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I think you're right on. BTS is very disciplined and they seem to be on track. Nothing I've heard on the forum would lead me to believe that there are any obstacles to an on-time release. Besides, June 22 has a certain ring to it, doesn't it? :D Of course this is just my opinion, I have no inside skinny to share.

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Think of it this way...

The longer they spend working on it the better it will be!!!

We should thank them for spening so much time on it and producing a highly polished COMPLETE wargame...

We have CMBO to occupy our time in the meantime! What else could we ask for!!!

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Stixx, my recently turned 21 friend who I now have naked pictures of thanks to his mother, you hit the nail right on the head. The last time we only had the demo to play while waiting and I think we were all going a bit batty. This time I am far more patient.

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Originally posted by Stixx:

The longer they spend working on it the better it will be!!!

We should thank them for spening so much time on it and producing a highly polished COMPLETE wargame...

We have CMBO to occupy our time in the meantime! What else could we ask for!!!

A) There will never be a a COMPLETE wargame (at least not as long as we play these games on monitors).

B) I prefer a VERY good game with outstanding graphics, an unbeatable AI with a few bugs this year before n even better game with even better graphics and AI with no bugs next year.

C) No need to thank them, they already got my money. If they don't spend enough time on it I'll go somewhere else.

D) I'm familiar with the development process and didn't ask what's keeping them so long. Each game (and software) have their time plan. A good game takes a long time to produce and time plans are often rescheduled. A 6 month delay is not much to argue about.

Now, if I need to add some negative input I would say that it's scary that BTS don't dare to share their time plans with us. Obviously their management capabilities are a bit limited if they don't know (dare say) which month they're going gold with (hopefully) less than 3 months left in the development process.

June 22 (at 03.15) would be a great day to start the sales.

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Originally posted by Cani:

...their management capabilities are a bit limited...

I Strongly Disagree

They know enough about management

Not to post release dates until they are ready to

Other companies post release dates well in advance and then either give us Software Not Ready for Prime Time or Excuses why the release has been postponed.

BTS is still working on (and improving) CMBB

so why should they know now a firm date when they will be ready to release it ?

Like they have always said

"When its Done"

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I know I used a few strong words there. I also know that BTS has a target date when the game should be finished, although it's not official. True that many companies have taken a lot of heat because they went public with their date and then had to postpone it. That is companies with low project tracking. If you know what you're doing then you know when you're ready, give or take 25% of the lead time. As previously stated, CMBB will not be a complete game. They can keep adding new features every day for the next five years and it will still not be complete. Does that mean we should wait until 2007?

Programming has come long enough since CMBO to be able to deliver a stunning game. It's not about how long it takes to produce a game, it's a marketing thing when a game should be released. When is the market ready to receive a new CM? And as I see it there will be a bonus to whichever of CMBB, GICombat or Combat Leader that's first on the market.

The 'When it's done' phrase is welcome, I don't want the game any sooner because it will A) get me frustrated and B) give the genre a bad name.

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Originally posted by Cani:

It's not about how long it takes to produce a game, it's a marketing thing when a game should be released.

Hi Cani (wierd i go under cannibalized elsewhere, canni for short) I believe that as a broad generalization of how the software industry works, your statement is true. I don't think it is the case at all for BTS.

The thing about BTS is that the programmer owns the company. On top of that they are freaks about the subject matter of the games they make. The people they have hired since their inception were more freaks off this very forum :D

There is allways a risk of them becoming more suceptable to such problems as they grow but I think we can expect the company to remain focused on their software rather than marketing for a long time yet.

Ramblin on, I'm out.

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I heared that the latest date for release was early summer (Mac Gamer interview). June22 is around about the longest day of the year which is in the middle of summer. In Britain this is called Mid summers day, and some nutters go running around in the nude burning straw men or somefink, but I don't think thats got anything to do with CM:BB

[ March 07, 2002, 02:55 PM: Message edited by: SpazManOught ]

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Originally posted by Stixx:

We have CMBO to occupy our time in the meantime! What else could we ask for!!![/QB]

I don't know about the rest of you, but It feels that i've played so many CM:BO games that it feels I've commanded all major engagements on the western front smile.giftongue.gif
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re History Buff's comment above:

This reminded me of that TV show M*A*S*H, which spent 10 years on the same Hollywood soundstage dramatizing a mobile medical unit in a 3 year war! In WWII we must assume there were a finite number of Tiger I vs Firefly fights, after the 200th engagememt of that type you start to suspect you've prettyy-much covered the subject.

But the Eastern Front was VAST in comparison to post-D-Day France. If we can happily play CMBO continually for a year, CMBB should satisfy us that much longer.

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  • 2 months later...
Originally posted by RCMP:

I'm starting to wonder guys do you think a summer release is out of reach??? No sign of it going gold anytime in June..........No ability to pre-order yet? Maybe July at the earliest? Anyone have any further thoughts??


