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Peng, I Take Our Challenge Public, Now & Forever, Until the Last Breath Leaves Me

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Ah, Peng. Has it really been over two years?

Two years of hatred. Two years of taunts. Two years of the Peng Challenge.

It seems like no more than a heartbeat. One blood filled pulse coming and going; one 'Peng, I Challenge You' moment of eternity.

What is love, Peng? Ephemeral. Spiritual. Wrapped round with mystery, drowned in sentiment, fraught with significance. Sticky with desire, and sweaty with romance. Writhing on it's own needs, and a mirror held up to hope. A worried confusion of impulses that can never be fully defined or explained.

Not like the Peng Challenge. For the Peng Challenge is like the Geometry of Combat. The Logic of Conflict. That place where the saber kisses the eyebrow in wry salute.

A great philosopher* once said: "Hate is the cleanest emotion".

And so, Peng, my brother, I 'hate' you. I take our conflict, once again, up into the cold, clean realms of irony, satire, and humour. Where the winds blow, and the only sound is the falcon's cry.

For another year, you, Berli, and I will go into the Wasteland. And we will wait, as patient as graven images. For the folk to join us. To find their way to us. To create the world around them in their journey to us.

And in our patience, we will be rewarded. With great taunts. With rare bits of wit, and wisdom.

And with the knowledge that the 'covered arc' command means we've got a whole lot better chance of cutting off the stupid bastards at the goddamn knees.


[ September 24, 2002, 01:17 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Seanachai:

For another year, you, Berli, and I will go into the Wasteland. And we will wait

Still haven't got your copy, eh?
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Originally posted by dalem:


The other day upon the stair

I saw a challenge that wasn't there.

It wasn't there again today

I think I have some games to play.

Thank you! Good night!

For this, I gave up ever having a Real Life to hang out in the Peng Challenge Thread.

Jesus wept.

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Originally posted by Simon Elwen:

Can one of you get me the US version of CMBB and mail it over , its looking like the UK release date has slipped back to the 11th of Oct now . If someone can , email me .

Unless the Kentish white trash otherwise known as simple Simon agrees to partake in beverages at The George this Friday, I say we should let him hang out to dry.

Got the card yet Seanachai?

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What the hell is this -- the East Farthing Ladies Garden Club?

"Oh Samonia, do stop by for some tea this afternoon -- I have the most delicious crumpets!"

"Why Andrea, how delightful! I would be delighted!"

"That would be lovely, Samonia! I can't wait to see you!"

Bah! In your own words:

Here is something to ponder. Why does this thread not have more people with a brain who can also FRIGGIN' TAUNT?!?!?!?!?!?

Yes, we have a Wally, and a Justiciar, and a whole bunch of even more superfluous nonsense, accompanied by a parade of nitwits that would make the inmates of the Arnhem asylum appear like perfectly reasonably, taken to taunting kind of chaps and old girls.

I swear it is more fun watching Fred duke it out with Steve, or even a parade of Morris Dancers, than it is to read the mindless drivel spewed forth by the Meddling Mongrels of Mediocrity™ who appear in this fecking thread.

Begone, Andreas, begone! Hie thee hence to the desolate wasteland you call home! Return not until you have Found your Hatred!



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Good morning ladies;

Must be the thrill of CMBB or the effect of the cheap wine... you seem rather subdued this fine morning.

MrSpkr: I can wait to thrash your Barrister arse, just finish off the rest of those cretins in a hurry, I won't wait forever.

Gaygourd Flogger: Bad breath can be overcome by brushing or mouthwash, but your total lack of wit could be terminal.

Leeo: Stop sobbing, be a man!, you will get the game when we are all sure that you have stopped doing those horrible things to the sheep.

Have at me Lads, I won't be leaving very soon.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Ah, Peng. Has it really been over two years?

Two years of hatred. Two years of taunts. Two years of the Peng Challenge.

It seems like no more than a heartbeat. One blood filled pulse coming and going; one 'Peng, I Challenge You' moment of eternity.

