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A Tale Told By An Idiot: The Peng Challenge Thread Drags on Its Way To Dusty Death

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Originally posted by Jussi Köhler:

rleete, or Roger as he's called will never finish attaching the kitchen sink so he's not a good candidate.

Maybe not. But you know I've modeled all the faucets, sprayer attachment and soap dispenser. I'm extremely detail oriented.
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Hmmmph! I'm disappointed and shocked that my inquiry about the intricate, arcane, and morally challenged rules of this thread have been ignored by the high and mighty Justicar and his duly appointed (or self appointed in the case of Boo, no doubt!) minions. I mean, sheesh... I hand them a chance, on a slightly tarnished silver platter (OK, silver plated!), to spout off a bunch of nonsense and still nada. Me thinks I need to email Joe directly and get him off his lazy duff. I think I have his email address in a kill file or somefink.


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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

Hmmmph! I'm disappointed and shocked that my inquiry about the intricate, arcane, and morally challenged rules of this thread have been ignored by the high and mighty Justicar and his duly appointed (or self appointed in the case of Boo, no doubt!) minions. I mean, sheesh... I hand them a chance, on a slightly tarnished silver platter (OK, silver plated!), to spout off a bunch of nonsense and still nada. Me thinks I need to email Joe directly and get him off his lazy duff. I think I have his email address in a kill file or somefink.


I was waiting for Shaw to respond because, lord knows, I hate to step on his toes.

OK, that's a lie. I love stepping on his toes. Stepping, jumping, wailing on them with a hammer. Especially the ones with corns, which, as I recall, is all twelve of them.

Good times... yes, good times...

But, to respond to your question, Steve, the bolding and proper spelling of names is something that is done by choice and or habit.

In the case of Grog Dorosh, he is one of the "Others Recognized", which is a grey and nebulous area, not unlike Emrys alleged conciousness.

Now, I will sit back and await the appearance of the Justicar, where he will tell me I have it completely wrong.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:

Did I miss something?

Why the hell is HeyAbbott! back? Did I do something wrong?

I think we all must have ... I blame the three MBTs on one page.

I suspect that they opened a rift in the fabric of time/space (probably corduroy ) and allowed a temporal and possibly lobotomized anomaly to escape ... in other words ... Abbott.

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by flame-thrower:

Joe has been stuck at the Butte, Montana Airport, better known as the agricultural aviation center, since Monday waiting for a flight out...

He's become quite the 'curiosity' with the locals.

As always, we should blame Boo.

Boy, I am tired. I originally thought this said "Joe had been stuck in the butt." I mean really, what Joe does for fun is nobody's business but the sticker and the stickee (pitcher or catcher?) Miss me?
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Originally posted by bauhaus:

Boy, I am tired. I originally thought this said "Joe had been stuck in the butt."

Jus' cos at didnae say tha', didnae mean at didnae happen. No' tha' there's anythun wrong wi' tha'.

Di' sum bastarrrd owe mae a turrrn?

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

administrative blather snipped...



Dragging all these outre boarders in here. Make sure you take them with you when you go. What's your hurry? Here's your hat. Crikey, you've let some goddam wafflers in! Sure, your board and all, but... wafflers?! in the MBT?! Are you sick or somfink?

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Originally posted by flame-thrower:

Joe has been stuck at the Butte, Montana Airport, better known as the agricultural aviation center, since Monday waiting for a flight out...

He's become quite the 'curiosity' with the locals.

He could just stand silently in the lobby with a bunch of cigars in his hand and no one would notice him. On second thought, I suppose the "silently" part is out of the question.

As always, we should blame Boo.
Works for me.


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Joe has been stuck at the Butte, Montana Airport, better known as the agricultural aviation center, since Monday waiting for a flight out...
Ah, so I see he likes to fly American, or Congolese Airlines. Well, each to his own. Me, I prefer to wait for a flight that has a chance of happening and an even better chance of not crashing. But that's just me.

He's become quite the 'curiosity' with the locals.
Probably because he's the only one standing at the American terminal for days on end who doesn't know why?



Dragging all these outre boarders in here. Make sure you take them with you when you go. What's your hurry? Here's your hat. Crikey, you've let some goddam wafflers in! Sure, your board and all, but... wafflers?! in the MBT?! Are you sick or somfink?

No smart. By moving people from the outside in I improve the average IQ of the membership of both. If you don't get the point of that then all I have to say is "exactly my point".

Boo, I thank you for stepping on Joe's toes on my behalf. I'm humbled and what not (yawn) that you would take my request so seriously that you would (yawn) risk the wrath of Shock'n Shaw. Since your answer makes about as much sense as any of the other things here, I'll have to be satisfied with it. Plus, if I stand on my head after pounding it into the wall a few times it actually kinda makes sense. Then again pretty much anything here makes more sense than self mutilation.


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rleete:

I'm extremely detail oriented.

Come on, you know it's okay to say 'anal compulsive' in the Peng thread.

Michael </font>

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Squire? Serf? Hah! I'm beyond that. I'm the ageless hooded cloaked guy that hangs around in the back room actually running the kingdom. Like that worm dude in Lord of the Rings, only much better looking and not obsessed with some Aussie chick. Oh, that and my jar collection of newt droppings and turtle eyeballs is the real deal (and yes, PETA is a PITA about it). So no bucket assignment for me, for I could get a broom to carry it for me if I wished. Which I don't, because Disney would sue my ass (they are litigious bastards).

Ah wait... I see my powers are not as omnipatent... er.. omnipitent... uhm... omnip... (grumble), POWERFUL as they once were, since I now see a message in my inbox from Joe. He made it through my nifty little killfile spell and the three headed hound. In defense of the hound, though, all three heads are in those plastic cones to stop him from licking the spot where the cat scratched him up pretty bad. Makes him about as useful as he is funny looking.

Anyway, I'm preparing to be put in my place by the Justicar. Or so he said.


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