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Terence this day finished the most horrifying offense against the laws of space time it has ever been my unpriveledge to witness. Perhaps we need chrisl to physify on the matter.

If the demonstrations of probability involved in the game Terence and I just finished are to be taken at face value, then a great Cosomological Question has at last been answered: The Universe is indeed a hyperboloid, i.e. saddle shaped, and Terence tied that saddle onto my back, dug his spurs in, and rode me 'round the paddock like a state fair pony.

It wasn't pretty. He persiflaged me but good!

So, in short, dalem: Loss, and Terence: that other thing.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by dalem:

Terence this day finished the most horrifying offense against the laws of space time it has ever been my unpriveledge to witness. Perhaps we need chrisl to physify on the matter.

The Universe is indeed a hyperboloid, i.e. saddle shaped, and Terence tied that saddle onto my back, dug his spurs in, and rode me 'round the paddock like a state fair pony.

I grieve for your fetlocks, mon petite general. However, I fear that we will not get any physifying from chrisl, as he has been a wusl for more than a week, and is still AWOL*. Maybe if I gave him another Tiger he'd come out to play?

*Absent Without Losing

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Originally posted by dalem:

Terence this day finished the most horrifying offense against the laws of space time it has ever been my unpriveledge to witness. Perhaps we need chrisl to physify on the matter..

As Gristle is absent I'll handle this matter as I'm also a Physics major.

*blows dust off old physics text-book*

I think the correct deduction here is that YOU SUCK!

*closes book and puts it back in the bookcase for another 20 years*


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Roight, listen up you lot !

*whinge, whine, mope* ...... I shall probably have more time to devout to my CM turns, and get them out in a MORE timely fashion.

More or less.............

PS: I hear Kylie is looking for a best grip boy. It's worth a try.......


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Right then.

It would seem {hurrrmphh}{cough}, that there is indeed something ..{hurrmmmppphh} er... wrong with my mail server. Damn you Telstra. I should send you an e-mail an complain, you useless bunch of...........sigh.

Let it be known that there are 8 files waiting to spawn themselves unto the web....so all the intended recipients (and you know whom you are) can sod off. I'm off to bed. Sod it.


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Originally posted by dalem:

If the demonstrations of probability involved in the game Terence and I just finished are to be taken at face value, then a great Cosomological Question has at last been answered: The Universe is indeed a hyperboloid, i.e. saddle shaped

You mean paraboloid, you innumerate pillock. Hyperboloids aren't saddle-shapped. Mongoloids, however, are dalem-shaped. And, no, you don't get any extra credit for starring in a Devo song (unless it's "Smart Patrol," and it's clear that you don't exactly qualify for that role).

And since when do we bold non-poolers? Last I checked, Terence was, at best/worst, an intermittent pissboy. (Which hasn't stopped me from clobbering his spotty arse all over the map in our current matchup.)

Agua Perdido

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Seanachai, in light of my recent abandonment of the ranks of the unemployed I have a surplus of cliches which you will, no doubt, find useful. Yes, yes, I know what you're saying, you'll be getting your OWN supply shortly but you can never have enough cliches in my opinion.

So, as a mark of solidarity:

It'll all work out.

It's always darkest just before the dawn.

They didn't appreciate you anyway, you're better off.

You'll find something, I have confidence in you.

Yeah, I was laid off two years ago when United Snicklefritz went bankrupt and the CEO eloped with his 16 year old babysitter. Man now THAT was a tough time, I had ... {this goes on for an interminable amount of time and differs only in the details. Basically you have to sit there and listen to this clown, who HAS a job, tell you about his previous troubles while you feel lower than whale poop. While not TECHNICALLY a cliche it is so common that it should be included}.

Why you poor chap, you know I'M in need of a Senior Vice President of Celtic Verse, would you have any interest in that? {Opps, sorry, that fits into the frequent daydream category}.

My deepest sympathy my friend, OH YEAH ...

Hang in there.

Sorry, forgot that one.


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O.K. AussieJeff and Noba, listen up!

I can receive your mail but I can’t send to you.

I’ve spoken with my ISP. They say your ISP is blocking the e-mail server for some reason. Here is the error message.

SMTP error from remote mailer after initial connection:

> host extmail.bigpond.com []: 500 access denied;

>client-profile does not permit SMTP access

Now go fix it!
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I'd like to echo the sentiments of Mister Shaw.

Seanachai, I remember when I was out of work and you sent some scraps of encouragement my way via email. Your words did help me out. I thank you, sir for the kindness.

I know that you will find a job worthy of your character and abilities. I do wish you well.

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Seanachai, hang in there. Christmas is only a few months away. Now that Sedaris is a big time, successful writer, I hear that Macy’s needs a new Elf for Santaland

For those of you who don’t know what Seanachai’s future life is going to be like you can find it here.

Santaland Dairies - Real Audio

Oh, and come do my driveway too. Also, do you put in docks? You know, now that I think about it, I have all kinds of odd jobs for you.

