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Originally posted by Persephone:

Jolly Holiday


(with Peng, Seanachai Poppins, Berli and Joe)



None of the following is classified as *CRAP* and therefore may be posted by Cesspool Kaniggett Sir "Aussiejeff" within the stated "NON CMBB" hibernative period without penalty thereof.


Well, well. Lookie what we have here! It's the Official Cesspool Girl Guides Fancy Dress Party!!

I like how Old Foul Joe has disguised himself completely as Old Foul Unca Joe. Almost unrecognisable. And my, how that dress and bonnet suit SomeNacho's wan complexion!

Peng appears somewhat uncomfortable dressed in such a "manly" and conservative outfit. I never knew she/he was across-dresser. I would have thought a tutu more to his/her fancy.

Berli is looking very dapper (or is that diaper?) in his "Holier Than Thou" Nun's habit! But I ask, what dismayed furry creature is that sitting midst his lap? Is it a "lapdoggy"?

Your "True Documentary" photo-journalistic style is very pleasing to the eye as always, Lady Persephone.

Top marks as usual from my discerning eye...

Sir Aussiejeff

[ September 25, 2002, 08:45 PM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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None of the following is classified as *CRAP* and therefore may be posted by Cesspool Kaniggett Sir "Aussiejeff" within the stated "NON CMBB" hibernative period without penalty thereof. Got it yet?


I come to you with grave news. GRAVE news indeed. Well, for Mr Squeeker that is. For he is about to lose in a MOST UNGRACIOUS and SOUL DESTROYING manner to *GAACK!* THE FRENCH.

Yes indeedy, most ably commanded by that brilliant Australo-French military strategist Mon Generale Flosse a small band of French Brothers have WHUPPED THE SQUEEKERS BUTT but GOOD in a fitting finale to Mr Spruiker's dalliance with CMBO! He may now remember CMBO with a certain fondness, after the nightmares subside...

May I show you what the battlefield looks like?

Unfortunately, there are NO GERMAN FLAGS to show. Though I have permitted the display of a certain group of 5 tanks in the foreground. The VERY SAME 5 TANKS that the now-feeling-rather-poorly Mr Squawker gloated over in a few posts hence...


HA! Little could the poor chappy know, but they were a mere <U>SACRIFICIAL DIVERSIONARY TACTIC</U> to divert his wavering attention from my ultimate goal of winning this battle using the least possible number of *GAACK!* garlic munching FRENCHMEN. Worked to perfection too. The ruse is complete!

I doubt he will now have the gumption to raise his lopped head on the Steppes neither, when in the presence of a superior Australian Militant interlect.


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Popcorn. Incense that smells like popcorn.

What is it with the incense anyway? If I want something that smells like popcorn ... I'll get some freaking popcorn ... then I can smell it AND eat it at the same time.

Incense ... for people who want to play pretend.


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Originally posted by Persephone:

Jolly Holiday


(with Peng, Seanachai Poppins, Berli and Joe)

followed by sprightly song that was deeply, deeply disturbing...

DEAR GOD, BERLI! (and I make no apologies for the usage, as it was wrung out of me by heartfelt shock)

Is this your influence?! Or the final sign that you can exert no control over her at all?!

It is a nightmare from which we cannot, it seems, awake.

On one level, it is a simple, silly photo doctoring session combined with a silly song. It cries out as typical 'Persephone cuteness'.

On another level, it's a look into a surreal funland of evil that would seem to have no place in the person I know as Persephone.

Innocent and giddy schoolgirl teasing, or a window into a world of torment unimagined outside the paintings of Heironymous Bosch?

How, Berli, how is this happening? Have you driven her to it? Or are you the victim, even as we all are? Or...

But wait! I sense the influence that has wrought this change! Of course! It could only be


You whisper your insidious drolleries, your glum, eyebrow waggling non-sequitors into the ears of Persephone, and this is what we see!

Corruption! Madness! Impudence!