What is love, Peng? Ephemeral. Spiritual. Wrapped round with mystery, drowned in sentiment, fraught with significance. Sticky with desire, and sweaty with romance. Writhing on it's own needs, and a mirror held up to hope. ...

Aww keeerist. The Bard must have talked one of the local homeless into purchasing him a bottle of Thunderbird last night. I wasn't aware that alcohol purchases could be made with Food Stamps, but there's probably a black market running in the background of that flop house he is calling home lately...
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What the-! 208 posts and cut-off at the knees. Oh well, Seanachai did us all a favor, I guess. The thread could not have become more mundane and (Mrspkr?) peurile if Andreas had begun giving cooking tips.

In the spirit of The Game I have it in mind to bury a few hatchets. Now, being Universally Despised© I would need a veritable Indian's Tribe worth of hatchets to fully satisfy my need. Alas, no such luck.

But someone is in luck! I have one finely honed,long-handled double-bladed hatchet that I would like to bury square into the back of my Swedish friend Geiere. I will send it along to-nite, sneakily camouflaged with by the word "Set-Up." Heh heh.

In other news, I have begun a battle with Berli (If two Berli-Bugs battle in a puddle in a bottle with a noodle...) I went ahead and gave him a 2 yr. learning curve head start on the game, but am not worried.

To-nite, the inboxes of Ol' Foul Joe and Seanachai will be graced with set-ups by yours truly.

I'm sure there were a few others out there who, while stomping away with your toys clutched in your hand and screaming that you'll never play with me again, who I called out to "I'll see you in the East..."

Ahh yes, a very special challenge goes out to one of another Unviversally Despised ilk, Lawyer who has sneakily and repeatedly accosted me in the most bizarre outerboards.

I believe I vowed to bleach his bones and sprinkle them as sunflower fertilizer into the golden fields of the Ukraine. I also promised to play that wacky Aztec version of basketball with his head, but I'll save that till his bones are ground up. Ahh yes, using the American Indian view of finding use out of a beast's entire carcass, I was going to make a skin-suit out of his hairy, warty flesh, which I will then send to the worst dry-cleaner I know, after spilling wine all over it.


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Agua Perdido, Iskander, and MrSpkr, front and center!!!

I do believe you scum owe me something.

A nice QB setup, something in the 1000 to 2000 pt range. I'll let you pick the parameters, that way it'll be entirely due to your gamey map if, through some quirk of fate, I happen to lose.

Seanachai, dalem, and Papa Kahn, you're next.

Also, in honor of receiving the blessed goodness of CMBB, I have decided to change my sig.

It is particularly apt for you lot.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Butter up the boss.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Pillock Steve

Indeed. Now, the day when I take heed to what an ambulance-chaser, to whom Washington palm-greaser would be a massive step up the social ladder, and someone who imagines himself to be somewhat important on account of his snot-brake (after all, Adolf had one too, and he was important, not?) have to say to me on how I should behave here is fortunately enough about 60 years off.

Now if I want to use this sorry excuse for hate-filled venom that the Peng Thread has become to arrange my social life (which seems to revolve around Kentish White Trash and Morris Dancers these days, I guess I have to re-evaluate that), then so be it. It is still much improved by me posting here, over the pointless drivel and mindless bickering foaming from the mouths of the mentally also-rans that ordinarily populate this place. A true bunch of society's outcasts, who make the protagonists of 'Fargo' look like a perfectly welded and developed reflection of today's world, and those of 'Oh Brother Where Art Though' appear as founder members of the local Mensa chapter.

So, you may not like me, but I don't care. deal with it. Or even better, don't.

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"Oh Pepper Corn, oh Pepper Corn.

Wherefore art thou, Pepper Corn?"

In jail setting up house with a rather large miscreant named "Bubba" if there's any justice.

Be advised that I am sending you a set up and for the first time in one our games, you will NOT be the jack-booted thugs. You will be the Russian rabble romping through the ruins and I will portray the lifestyles of the Reich and Fascist.

Deal with it, Sparky.

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