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Sound Events -- The post-airstrike War Whoop

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Well perhaps the thing to do would be to have a "generic" war whoop for either side, that isnt too discernable as what they would be saying. I think the negative reaction is not to the idea of troops celebrating their victory, but specific voices saying "Allah Akbar" "Die American Scum", or "See you in hell towel-head!" and crap like that.

But anyway lets get back to the interesting part, which is the idea of the morale boost. I can think of plenty of instances where the US forces would get the boost, plenty of opportunities for air support, etc.

But what of the Syrian side? IIRC we are not doing IED's, and even if we were, it is usually a demolition team who would be "whooping", not one that would be impacted in direct combat. I am sure there are some scenarios where the Syrians could get a boost. Can you think of any examples?

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See, that's the thing, I guess some people are equating "Allah Akbar" (apparently a quite common saying in the mid east, as common or more as you saying "God Bless You" if someone sneezed) with much more nationalist or ethnic-specific contexts. Whatever that particular phrase might conjure for you personally, know that in the Mid East, it is not necessarily tinged with any particular malice, and is their equivalent of "whooo!!". Part of the fun of these games is seeing both cultures, and understanding what motivates what force in which way. Plus, the whole subtext is a fundamentatalist takeover of Syria, so it doesn't really seem that strange that they might want to mention Allah occasionally.

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Originally posted by panzermartin:

I'm hoping for these features too. How about noisy radio chat from friendly vehicle crews, FOs or units out of view? Would be useful when spotting enemies.

Actually, how cool would it be to zoom in on a vehicle and hear the radio going? I mean, if you zoom in on a CM tank you hear the rumble of its engine, right?


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The rate of Allahu ahkbar shouting is directly related to the number of video cameras filming the event. The islamic nutjobs do shout it hoping allah is going to make their rpg or mortar round a bit more accurate. The suicide bomber shouts it hoping to bump his chances for the 72 virgins by 1/10th of 1 percent. For filmed events it is shouted mostly for propaganda reasons, and also because AQ demands video tapes of attacks as a requirement for funding. AQ does this to not only give them propaganda opportunities, but also to make sure the attack they paid for actually got done. Shouting allahu ahkbar just shows the guy paying the bill that you are devout. If there is no video camera rolling, and you aren't a suicide bomber, you probably aren't going to shout it. But there are plenty of islamic nut jobs who would tend to shout it. Not saying it isn't done, just saying it isn't done as much as you would think given the propaganda videos.


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Would your average Syrian conscripts really be saying "Allah akbar" when they kill an enemy? Maybe after the battle if they've survived, but I don't think it would work as an instant sound cue in the game. It would take away from the atmosphere and make it more akin to some Battlefield 2 action game.

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Total guess on my part but I think it would be pretty rare for a conscript. Maybe insurgents and such, but not a conscript. Probably more likely further into the invasion, like during occupation as the resistance gets more radicalized, a la Iraq. I think Hezballah is pretty disciplined and I can't see them doing the allahu ahkbar thing.


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From the orient encyklopedia.

Allahu akbar

Arabic: allahu 'akbar

Muslim saying, frequently used in situations ranging from a greeting to an expression of strong sentiments.

It is most correctly translated with "God is greater", but in many instances the almost similar "God is great" is an equally correct translation.

"Allahu Akbar" is the first part of the adhan, which is heard 5 times daily in Muslim communities. The saying is a very strong expression that summarizes the entire core of Islam.

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The saying is a very strong expression that summarizes the entire core of Islam. [/QB]
The Fall of the West, IMO, can be traced to 1732. That's when Old Europe started calling people to worship with "God is greater than being poked in the eye with a sharp stick."

So far as the whooping goes: Assuming it's realistic, I think it'd be fine. I think it's a little ghoulish - but I think dropping a mortar barrage on a bunch of Russian conscripts and hearing the result is "a little ghoulish". And I do that all the time in CMBB.

Furthermore, if someone had just dropped a bomb on someone trying to kill me I'd feel like whooping, too. If it's part of what happens then it's part of what happens. I'm very glad we don't have "full realism" with all the gore , screaming, etc. that'd imply... but some whooping is a long, long way from crossing that line.

