees that), he goes on about points no self respecting, er, semi respected, um, typical gutter bum Knaggit cares a toss about. Talk about evidence of shoddy training.

Next thing it will be talking about setting up a MBT ladder and win/loss records. Before you know it, we will all have to be polite and have to stick our pinkies out while drinking foofy fruity mixed drinks with tiny little umbrellas (that aren't even waterproof, think about it) and take off our shoes at the door.

Just think of the stench. And do any of you want to step in bare stockings where Mace has tread? It might be enough to upset the delicate ecosystem. It's an environmental issue, folks.

Save the cesspool!

Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Well ... the clackety clackey sound IS pretty cool.

Evidently, juan giant loser thinks so, too. Puts you in excellent company, Joe.
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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

Absolute poppycock!

The quality (or lack thereof) of stoat’s master is of no concern to this inquisition, indeed my young friend you are a prime example of this.

Is not the lemmywinks wannabee v42below meant to be your particular master?

And did I not beseech the Justicar to release you under my guiding care, at least until 4v2below could be bothered to post more than twice a month?

And did the Justicar not say “screw you”?

No Juan-Gigante you have stepped far beyond your remit… I’d ask for a sub-committee to explore the reasons why but realised that’d be somewhat ridiculous what with Boo already forming one sub-committee, me considering setting up another (to look into our inadequate expense budget & pension rights) and any one of us ready to form yet another committee charged with finding out where our promised stenographers are.

Dear Peng, Juan Gigante … a conclusion?

Next you’ll be telling us you’re in this for the ‘Good of the Pool’?

Taking my name in vain again, I see. The answer is simple. You don't matter. Seanachai does.
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As Joanne-Gigante hais sae cannily pointed oot, Seanachai wants tha wee tosser stoat tha most - based on rleetes tardinaiss ain reclaimin' dibs. Sae thain....

fish) Af'n Seanachai want's tha wee bleeder sae bad, thain hae definitley shuild miss oot.

chips) rleetes tardinaiss as tae bae expaicted o' a kaanniget o' tha Pool, an' as tha fittin' behaviour fer tha leige-apparent.

vinegar) Hoo-everrr, Seanachai as obviously drunk oot o' haes pointy wee haid agin, an' hais noo posted tae tha trial thraid sae far. A definite point ain haes favour.

pickled onion) Cuild we haeve a few more pictures o' tha stenographers?

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Dien avond en die rooze

'k Heb menig menig uur bij u

gesleten en genoten,

en nooit en heeft een uur met u

me een enklen stond verdroten.

'k Heb menig menig blom voor u

gelezen en geschonken,

en, lijk een bie, met u, met u,

er honing uit gedronken;

maar nooit een uur zoo lief met u,

zoo lang zij duren koste,

maar nooit een uur zoo droef om u,

wanneer ik scheiden moste,

als de uur wanneer ik dicht bij u,

dien avond, neêrgezeten,

u spreken hoorde en sprak tot u

wat onze zielen weten.

Noch nooit een blom zoo schoon, van u

gezocht, geplukt, gelezen,

als die dien avond blonk op u,

en mocht de mijne wezen!

Ofschoon, zoo wel voor mij als u,

- wie zal dit kwaad genezen? -

een uur bij mij, een uur bij u

niet lang een uur mag wezen;

ofschoon voor mij, ofschoon voor u,

zoo lief en uitgelezen,

die rooze, al was 't een roos van u,

niet lang een roos mocht wezen,

toch lang bewaart, dit zeg ik u,

't en ware ik 't al verloze

mijn hert drie dierbre beelden: u,

dien avond - en - die rooze!

~Guido Gezelle


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Originally posted by juan_gigante:

I'd like to volunteer. While I am only a squire, I feel that I am qualified to serve, and will explain why here.

1. blah

2. blah

3. bleah

I feel my qualifications and loyal service to the Peng Challenge Thread have given me the right, nay, the duty to serve the MBT as best I can from a seat on this panel.

The problem with you, dear boy, is that you enumerate sequentially. Bad form. Veddy bad form indeed.

Plus you 'feel' instead of 'think.' Feeling is for liberal sissies whose brains have been turned to mush (and no that doesn't mean that conservatives think eitehr - they are more along the lines of "God (or W) said it, I believe it, that's the end of it." They make lovely little sheep and unquestioning robots) So, NO. Go back to sleep. No Stenographers for you. Sequential Enumerating Feeler.

