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Emergency CPR - Challenge-Peng Resuscitation


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Originally posted by Slapdragon:

I am sad to announce this just in on the AP wire. Iron Chef was banned tonight by the powers that be

I blame Croda for pushing the little guy into it.

Slapdragon, I understand your point of order on this. You have shown a tolerance for this child that I could not, and have even called me on my intolerance.

In my case, I believe you were right. And I agree that Croda made no effort to avoid provoking him, and many to push him on to his eventual demise.

But you can only apologize for the useless little sod so far. Yourself, and many others, made every effort to instruct him, apologize for him, and lead him back on to a path of responsible posting. For every poster who, like myself, couldn't stand the little ****e, there was someone else ready to try and lead him past the shoals (if the posts are reviewed, even I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt when he first showed up here, for example).

He chose to ignore all efforts, to rise to every objection or counter-post as though he was in the Peng Challenge Thread and larking about, and, in general, consistently post like a sodding ass.

He will not be missed, except as we miss any clueless idjit who can be mocked and made light of.

Although your efforts to lead him in to the light do you credit, do not make the mistake of blaming others for his consistent and aggressive inability to post like a responsible adult. Every effort was made, by BTS and many others, to cut him slack. He used it to hang himself.

I'm not a noble or upstanding personage, and I hope his many stupid remarks lead to impotence and sterility, but that's just me.

[ February 28, 2002, 03:11 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Ahh Seanachai my enemy. I wrote that I blamed the noble Croda as a small dig in the fine tradition of the MBT, and not because I blame the silly gentledman for his placement of his rather large boot on that particularly pathetic behind. And in fact, I too many times wished to bitch slap the kid as you did.

My attempts to save him were forlorn. I tired, but I do not blame anyone who decides to bat the kid around. He was a troll in every sense of the word, if I may have permission to label him such.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

You are not a member of the Peng Challenge Thread. Your complaint has no merit.

Also, you spelled 'thieving' in a significantly stupid way.

You old fool, he was trying to start a fight.

[ February 28, 2002, 03:35 AM: Message edited by: Bastables ]

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Seanachai:

That useless bastard Pondscum ... Who's Squire is he, again?

If he were allowed into polite company, Dalem would be ashamed to admit that he is mon petite general. But he isn't, and he's not.

Originally posted by Seanachai:

turned out rather well, hasn't it?

My momma warned me about bad men like you.
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Originally posted by Simon Fox:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

[QB]Now where's my gold medal and prize for numero uno post?

Really Mace you know you only won because all those other threads got tangled up with each other and fell over.</font>
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Originally posted by Simon Fox:

Oh I don't think so, methinks Croda is ticked off at ICS now. Looks like Croda loves to poke the wild animals with sticks but when they turn around and wack him back he can't take it.

Looks like you missed the major point there... ICS didn't wack him back, he took a wack at his father

[ February 28, 2002, 07:55 AM: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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Originally posted by Mace:

I'd like to point out that there is too much bolding of serfs and SSNs names. Even the justiplane has fallen into this terrible practice.

Now where's my gold medal and prize for numero uno post?


Mace you degenerate liar! Of course we expect that of Australians but still you LIE! Give ONE example, Mace, just one, of an SSN or Serf whose name I've bolded!

A grovelling apology is EXPECTED!


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Well, the spectacle is complete. I can't say I'm sorry for the way it ended. And while many of you feel I did the pushing that sent the lad to his timely demise, I'd offer that it was more like a scene from a Shirley Jackson story, and I happened to toss the final stone.

Regardless, every turd needs to be flushed else it stinks up the pot for the normal crappers.

For those with interest in the flag, I'll post again when I have some solid information on it. For those who just come to see the show, well...I'm pleased you enjoyed it and will see that the next pillock-sodding pillock-sodder gets the same treatment.

In Game Updates:

Leeo reconstructs the infamous Charge of the Infirmed and Exhausted. I'm 2 or 3 moves from checkmate.

Hiram is probably thinking he'll call arty in on the ambush that just toasted a platoon of his. I'm sure they'll just sit there waiting for it.

Noba is now feeling the full brunt of the SturmCroda. Each squad that pops up is targetted by no less than 10 of my units. Naturally, they don't fare well under that kind of stress.

Marlow are up my mortar units on Berli constructed map with an LOS of 6 inches. I remain unconcerned.

UnderLizard and I are creating a big slugfest. My setup is about half complete and will continue when I continue it.

Mace lives in Australia and never sent his cyber-forces to Europe to fight. As such, I still haven't seen him (small loss).