[ March 15, 2002, 10:57 AM: Message edited by: Lars ]

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Hey Lars! Santaland Diaries is probably the single most hilarious thing I have ever read. His other stuff kinda creeps me out, though. I think somewhere in the back of my mind I fear becoming one of his characters. Yikes!

“Naked” was one of the most twisted books I’ve ever read.

Does the Cesspool have brown towels?

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Originally posted by Lars:

Naked was one of the most twisted books I've ever read

I still get an uncomfortable chuckle whenever I recall the story about his sister, who, when asked to be in a magazine photo of successful young women or somefink, had the makeup artist do her face like she'd been beaten up, then spent the rest of the day walking around responding to shocked glances on the street with a big smile and "I know, I'm in love!" or somefink equally twisted. [chuckle][shudder] Appropriately enough, I read it while waiting in line to vote in the 2000 elections... [chuckle][shudder]

Agua Perdido

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Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

You mean paraboloid, you innumerate pillock. Hyperboloids aren't saddle-shapped. Mongoloids, however, are dalem-shaped. And, no, you don't get any extra credit for starring in a Devo song (unless it's "Smart Patrol," and it's clear that you don't exactly qualify for that role).

Actually, I meant "hyperboloid". I may be incorrect, but that's what I meant, you aging alternative music freak. Personally I could never tell the difference between Devo and Kraftwerk.

And since when do we bold non-poolers? Last I checked, Terence was, at best/worst, an intermittent pissboy. (Which hasn't stopped me from clobbering his spotty arse all over the map in our current matchup.)

Agua Perdido

Hmph. I though Terence was a Kanigget. Oh well, I'll play anybody, even the likes of you. I'm still having a special on "Everybody who plays Dale beats Dale" this month, so take advantage while the offer still stands, skip the middle man, how do we do it? how do we do it - Volume!

So step right up.

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Perdido, you rotten colostomy bag scavenger, send me a setup!

I've lived under the auspices of your bogus victory for far too long. I demand the opportunity to grind your scotch-soaked liver into paté and serve it to your mom and her cronies at the next Bridge get together!

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CRODABURGER! Made with absolutely no beef by products and totally inedible.

Seriously, in whose Frankensteinian lab was this monstrosity created? Even without the name, it bears the dark acidic mark of Croda. Freud had a name for people like you: "Spooky". Talk about good old fashioned nightmare fuel...this has it all. Never before have I witnessed such a blatant show of naked hatred. But that's OK. You want to play hard ball? I can play hardball. By the time I'm finished, there will be wailing and the gnashing of teeth in Crodaburg (town motto: "Hatred is our business...our only business.")

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Originally posted by Croda:

send me a setup!

Sounds like someone needs another whack from the Croda-be-dead-a-lot stick, eh? Very well, you mewling, grog-wannabe, pink-feather-boa-wearing, Justicar-as-Bette-Midler-impersonator. With Lars' topplement, and Terence's imminent topplement, I have a spot for quick, soddenly-useless game with you while I make Lars wait for me to set up the Berli abomination he sent me for our rematch. Prepare for pointlessness!

Agua Perdido

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Originally posted by dalem:

[QBIf the demonstrations of probability involved in the game Terence and I just finished are to be taken at face value, then a great Cosomological Question has at last been answered: The Universe is indeed a hyperboloid, i.e. saddle shaped, and Terence tied that saddle onto my back, dug his spurs in, and rode me 'round the paddock like a state fair pony.

It wasn't pretty...[/QB]

... or happy, I'd say, though carrying a universe isn't half the burden I feel. Hyperboloid? More like chafing hemorrhoids.

Idjit Yeknod

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

In a move completely unforseen by myself or anyone else in my current place of employment, our Corporate Masters have announced that, along with quite a number of people nation-wide, my services will no longer be required. In a move to safe-guard the power and privilege, not to mention undeserved wealth of Upper Management, I've been made redundant.

A short letter to that effect, accompanied by a document for me to sign holding them blameless, has been delivered to me this morning.

Ahhh, I see my plan is working perfectly.

Seanachai "won" our last game by fanciful AI doings that could only be related to Satan Worship. He taunted me. My feelings were hurt.

It's always gratifying to note what a few nasty phone calls in Washington can do to subvert the life of a misguided gnome in MN.

Is this a great country or what??

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Originally posted by Lars:

O.K. AussieJeff and Noba, listen up!

I can receive your mail but I can’t send to you.

I’ve spoken with my ISP. They say your ISP is blocking the e-mail server for some reason. Here is the error message.

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> SMTP error from remote mailer after initial connection:

> host extmail.bigpond.com []: 500 access denied;

>client-profile does not permit SMTP access

Now go fix it!</font>
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Originally posted by Lars

O.K. AussieJeff and Noba, listen up!

I can receive your mail but I can’t send to you.

I’ve spoken with my ISP. They say your ISP is blocking the e-mail server for some reason. Here is the error message.

Well, the fact remains, only You have a problem...the hiccup I had last night was on my PC, not Telstra.

Keep trying laddie.


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