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A Tale Told By An Idiot: The Peng Challenge Thread Drags on Its Way To Dusty Death

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No, I'm not Dick Cheney, though he does work with me here in the netherworld (next cubicle over, in fact). As with everything Drippy Dicky (as we call him here at the office) does, that shooting incident was half assed, roundly criticized, and ultimately unsuccessful. He gives us shadowy overlords a bad name.


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Forget that boor Dorosh....how about a sing song????

You've got a dangerous background

And everything you've dreamed of

Yeah you're the Dark Angel

It don't show when you break up

And I'm the one who oughta know

I'm the one left in the dust

Yeah I'm the broken hearted fool

Who was never quite enough

I'm an insider, I been burned by the fire

And I've had to live with some hard promises

I've crawled through the briars

I'm an insider

It's a circle of deception

It's a hall of strangers

It's a cage without a key

You can feel the danger

And I'm the one who oughta know

I'm the one you couldn't trust

Yeah I'm the lonely silent one

I'm the one left in the dust

I'm an insider, I been burned by the fire

And I've had to live with some hard promises

I've crawled through the briars

I'm an insider

I'll bet you're his masterpiece

I'll bet you're his self-control

Yeah you'll become his legacy

His quiet world of white and gold

And I'm the one who ought to know

I'm the one you left to rust

Not one of your twisted friends

I'm the one you couldn't love

I'm an insider, I been burned by the fire

And I've had to live with some hard promises

I've crawled through the briars--I'm an insider

Tom Petty

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Seanachai

And the Purges will continue until I am the Number 1 poster on the Board.

Don't get your hopes up too high! You know better than most that I'm pretty tolerant of, er, transgressions. </font>
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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

I'm the ageless hooded cloaked guy that hangs around in the back room actually running the kingdom.


It is time for an end of 'government behind closed doors'. It is time for the faceless, hooded power brokers to step into the light where the people can see and be aware.

In other words, it is time for Me.

No closed doors for me. The executions will be conducted in expansive, open-air plazas, with waving banners and pretzel vendors. Glasses of beer will be affordably priced, and come in handsome, commemorative 23 oz. cups bearing a picture of myself. Perhaps suitably photo-shopped by Patch.

No shrouding cloaks, or hoods. I will accept both the cheers and/or jeers of the crowd with my hair blowing in the wind. Or, perhaps, simply wearing a tall, pointed red hat. A bit like the Pope.

It will be...

Springtime, for Seanachai and Battlefront!

The Forum's a fine place, again!

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No closed doors for me. The executions will be conducted in expansive, open-air plazas, with waving banners and pretzel vendors. Glasses of beer will be affordably priced, and come in handsome, commemorative 23 oz. cups bearing a picture of myself.
I was actually for this idea until I got to the last bit. I've been told what you look like, and personally I think that would take the joy out of drinking the beer. Then again, if the price is really affordable (i.e. not priced in Euros, Yen, or even Loonies for Pete's sake) after a couple of beers I'm sure even you could look good.

Just kicking around the idea some more before handing over the hooded robe.


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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />No closed doors for me. The executions will be conducted in expansive, open-air plazas, with waving banners and pretzel vendors. Glasses of beer will be affordably priced, and come in handsome, commemorative 23 oz. cups bearing a picture of myself.

I was actually for this idea until I got to the last bit. I've been told what you look like, and personally I think that would take the joy out of drinking the beer. Then again, if the price is really affordable (i.e. not priced in Euros, Yen, or even Loonies for Pete's sake) after a couple of beers I'm sure even you could look good.

Just kicking around the idea some more before handing over the hooded robe.

Steve </font>

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

Hmmmph! I'm disappointed and shocked that my inquiry about the intricate, arcane, and morally challenged rules of this thread have been ignored by the high and mighty Justicar and his duly appointed (or self appointed in the case of Boo, no doubt!) minions. I mean, sheesh... I hand them a chance, on a slightly tarnished silver platter (OK, silver plated!), to spout off a bunch of nonsense and still nada. Me thinks I need to email Joe directly and get him off his lazy duff. I think I have his email address in a kill file or somefink.


You know Steve I've been nice to you in the past ... granted it was in hopes of getting a free copy of whatever version of CM comes next, but still I have.

Indeed it might well be said that I MADE you with my famous and widely distributed podcast. I even was accused of being a fanboi and was compared to James Lipton solely because I was NICE to you.

Frankly Steve before MY intervention on your behalf you were nothing more than a name on an obscure wargaming site, AFTER my Podcast yours was a household name ... of course Steve is a pretty common name in many households.

But the point is that I was nice to you, against all my instincts and all the tradition and common practice here in the Peng Challenge Thread I was NICE to you.

And what did I get as reward? Well first I had to pay RETAIL for CMSF but fourth I got nothing but the implication that I was somehow falling down on the job. Now granted I have fallen down on a job before but I've learned to moderate my drinking and confine it to non-working hours ... can YOU say the same in the face of the evidence we've seen in the past? Does the phrase SDKFZ CLOWN CAR have any meaning for you?

I have always taken my duties here as the Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread most seriously and in those circumstances in which work prevented me from my usual careful perusal of this, the MBT I have always been at considerable pains to inform Boo Radley, the Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justiciar of the Peng Challenge Thread to monitor the board in my absence.

Granted he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, nor is his crew compartment protected by the best sloped glacis in the world (if you get my drift) but you go on business travel and you have to use the Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justiciar of the Peng Challenge Thread that you HAVE, not the Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justiciar of the Peng Challenge Thread that you WISH you had.

