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My Year in Iraq

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Hello all. I haven't really made it widely known on here that I've been deployed for the past year but I've decided to start sharing my pictures. I deployed with H&S Company, 7th Marines out of 29 Palms California in January of this year. The regiment is based out of Al Asad Airbase in western Al Anbar province, but due to my MOS I've been detached the whole time to support the battalions or other subordinate units the whole tour. I've worked with 3/1 and 3/3 at Camp Haditha Dam, and I'm currently attached to a Border Transition Team here in Al Waleed. If you want to try to find it, look for the major highway that goes west to Syria and Jordan from Ramadi. I'm where part of it crosses into Syria at the far western tip of the country. It's close enough to the border that I can see the Syrian town on the other side of No-Mans land from my roof.

Most of my pictures are fairly mundane, or rather repetitive shots of scenery but there are a number that should be of interest to grog types. In particular the oft discussed gun shields on the M1A1. I'm still sorting and adding to descriptions but at least they are up. I've disabled commenting due to the large volume of idiots that like to leave "I hope you die" type stuff. So without further rambling here is the link

My Iraq Photo Album

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Semper Fi, Thanks for the photos. What I find interesting is the multitude of uses that sand bags are put to.

In one of your shots with Yuma the dog, you can see a sand bag holding down some cables that are snaking under the building. Obviously everything on the base is wired up for internet and such, but the old sand bag is still around.

Back in Vietnam 40 years ago, we tied a sand bag to a length of rope and threw it over the roof of our hootches (when we were fortunate enough to have them) and then tied another one on the other end and used them to hold the tin roofs on when the monsoon winds came blowing down.

Enough of my demented ramblings. Keep safe offtaskagain.

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Semper Fi Nidan1, the Hesco will never replace the sandbag. I've been fortunate enough so far to take over places that already had all of that taken care of. The fire in Haditha was a controlled burn to clear out the vegetation from the drainage ditches. The insect population there was absolutely insane. It put the ole Minnesota northwoods to shame. You can see some of them in front of the smoke in one of the pics. They were so bad they gummed up the cooling fans on my satellite dish and caused the transmitter to burn out. I sprayed them out every day but eventually they just got the best of me. Amazing how gnats can cause about 1.5 million dollars worth of damage. The fire was set in response to that problem. Eventually we got a bug control contract with KBR and the bugs were taken care of.

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Thanks for sharing those shots with us. For what it's worth, I think 0430 is brilliant, it's really a great shot.

If you ever quit your day job, maybe you should consider a fun and rewarding career in photojournalism. IMO, you've got some talent.

In any case welcome back.

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Yup great photos. It's interesting how the photos kinda show what occupies your mind in a place like that: Food, bugs and whatnot.



PS: It really pisses me off that you had to disable commenting. I'm not particularly in favor of this war either, but taking it out on guys like you is just stupid and wrong in so many ways. Stay safe man.

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PS: It really pisses me off that you had to disable commenting. I'm not particularly in favor of this war either, but taking it out on guys like you is just stupid and wrong in so many ways. Stay safe man.
Agreed. Judging from the back and forth "die infidel" comments and "kill the raghead" responses Offstakesagain was wise to disable the comment feature. Sad, but he's not going to change two diametrically opposed points of view any time soon. And if he could, he would do well to put those talents to work fixing Iraq than fixing discussion of his pictures of Iraq :D


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Offtaskagain, I couldn't tell from your post. Are you just back from your year's deployment, about to finish up your year, or still got a way to go? Whichever it may be I echo all the sentiments above.

As an asside, any word on how M1A1TankCommander's deployment is going so far? I believe he said some time ago that they had move him out of his tank and into a M1114 humvee?

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

Oh great... Nidan1 makes a rare foray into the outter Forum and what does he do? Cranks out an old war story complete with dusty old lingo. Someone notifiy the Justicar!



I figured with all the sand around...that sandbags would be useful tools, I didn't know that these guys had all of this pre-fab Hesco.

stuff. Wasn't this easy in the "Old Corps" :D

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Originally posted by Speedy:

I like all the food shots :D

Troops are always concerned with food. The last time I went to NTC we fielded a whole slew of new kit but all the guys remembered was the one meal we had where they were testing out new rations.

I was a Ramien noodle guy myself, lots of things you can do with those.

Keep safe guys.

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