Heck, IMO if it does forcibly remind someone that real people are out there dropping bombs and getting bombs dropped on them, it's good.

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Originally posted by John Kettler:

Cpl Steiner,

... It would appear that, despite centuries of colonialism, at least some of the British commanders got it when it came to interacting with the locals. ...

Capt. Toleran,

Ever thought that "because of centuries of colonialism..." might be more appropriate. Read some history. Whilst the British Empire undoubtably removed self determination from large parts of Africa, Asia and all of India, it generally replaced it with a benevolent and paternalistic care for the locals (by the standards of the day - i.e. now necessarily by today's standards). This is not to deny things like Amritsar (sp?) did happen.

The British overseas army of a few 10's of thousands of men did not hold down 1/4 of the world by brute force!

A much misunderstood thing the British Empire...

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Splinty has it right... males the world 'round have a strange affection for things that go BOOM! On several separate occasions I talked with friends about the dangers of home brewing bio diesel (burning flesh, explosions, etc.) and the universal response was "coooooool" and "of course, why else would you want to do it?" being a close second. If ladies were persent they gave a look that more or less says "how we made it out of caves once Thog found that a big rock could smash something, I'll never know!". Married men know that look well, so no need to explain further.

In all seriousness, we are not having war "Allahu Akbar" shouted. It would be highly unlikely for a military unit to yell this and it is unlikely that the type of terrorist we are simulating would do it either. Great way to make sure the enemy knows where you are, and all of that. CivDiv's comments hit right on the mark about this being a courrage building and PR thing. Not the sort of situation we're simulating.

Oh, there is another funny thing about the Allahu Akbar thing that hasn't been mentioned. It probably REDUCES their accuracy if anything. It's hard enough to aim an RPG at a moving target, but to do it while all the idiots around you are shouting ALLAHU AKBAR at the top of their lungs as he goes to fire (which they do often enough) can't be a good thing :D


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Originally posted by Soddball:

I can't think of anything more likely to stop me buying the game than that stupid 'woooo' noise Americans feel the urge to make.

Keerist, get some frigging cultural perspective.

Right, this coming from a citizen of the nation that brought us "We are Masons!!!" and the "Ministry of Funny Handshakes", outstanding cultural perspective, that. Oh, and also dont forget "The Lumberjack Song"
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Originally posted by Splinty:

The WhooHoos aren't really because someones getting killed. They're more of "Wow! Look at that big BOOM!" kind of thing. Everyone likes a big explosion. Except of course the poor saps who just got hit by one.

That is understandable, but what if the poor saps are a bunch of friendlies (at which point the player can blame either himself for pushing too close to target, or the pilot for flying with both eyes shut)?


"Oh ****! That was Arnie's squad... they blew up!"

"Damn, your right... but they sure did it in a sweet way! And by sweet I mean totally cool! WHOOOOOOO!!!"


So, maybe "if airstrike happens and it does not hit friendlies, there is a chance of 'whoop' by each squad".

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Originally posted by Soddball:

I can't think of anything more likely to stop me buying the game than that stupid 'woooo' noise Americans feel the urge to make.

Keerist, get some frigging cultural perspective.

Jeez, someone needs a testosterone boost followed by a shot of adrenaline. Besides, its not a cultural thing. They don't yell because they couldn't care less about Islam or Iraqis, but because people who were trying to kill them just had a bomb that weighs 4 Shaqs dropped on their asses.
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(abit off topic) In CMBB i was positively shocked by the finnish voice acts(!) as a swedish speaking finn

I must give you alot of credit for making the finnish army that near reality, and even putting in the finnish swedish names(!) every secound was well worth the money.

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yes, Finnish voice acts in CMBB was a nice detail, though i must say i usually don't hear the voice acts because i keep the view far above the ground.

i recall hearing some profanities in the Finnish voice acts. it's great that authenticity goes before political correctness. smile.gif tho i guess it wasn't really a PC question, since overseas people do not understand Finnish and in Finland cursing is not a PC issue.

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