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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

It was a stupid post because you started by saying that the pellet DID do the damage and then you proceeded to ask if they COULD do the damage ... NO, the other kid took the pellet out of the gun and hammered it into your nephew's stomach ... HERE'S YOUR SIGN ... doofus.

No, Joe. Once again you are wrong. If you will look at my original post, you will see that I first asked how strong pellet guns were (An answer that was later given to me by Lars. Thank you Lars, and I was told that my nephew will be OK, but that he'll remain in the hospital for 3-5 days)

then I related what had happened to my nephew and then I said that I had no idea pellet guns had that kind of power.

Joe contributes in class, but he doesn't pay attention.

As to the turn, I'M able to complete a turn today ... why aren't you?

I'm sorry... is today over? Perhaps it might look that way to someone like you who probably starts thinking about what to order for his "Early Bird Special" at 9AM. By my clock, I still have 11 hours and 15 minutes to get a file to you TODAY.

As to the podcast ... it may never get done if I keep getting hassled about various INCONSEQUENTIAL QUESTIONS ABOUT ANCIENT HISTORY!


But you keep ignoring them, so I don't see what the problem is.

or are they haunting your dreams? Do you wake up. flailing your tethered, spindly arms every night, screaming, "O'M SHOWWY! SHOW BEWWY, BEWWY SHOWWY!*"

*With his dentures it would come out as , "I'M SORRY! SO VERY, VERY SORRY!"

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Am I the only one whose irritated that the ‘Consolidated CM:SF Topics of Note’ thread doesn’t actually have ANY links to the One Thread?

Perhaps it would be a good idea for all the Justicars to stop bickering about SPOONS* for awhile & deal with THAT, far more serious, problem!

* have you lot really reached such depths… dear Peng at least the other thread died with an ounce of dignity remaining

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

How strong are pellet guns???

Many years ago four Mexican kids that had moved into a single friend of mines neighborhood jumped my friend’s son after school. The leader of the group was 13 years old and proceeded to wipe up the street and sidewalk with my friend’s son while his three friends put the boot to the kids face and repeatedly punched him when he fell down. My friend’s 9-year-old son was seriously beaten. The next night that same 13-year-old Hispanic kid was shot in the shoulder with a .177 pellet which had to be surgically removed at the ER. I guess a pellet was used because the kid didn’t have a more serious injury coming. I thought justice was well served myself.

Yes Boo pellets at short range can do some damage. I heard the local District Attorney wanted to charge someone with assault with a deadly weapon for the shooting. Which is a fairly serious felony, (up to 16 years in that particular state) for the above-remembered incident. As I recall an arrest was made but no charges were ever filed as no one saw the actual shooter. I hope your Nephew will recover soon and in good health.

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Thanks, Abbott.

I just got back from the hospital and Will is doing OK. He has some discomfort, but was having a good time trying to screw with the monitors by holding his breath until an alarm went off and then hyper-ventilating to achieve the same effect. Gotta love him.

What hurts him most is that this happened right at the start of his Easter vacation.

Many of his friends from high school showed up to visit and he took great delight in grossing out the girls by flashing his incision.

He's a good kid.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Thanks, Abbott.

I just got back from the hospital and Will is doing OK. He has some discomfort, but was having a good time trying to screw with the monitors by holding his breath until an alarm went off and then hyper-ventilating to achieve the same effect. Gotta love him.

What hurts him most is that this happened right at the start of his Easter vacation.

Many of his friends from high school showed up to visit and he took great delight in grossing out the girls by flashing his incision.

He's a good kid.

It's good to hear he's doing fine. And if nothing else, he has a good, solid name. I've seen a good number of pellet and BB injuries, but never one that penetrated to the point of needing surgical removal.
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Originally posted by stoat:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Thanks, Abbott.

I just got back from the hospital and Will is doing OK. He has some discomfort, but was having a good time trying to screw with the monitors by holding his breath until an alarm went off and then hyper-ventilating to achieve the same effect. Gotta love him.

What hurts him most is that this happened right at the start of his Easter vacation.

Many of his friends from high school showed up to visit and he took great delight in grossing out the girls by flashing his incision.

He's a good kid.

It's good to hear he's doing fine. And if nothing else, he has a good, solid name. I've seen a good number of pellet and BB injuries, but never one that penetrated to the point of needing surgical removal. </font>
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Originally posted by juan_gigante:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stoat:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Thanks, Abbott.

I just got back from the hospital and Will is doing OK. He has some discomfort, but was having a good time trying to screw with the monitors by holding his breath until an alarm went off and then hyper-ventilating to achieve the same effect. Gotta love him.

What hurts him most is that this happened right at the start of his Easter vacation.

Many of his friends from high school showed up to visit and he took great delight in grossing out the girls by flashing his incision.

He's a good kid.

It's good to hear he's doing fine. And if nothing else, he has a good, solid name. I've seen a good number of pellet and BB injuries, but never one that penetrated to the point of needing surgical removal. </font>
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

No. That's Joe.

Yes Boo Radley that IS JOE ... the Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, the Knight Champion of the M.B.T., the Seniour Seniour Knight of the CessPool, the CessPool Drain Commissioner, the Founder of the Shavian House and a spiffy dresser to boot.

It was I who created the Official Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread Website, it was I who created the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast and it will be I ... me ... who has you writhing in the grasp of my superior play in our game.

It is also I who will be in Austin until Friday so ... NO PODCAST FOR YOU ... until I get back ... if then.


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Stoat, has anyone officially taken you to Squire yet? Or are Rleete and Seanachai still hurling their drool buckets at each other trying to sort it out?