In other words you sir are a CAD! There I've said it and I'm glad. I'd offer to pummel you in a game of CMSF but you'd have the game hacked ... please note that I didn't say YOU would hack the game since I think we all know that you're little more than the mouthpiece, the PR man if you will, behind the true talent of BFC ... everyone EXCEPT you ... and rune. I can only imagine that you have photos of Charles in incriminating poses with your weasel and no you may not assume that I'm referring to your mechanical weasel.

And then you have the nerve to take from us the Official Grog of the CessPool! Certainly he was annoying, yes he was likely in violation of BFC forum rules but NOW WHERE DO WE GO FOR A GROG? Did you even ONCE think of that? Where will we replace the fourth Horseman of the Apocalypso? You didn't bother to consider that did you!

You sir, have left the single most important thread on the entire board berift of TWO critical posts. Let's face it Steve, BFC would be in a world of hurt were it not for the critical contributions made by this, the Peng Challenge Thread. We were here at the beginning and we're still here ... as is BFC ... coincidence? I think not.

You OWE us Steve ... and you may count upon it sir, the piper WILL be paid ...

Oh for GAWD'S sake OGSF I am NOT referring to you ... go ... stuff a haggis or something.


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Ok, so if I have it straight Joe made me the man that I am today, not my beloved mom. Got it. I'll inform her of this as soon as possible, but I don't she is going to like it much.

The other thing I think I gleaned from the above post is a long winded rehash of someone else's comment that it's all Boo's fault. Yeah, we already knew that.

Too true about me playing only with hacked versions. Of course, everybody who played me in CM knew that when my E-100s came and swept the board (even if I was playing the Italians, which REALLY gave it away).

(scans jetlagged induced diatribe again for bits of content)

Various implications that Rune and I are somehow similar, which is something I'm sure both of us resent. Deeply! And don't take Charles' name in vein... he can hack a lot more things than just a game 'ya know. Remember most car brakes are computer controlled... that's all I'm gunna say on that.

And lastly, it is true that I did an unauthorized removal of a member of the MBT. Out of all your statements, this one I will fess up to as being completely true. Then again, who cares?

So Joe, I welcome you back from the state run prostitution ring you were "training" with and thank you for setting the record straight about everything except what I asked you about. You're seriousness of purpose has been upheld and I thank you for it.

Carry on!


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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

Ok, so if I have it straight Joe made me the man that I am today, not my beloved mom. Got it. I'll inform her of this as soon as possible, but I don't she is going to like it much.

Don't blame your mom for the waste of flesh and bones that you are.
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Originally posted by MrPeng:


Dragging all these outre boarders in here. Make sure you take them with you when you go. What's your hurry? Here's your hat. Crikey, you've let some goddam wafflers in! Sure, your board and all, but... wafflers?! in the MBT?! Are you sick or somfink?

You know you sorry lot needed us to drop by and lend this place some class. Even the insane MasterGoodale himself was several evolutionary steps higher than the average Senior Knight. Here are some lovely parting gifts: :D:D:D:D:D:D
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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

As with everything Drippy Dicky shooting incident was half assed....

Drippy Dicky? shooting incident? half assed? You can't possibly expect to use this combination of words in sentence and NOT expect me to comment on this? Drippy Dicky is bad enough.......this is potty humor heaven or grog porn. I'm not sure which.
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Steve did a podcast with Joe?

Oh... right, right, right... I seem to remember something like that. I think I dozed off a few minutes into it.

I'd usually fast forward until I got to the interesting parts of the show.

MY parts.

Yeah, he did one with me & Seanachai too, but it was stolen by ninjas.
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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Steve did a podcast with Joe?

Oh... right, right, right... I seem to remember something like that. I think I dozed off a few minutes into it.

I'd usually fast forward until I got to the interesting parts of the show.

MY parts.

Yeah, he did one with me & Seanachai too, but it was stolen by ninjas. </font>
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An Ode to My Desk

O Desk!

You are as a planar slab of plasticrete

That holds up

my stuff

O Desk!

You are flat and irregularly-shaped

And covered with


O My Desk!

You have a poorly-designed keyboard tray

And a cheap-seeming


O, O My Desk!

You keep my deskly accoutrements and my large-scale army men

Off of

the floor

O, Desk

How I hate you and wish you pain and torment.

O! O! My Desk!

Thank you, good night!

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Don't blame your mom for the waste of flesh and bones that you are.

No, that's the Belgian's fault. How you say? I've got Danish genes and that makes me prone to beer drinking, as Lars can attest to. Now combine that with the discovery that some balding, portly guys in brown robes figured out how to brew the most amazing tasting beers in the 9% alcohol by volume range. See what I'm getting at? No funny guys with a vow of silence... no stupidly strong beer... no waste of flesh and bones... hence the blame going to Belgium.

I rest my case.


Could it be that Joe is your father?

It's a good thing that I'm presently anesthetized by a nice Triple or I'd use my evil powers and cast you into oblivion (which amounts to blocking your IP, to give away a trade secret). Sure, Joe is old enough to be my father (Hell... grandfather!), but that's hardly grounds to build a case on. You need at least an article from a tabloid to link to like people do in the General Forum!

BTW, I didn't mean to imply that Bauhaus should be thankful for the existence of Belgians, least of all their appointed MBT ambassador. Although I'm not a regular here (parole violation, doncha know), I know that nobody should feel indebted to Belgians. Well, except the French because when they do something really dumb while on vacation they can always claim to be Belgian, thereby deflecting some national shame away from where it should be. And nobody would be the wiser, including the Flemish.


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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Steve did a podcast with Joe?

Oh... right, right, right... I seem to remember something like that. I think I dozed off a few minutes into it.

I'd usually fast forward until I got to the interesting parts of the show.

MY parts.

Yeah, he did one with me & Seanachai too, but it was stolen by ninjas. </font>
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