I'll do you for this one, lad!

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Boxyburst is a gamey-smellin', gamey-playin' foo if there ever was one. Not only does he/she come in here swishing his/her petticoats all around the place, but he flaunts the finest traditions of the 'Pool.

"What?" you might ask (or not, I don't really care).

"Example," I says.

Here is a short AAR about the little HMG that could. Not a CMBB HMG mind you, but the old, neutered,

couldn't-get-the-prissy-poodle-down-the-street-knocked-up-with-a-baseball-bat kind of neutered. but still it was enough.

After making my brave hamstertruppen wait for some 10 turns or so, his/her Amis finally make it to the party.


"Damn, now there's a gamey rat bastiche if ever I saw one." I thought to myself. "Flag rushes are to be kept to the last few turns of the battle, not the middle."

And sure enough, he sent a whole platoon plus a few friends against my one small MG outpost (bottom center of first picture, right under the trees). Midway through the turn, it looked something like this:


But then the MG opened up, perforating the Ami gumchewers, and a great many "Ow! My leg!"'s and "I'm hit!"'s were heard, and having thought over their orders, decided that discretion was the better part of valor this night.

As the little MG that could hosed down the assaulting Amis, en masse they decided that their foxholes were a better place than these nasty woods.


And by the end of the turn, barrel smoking, the single MG team looked at the carnage it had wrought and thought, "It is good."


Turn to you, Boxyburst155...

[ September 25, 2002, 10:35 PM: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]

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Hee on a heel wha a lonely goatherrrd

Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo

Lood wha tha voice o' the lonely goatherrrd

Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

Folks ain a toon tha' wha queet rrremote heard

Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo

Lusty an' clear fra tha goatherd's throat heard

Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo


O ho lay dee odl lee o, o ho lay dee odl ay

O ho lay dee odl lee o, lay dee odl lee o lay


Bonnie prince on tha bridge o' a castle moat heard

Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo


Men on a road wi' a load tae tote heard

Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo


Men ain tha midst o' a table d'hote heard

Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo


Men drinkin' scotch fraim tha tap o' tha still heard

Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

One wee lassie ain a pale pink coat heard

Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo


She yodeled back tae tha lonely goatherrrd

Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo


Soon her Mam wi' a gleamin' gloat heard

Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo

Wha' a duet for a lassie an' goatherrrd

Cesspool Hordes:

Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

Ummm (ummm) . . .

Odl lay ee (odl lay ee)

Odl lay hee hee (odl lay hee hee)

Odl lay ee . . .

Joe Shaw:

One wee lassie ain a pale pink coat heard


Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hoo hoo

Joe Shaw:

She yodeled back tae tha lonely goatherrrd


Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo


Soon her Mam wi' a gleamin' gloat heard

Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hmm hmm

Wha' a duet for a lassie an' goatherd

Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

Cesspool Hordes:

Happy are they lay dee olay dee lee o . . .

. . . yodeling . . .

Soon tha duet will become a trio


Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

Cesspoll Hordes:

Odl lay ee, old lay ee

Odl lay hee hee, odl lay ee

Odl lay odl lay, odl lay odl lee, odl lay odl lee

Odl lay odl lay odl lay



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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Also, why do I always end up wearing a hat?

I mean, in this one we all have hats, but I always end up with a hat.

This hat sucks the most. Even the pointy red hat looks fairly macho in comparison.

I want Joe's hat.

Well you can't have it then can you? It's MY hat it is and you can't have it, can't have it, can't have it SO THERE!

Hoping I've made myself quite clear on this subject I remain ...


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Originally posted by Lars:

Bunch of gibberish. Most of it seemed to be aimed at the Oddstralians, which is of course as it should be.

Lard, you lackwit... hey, I kind of like the sound of that. Let me try it again... Lard-You-Lackwit. Why yes I do believe that has a certain "ring" to it. Doesn't roll off the tongue with the same grace that Mike-You-Idiot does, but it's not half bad either.