Speedbump learned that when Greens have rocks thrown at them they take to ground like 2 ostriches who find they're wearing the same dress at an ostrich wedding.

Terence awaits the SturmCroda. Just keep awaiting, it will come in due time.

If I'm playing anyone else I forgot and will mock you after filling your anus with your headus.

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I'm sure each of you are anticipating the voicing of my opinion on the banishment of Tin Cook dude. I'm wholeheartedly on the side of Croda on this issue. I think he did all of us a favor. There are certain issues that are out of bounds when taunting. You may have noticed that I have refrained from mentioning certain relatives when I get my taunt on. In the case of Croda his person alone is reason for a good taunt.

Stay tuned for game updates with a big suprise.

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

I'm sure each of you are anticipating the voicing of my opinion on the banishment of Tin Cook dude. I'm wholeheartedly on the side of Croda on this issue. I think he did all of us a favor. There are certain issues that are out of bounds when taunting. You may have noticed that I have refrained from mentioning certain relatives when I get my taunt on. In the case of Croda his person alone is reason for a good taunt.

Stay tuned for game updates with a big suprise.

I'm in full agreement with Hiram on this one (hey ... it had to happen sooner or later, even Eagles fans get SOME things right). I can still recall making an ill advised comment about someone's sister only to be taken to task for it. I apologized and no harm was done but it was an important lesson. None of us know what the other fellow's situation is and none of us want to cause undue pain by making a comment, even in fun, that will do that.

Mind you making fun of Australia is pretty much ALWAYS on ... if they don't like it they could move ... well they could if they weren't Australian and therefore branded by that stigma.

And finally, may I remind all that the CessPool was the first to see the true value of the Tin Pot Cook, i.e. none, and was the first to take action.

ICS Sent To Coventry


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And posted on page 7 of this very MBT:

Orginaly prophesied by Croda:My new claim to fame is that ICS is going to get banned in a thread of my creation.


J'aime bien cette vie.

If only I knew then how it would turn out...
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While the Pool celebrates ICS’s removal from our semi-polite little society, I’ll just sneak this in at the end of the thread in the hopes it won’t be noticed.

Game Updates:

Berli: Doesn’t know how much he is winning. If only his winged minions would go away.

Iskander: Beating me like a soon-to-be ex-wife. Apparently a Kangaroo charge against PIV’s just doesn’t work. Who knew? If I hadn’t been drinking I might have realized they had no turrets. He also has the Mongolian barbecue chef gone postal who has cooked up about a company of Limeys for his victory celebration. Probably went to China to buy another one.

Agua Perdido: Bought a Gun with no Truck. And M8’s. And had a TD in my rear who just wandered in front of an immobile Hetzer. But I’m not that lucky this week. Gamey manuuuverist bastiche.

OGSF: He’s lining up his Brit armour, and I’m knocking it down. He’s a gamey attritionist bastiche for setting fire to the patch of woods my 75mm Pak was in.

Noba: He has the armor, but I have the men. And my men and the Victory Flags are in the non-burning woods. Do the math.

AussieJeff: Getting closer to the end of the Causeway. Randomly blowing up churches and other assorted buildings. As soon as the smoke clears, I might let my troops open fire. Then again, they are enjoying just watching the shelling. Needs to send a turn.

MrSpkr: No files. Anybody seen this lost soul?

CMplayer Setup files have been exchanged. I’m still winning for the moment. Quit wailing over the Swedish hockey team and send a turn.

Hanns: Probably still tied up. Should consider dating “normal” women. Get a hand loose and send a turn.

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Originally posted by Lars:

Agua Perdido: Bought a Gun with no Truck. And M8’s. And had a TD in my rear who just wandered in front of an immobile Hetzer. But I’m not that lucky this week. Gamey manuuuverist bastiche.

I bought transport for that gun, you pillock--it's just multipurpose transport (that is, it's machinegunning the snot out of your troops by the southern VL). And I didn't buy any more M8's than you bought Hetzers. Of course, I did hack my copy of CM in order to kill that first Hetzer and the StuH.

In other


jdmorse and stevetherat have neither of them sent a feckin' turn. Nothing is happening. I hate them.

Joe Shaw and Seanachai (only two more updates to go!) have neither of them received a feckin' turn. Nothing is happening. I hate them.

Terence is not a regular pooler, though I hereby sponsor him for Pissboy status, just because it'll annoy him. We're exchanging turns at a breakneck pace, and nothing is happening. I hate him.

Agua Perdido

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