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Argh! A translation to those who don't speak that fine language of mine.

Sigh, pearls to the swines (and some pretty dirty ugly swines too) but still here you go :

Guido Gezelle - The Night And The Rose

I have many an hour with you

worn out and enjoyed

and never has an hour with you

bored me for a moment.

I have many a flower for you

read and given,

and, like a bee, with you, with you,

drank honey from it;

but never an hour as sweet with you,

as long as it could last,

but never an hour as sad for you,

when I had to leave you,

as the hour when I close to you,

that night, sitting down,

heard you talking and said to you

that which our souls know.

Never a flower as beautiful from you

sought, picked, read,

like that night that shimmered on you,

and I could call my own.

And just as well, as well for me as you,

-who will cure this evil?-

an hour with me, an hour with you,

wasn't allowed to be an hour for long;

And just as well for me, and just as well for you,

so endearing and exalted,

the rose, even if it was a rose from you,

wasn't allowed to be a rose for long,

yet long preserved, this I say to you,

even if I'd lose it all,

my heart three treasured images: you,

the night and the rose.

Guido Gezelle was perhaps the most important Flemish poet of the nineteenth century. He was priest, schoolteacher, poet and linguist, and translator of Longfellow's Song of Hiawatha into Dutch (1886).

Born in Brugge in 1830, trained for the priesthood at Roeseleare. His poetry is expresses his deep love of God in nature and the deep feelings of the Flemish people. His poetry was originally written in the West-Flemish dialect, but is mainly read nowadays in standard Dutch, though Gazelle disliked the Dutch as much as the French. Sound, rhythm, onomatopoeia and alliteration are just some of the verse techniques that characterize his work.

He wrote this poem in honour of a boy he taught.

And i think it is beautifull, if not very moving and emotional. Actually, i think i would be a damn smashing poem... i mean with my witty tongue, sexy rhythm and dubious alliterations!

Anyway, i think you all suck and need to make me something special and honourable. How about überknight of the Pool orsomefink?

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Originally posted by SturmSebber:

... Gazelle disliked the Dutch as much as the French.

So, in other words, he was sane, right?

Anyway, i think you all suck and need to make me something special and honourable. How about überknight of the Pool orsomefink?

Yeah... hah hah... right. Good luck with that plan. Maybe poster boy for Dutch Elm Blight.
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Yeah... hah hah... right. Good luck with that plan. Maybe poster boy for Dutch Elm Blight.

Just as most great artists and geniuses , i need to fight for my recognition, don't I ? I mean, you can all see my splendor, yet you keep measuring me by your inadequate standards and dogma. I really see no other way for you all than to just acknowledge how miraculous i am, and how inept you all are when it comes to acknowledging this fact.

I mean, come on, or you can continue on this dirtroad to nowhere and hold me from my rightfull place amongst the stars, or you can see the light and honour me as a God. I mean, eternal damnation or worshipping me, how hard can the choice be?

I say , lay down your clothes of shame and bathe naked in the light of the true knowledge !

Come on Boo even you, with your sturdy chest,iron back and protruding chin must admit that i've touched you in a special way.

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Originally posted by SturmSebber:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Yeah... hah hah... right. Good luck with that plan. Maybe poster boy for Dutch Elm Blight.

Just as most great artists and geniuses , i need to fight for my recognition, don't I ? I mean, you can all see my splendor, yet you keep measuring me by your inadequate standards and dogma. I really see no other way for you all than to just acknowledge how miraculous i am, and how inept you all are when it comes to acknowledging this fact.

I mean, come on, or you can continue on this dirtroad to nowhere and hold me from my rightfull place amongst the stars, or you can see the light and honour me as a God. I mean, eternal damnation or worshipping me, how hard can the choice be?

I say , lay down your clothes of shame and bathe naked in the light of the true knowledge !

Come on Boo even you, with your sturdy chest,iron back and protruding chin must admit that i've touched you in a special way. </font>

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Originally posted by SturmSebber:

Come on Boo even you, with your sturdy chest,iron back and protruding chin must admit that i've touched you in a special way.

Sturmsebber seems bent on singlehandedly undoing decades of work among the homosexual community claiming that they do not seek to "recruit others to their lifestyle". Of course, it's possible that in Boo's case, recruitment may not be an issue...


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