I must say, the MBT sure has gone downhill since the glory days of MY Squirehood.. I pity you Stoat, I really do, too bad you couldn't have someone of some quality take you to Squire.

Rleete, are you and Seanachai even playing the Blood Hamster match? How did that fabled Ginger Mead of about 3 years ago turn out? What kind do you have in the vat now? You irk me Rleete, mainly because you are in the States, and I am stuck here, away from booze. It makes me sad. I just say that because when I think of you, I think of alcohol. I think I am about done with this stream of consciousness bit, getting old it is.

Nidan, you old tosser. I was going to join the Marines, but then I passed the ASVAB.... I was going to join the Marines, but I failed the physical, couldn't get my head in the jar.... I do believe that you owe me a rematch after that last scenario, you should send me a setup.

To all you Aussies out there, remember, if I run out of Tim Tams, the terrorists win.....

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Originally posted by Abbott:

]Many years ago four Mexican kids that had moved into a single friend of mines neighborhood jumped my friend’s son after school.

You know, I went through several revisions of posts, varying from light-hearted, to slightly severe, and with an eye to the fact that I totally believe in telling a story with accurate detail, but, at a time when the news is filled with stories about Amnesty and Illegals, I couldn't come up with a good reason to make a point of the fact that the 'offending bullies' were Mexicanos, given that the reply was supposedly about the 'damage capabilities of pellet guns'.

But we're not like other, lesser threads. So I'm sure that Abbott is going to amaze me, not to mention vindicate my trust, with a rollicking story of how some of his grand-kids are Hispanic, or how he got his start in business with a Mexican friend, or how he served honorably alongside Latinos in the military, or, at the very least, how he never beat a migrant worker for asking for back wages.

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Stoat, has anyone officially taken you to Squire yet? Or are Rleete and Seanachai still hurling their drool buckets at each other trying to sort it out?

The day I take the effort to hurl a drool bucket at Roger is the day I quit drinking.

Originally posted by NG cavscout:

I must say, the MBT sure has gone downhill since the glory days of MY Squirehood...

Glory days? Downhill? This is the last time I ever want to hear from an intestinal parasite that they've noticed a falling off in the quality of nutrients.

How to put this nicely...

LISTEN UP, MAGGOT! Listening to you complain about the Thread is like listening to Serbians complain that the Irish and Italians have ruined America for Immigrants.



Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Rleete, are you and Seanachai even playing the Blood Hamster match?

Such presumption. Rleete is a low, bottom-feeding incarnation of all that is 'worst and stupidest' in America. I hate him, I despise him, and revile him. And when he and I decide ANYTHING on this planet, we'll be sure to deliver an envelope filled with poodle ****e to your door-step, just so that you know that the defecation of household pets rates higher than your inquiries.

Originally posted by NG cavscout:

How did that fabled Ginger Mead of about 3 years ago turn out?

Not too bad. Tasted okay, but it didn't have the kick that would make me drop my fishing pole.

Originally posted by NG cavscout:

You irk me Rleete, mainly because you are in the States, and I am stuck here, away from booze.

Serves you right for being a conservative. If I had sent you to war, it would have been in a country where you could have a decent pint. Next time try bringing democracy to a country that wants it, and has some concept of what to do with it.

Originally posted by NG cavscout:

To all you Aussies out there, remember, if I run out of Tim Tams, the terrorists win...

Make your Antipodian selves useful, and fill the bugger up again.
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by NG cavscout:

To all you Aussies out there, remember, if I run out of Tim Tams, the terrorists win...

Make your Antipodian selves useful, and fill the bugger up again. </font>
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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by NG cavscout:

To all you Aussies out there, remember, if I run out of Tim Tams, the terrorists win...

Make your Antipodian selves useful, and fill the bugger up again. </font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

If I had sent you to war, it would have been in a country where you could have a decent pint.

Why on earth would we want to invade Ireland?

It's full of people like…well…like you.

Let them rot I say.

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

If I had sent you to war, it would have been in a country where you could have a decent pint.

Why on earth would we want to invade Ireland?

It's full of people like…well…like you.

Let them rot I say. </font>

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

I must say, the MBT sure has gone downhill since the glory days of MY Squirehood..

Ah, yes...

Once again, a proud son of Wisconsin strides forth to do battle against the iniquities of... I don't know... the percieved injustices of being brought up on milk-based cassaroles?

I just happened to notice what symbols were picked to represent Wisconsin on the back of one of the newer quarters.

A cow, a wheel of cheese and an ear of corn, while blazoned underneath is the legend, FORWARD.

Uh huh... FORWARD with a cow, some cheese and some corn.

For some reason, I see NG Cavscout, with a Dekalb cap perched squarely on his large, square head, a cow under one arm, a large wheel of cheddar tucked under the other, and in his hand, like a lamp thrust out to combat the night, an ear of sweetcorn, ya sure!

It's a vision I will keep with me... until the Zoloft kicks in.

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Large square head? Large square head? I will show you a large square head!!! This is me with my newest daughter at the airport just before I came back to this hellhole of a sandbox.


And I refuse to resize the picture, you must all endure my huge cranium in all of its natural majesty! See if zoloft can cleanse that image from your low neuron count brain Boo Radley

[ April 12, 2006, 07:19 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

But we're not like other, lesser threads. So I'm sure that Abbott

Well Steve just because your life has been so full of bull**** that you cannot comprehend someone who is being honest does not make that everyone else’s problem. I would send you a copy of "God, Guns and Rock n Roll" by the Nuge. But I am afraid, as unstable as you are...that after reading it you may have an uncontrollable urge to strap Berli to the hood of a Lincoln Navigator and run over everyone in a Gay rights parade.
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