Lard-You-Lackwit, stop stalling and send me a setup. Scenario or QB, Fascist or Bolshevik, I care not which. You can only postpone your inevitable humiliation for so long, lad. Pony up.


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Lard, you lackwit... hey, I kind of like the sound of that. Let me try it again... Lard-You-Lackwit. Why yes I do believe that has a certain "ring" to it. Doesn't roll off the tongue with the same grace that Mike-You-Idiot does, but it's not half bad either.

Alliteration is the last refuge of the intellectually destitute plagiarist.


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Ahem. Our sermon for today is: Moriarity: What Can Be Done?

Our text is First Cesspudlians, Chapter One, Page One.

"And in those days, there was found to be dwelling among them Moriarity, who's piss-poor play had become a by-word, and a jest amongst the people of the Cesspool, and to whom much humour was attached.

But after several seasons of taunting and abuse, this Moriarity did study, and connive. Yay, he did even conspire, as does the weasel.

And in his conspiracy, he sought to bring low and make mock of even an Olde One. And thus was Seanachai ensnared, and bemused by Moriarity, and, having pity on him, did not realize that he had turned to wretchedness, and practices most vile.

And so was Seanachai defeated by Moriarity, whom all men mocked, and made light of. And Seanachai, cast down, made then a mighty oath, and said unto Moriarity:

You bloody little Chicago-land git! I'm going to kick your arse up between your shoulder-blades, lad, and make you wear it as a hat!

And the people rejoiced.

Alright, Moriarity.

The time has come, the Olde One said, to speak of many things.

Of victories by Moriarity, and whether pigs have wings.

Let's see if you can still get that Poland China that you rode in on off the ground, lad.

Send me a setup in CMBB.

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Alliteration is the last refuge of the intellectually destitute plagiarist.

Yeah. But as I've said before, I've earned a living off plagiarism for years. And old habits die hard.

You of all people, Mr. Peeper, should be able to appreciate this. I imagine you've had some few short moments of remorse while bartering human flesh in the ethically forsaken wasteland of our country's legal system. Hasn't stopped you yet though, has it?


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In news just to hand, the final score in the "Aussiejeff Thrashes Mr Squeeker" garlic munching contest was a MASSIVE and uncontestable MINOR ALLIED VICTORY {58 to 37} to the FRENCH! Did I say that before? THE FRENCH! <BIG>THE FRENCH! <BIG>THE FRENCH!</BIG></BIG>

There. I'm sure Mr Speakeasy would like to say a few congratulatory words to his superior, Le Generale Flosse, so it's over to him.

Next please......


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Originally posted by Speedy:

What we really want to do is bump this off this page so we don't have to bloody well scroll sideways.

I mean christ (sorry Berli) it's not like we're kiwis.

See. That's what happens when Her BO Worst gets a swollen head {ie bigger than a pimple on a nanobe's bum} and posts images of a mere 25,000 x 30,000 megapixels resolution.

Daft buggar!!


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

And so was Seanachai defeated by Moriarity, whom all men mocked, and made light of.

It will get much much worse. For everyone. Let it be known that The Old Firm owes the good Doctor Moriarty a (one, 1, singular, uno, ein) Really Big Favor (plus some cash) and that, in addition, the Old Firm will let the good Doctor play as many games as he wants against us. Forever. That's right, an infinite number of games.

Seanachai, you do remember what we always do to you when we play you, don't you? Thass right, we rip your arms off and beat you to death with them. Every time.

We are interested in doing so again, this time in ze east. Our people will talk to your people and let's "do" lunch sometime. Chow.

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Originally posted by Geier:

Our people will talk to your people and let's "do" lunch sometime. Chow.

Either you misspelled "ciao", or this is an amusing pun working the juxtaposition of how the Italian word sounds like a slang term for food and you use it in the context of "doing lunch". Which would be very insightful of you.

So, you misspelled "ciao".

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