BTS has said, many times, although I wont quote them, because we all know how Matt feels about people who do that, that they wouldn't have pre-orders at all. I think it was something to do with their new ordering system or somefink.
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Originally posted by Cani:

It's not about how long it takes to produce a game, it's a marketing thing when a game should be released. When is the market ready to receive a new CM? And as I see it there will be a bonus to whichever of CMBB, GICombat or Combat Leader that's first on the market.

I have a different take on it which I will share if you will just bear with me a moment.

My observation over the years has been that companies that rely on "marketing" first and foremost to move their products don't have much confidence in those products. Especially in the computer gaming industry, games that are heavily hyped may make an initial splash, but once their shortcomings become known quickly vanish from the market. CM, with very little advertising, completely sold out at least three times in the first few months after its release, and apparently is still selling strongly. That's because it has a well-established reputation as a quality product. As a consequence, it enjoys the best kind of advertising that money can't buy: word of mouth from enthusiastic customers who persuade their friends to purchase the game.

If BTS were to permit a significantly faulty product onto the market due to a hasty release, they would be stripped of all the goodwill and confidence they have worked so hard to establish among their customer base, along with all the free advertising that that brings. In that case, their sales chart might become a dismal thing to contemplate.

I love and support BTS because it does things the way I like to see them done.



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Wow.......five people with member numbers under 1500 in a thread worrying about CMBB release dates!

BTS, pay attention......it's not just the newbies getting restless. ;)

I, however, am perfectly happy waiting for the finished project. :D

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Well, we don't really have a clue as to when release is. Have they even announced the winners of the armour modeling contest? I don't have a clue how long it would take to create a bunch of 3D armour models for the game but it wouldn't surprise me if it was a very significant amount of time. As long as we're guessing, I'll say mid-August to late October. Again, BTS doesn't worry about market timing. If you read the manifesto, you'll see that they believe a quality wargame just keeps on giving - in the long term sales go on and on as opposed to the shelf marketed stuff that goes out at Wal-mart in a splash, then can't be found six months later. CMBO has validated the truth of that. It wouldn't surprise me if CMBO's sales have actually increased as time goes by due to the fantastic word of mouth recommendations it gets across gaming forums. I'm still happy playing CMBO a year and a half later. I'll be happy waiting on CMBB.

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the good thing about this game is, it isn't going away. within a week or 2 of the release of renegade, players were screaming for more maps, units, tweeking of the existing units, etc. certainly there has been much discussion about tweeking the game here, but all in all, most of us agree cmbo is an awesome game, unparalelled by any other game of it's kind. now we anticipate cmbb, and would we expect anything less? the time it takes for release is insignificant compared to our expectations for the game. bts obviously knows this, and expects no less, for themselves as gamers as well as true artists of computer games. not designers, not engineers, but artists!

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Originally posted by Jonah:

Wow.......five people with member numbers under 1500 in a thread worrying about CMBB release dates!

CMBO Addict #222 here. Joined up May 27, 1999...

Hardly worrying.

I pre-ordered CM:BO bassed on what was then a very new forum, a manifesto, and some Alpha AAR's between Moon and Fionn.

I do not worry about the release date, or BTS, or the product.

What I worry about is where do I find the 1:25,000 topographic maps I have been looking for. I have a good set of 1:50,000 topos of parts of the Ukraine, but some weasel made off with teh 1:25's.

I worry about playability or fairness as opposed to brutal historical mismatches, such as "Hill 213.9: The Death Ride of SS Panzer Regiment 3."

So the 1:50's and some good unit histories will have to do for making CMBB scenarios...

Of the game, I have no worries.

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One thing I do like about this forum is the generally very good civility of its denizens. We can even speak "heresy" as the lad at the top did and people all get into a discussion and not a "cusssession".

I do tend to appreciate the way BTS proceeds with its game development, but it does seem sometimes they take the "when its done" bit too far. They have a LOT of very interested people here whom they keep throwing bones to that have no beef. I can understand no precise date, thats asking a lot on something that does not allow it like software development. But a "window" for going gold at least wouldnt hurt in anyway I can think of. That would be some "beef" in my mind, not simply just screens, AAR's, etc.

I guess after the huge letdown with the half finished product Destroyer Command, I can see why they would want to make it right at BTS. But by the same token as a gamer who has been disappointed by all the hype and nailbiting waiting, Im gonna try my best not to get excited again until the product is out. :(

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Originally posted by Michael emrys:

I love and support BTS because it does things the way I like to see them done.



I second that.

Bought one copy of CMBO for myself. One week later bought second copy for a buddy. One week later bought third copy as a birthday present.

And last week bought it the forth time, again as

a birthday present.

All this since Nov. 2001 ...

I´ve never done that before. When CMBB is coming out, I will buy at least the same amount ... 8)

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