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Pass the Lotion Peng, I need to get that full body Mutha Beautiful Challenge Tan

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Originally posted by Marlow:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by jshandorf:

Hey, Butt-low

I have resent you our game time and time again. What's your problem doofus? Send me my turn or I will have you raped by horses on viagra.


Ya, ya. 3000 freeking points on a map that just plain sucks. Everytime I start the set up I end up throwing something at the monitor. Who thought this thing up anyway? Oh ya, you. Bastard.</font>
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Originally posted by Tank Man:

<snip> ......I want to play someone a little more compotent in the way of tactics... Now I don't want to join in the fecal tossin fun of this place, I only want a real challenge in CM.... <snip>

Ha!! Tonk Man, I suspect you are looking in the wrong place, ye idjit!! From what I've seen, we are all tactical retards in 'ere, and the REAL CM challenge that faces you in fact is to actually get a RESPONSE to your limp "fecal free" foraging........


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Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Stuka:

This thread title sucks, ironic really as so do all of you.

Only ironic to a brainless pillock with no understanding of what "irony" actually means, such as yourself. </font>
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Noba, fix your dang ISP.

and I quote,

SMTP error from remote mailer after initial connection:

host extmail.bigpond.com []: 500 access denied; client-profile does not permit SMTP access

and AussieJeff, one for you.

SMTP error from remote mailer after initial connection:

host extmail.bigpond.com []: 500 access denied; client-profile does not permit SMTP access

and then let me know when it's working.

{Sheesh, antipodeans, can't do anything with them...}

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Originally posted by mensch:

800pt attack, 25 turns overcast, march 45 village moderate trees, sm hills.

your chance to woop menschy buttocks! ooh spank me. tongue.gif

oh you say this belongs in the opponent finder? ya so what leck mich.

you sods are the real opponents. *snicker*

Just wanted to note that all you kniggitly types dropped the ball on this one. We had loads of fun watching large splody things, evidently caused by his launching the entire production of VW cars into low orbit. Great fun was had by all, until the moment of truth. Just when he was on the verge of collapse, Mensch actually went and {gasp} WON! That'll teach him.

[ March 12, 2002, 09:03 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]

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Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

I have graciously offered the no-account dirt-eater Lars a cease-fire in our match, in which I was beating him with a ball-peen hammer like the bent fender he is. The final result (take note, oh Lorak, exalted writer-down of things we write down):

Me: Another glorious victory with many points, in which my M8HMCs and RRs out-gamied assorted Hetzers and SMGs, proving once and for all that a Martini contains gin and vermouth (and approved garnish), not whatever girly mix of almond syrup, cranberry juice, coconut rum, and rainbow sherbet Lars was proposing.

Lars: Ignominious defeat with not so many points as me, noteworthy only in that losses are the only thing we note anymore. In that respect, at least (and very least), he has made a mark.

It was terrible.

I can deal with the M18 driven by Mario Andretti. And the M8HMC's are to be expected.

But what kind of man brings recoiless rifles to a ME? With a city map? And parks them on the very back edge of the map?

Now you know.

Oh, I'll have my revenge. I just sent Berli's latest off.


Now your going to have to slog through it, Agua. No blowing up all the buildings this time. Heck, half of them are already on fire.


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Originally posted by Bastables:

...tossing out unnamed challenges into the pool will get you nowhere. You actually have to challenge some thing...

Alright then.. well, I challenge the post poll button. As my champion I choose Yeknodathon

because I am above fighting such lowly scum as the post poll button and Yeknod should at least cull a draw from the battle with his tactical equal.

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Originally posted by Bastables:

Bah Foolieo, tossing out unnamed challenges into the pool will get you nowhere. You actually have to challenge some thing. Try again or yes that?s right sod off.

Well he could always fight you and get sent some historical scenario based on a massacre with you as the massacrer. Then when he catches you out nothing more would be heard from you. But then that would be a typical Kiwi underarmed, I mean handed, tactic.
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Originally posted by Simon Fox:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Bastables:

Bah Foolieo, tossing out unnamed challenges into the pool will get you nowhere. You actually have to challenge some thing. Try again or yes that?s right sod off.

Well he could always fight you and get sent some historical scenario based on a massacre with you as the massacrer. Then when he catches you out nothing more would be heard from you. But then that would be a typical Kiwi underarmed, I mean handed, tactic.</font>
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Originally posted by Tank Man:

Alright then...

What the heck is this ? Let's make a deal? Come on, Rank Can, try using your brain. I realize that this is a novel experience, but give it a shot. Otherwise, you're just cloging up the drains, and the commissioner is AWOL.

You want a game, I'll give you one. 'bout time I got some official recognition for all my 'pool loses, so I'm gonna let you be all big and important like. Pick something, preferably on the smaller side, and wing it over. Let's see what you're made of.

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Originally posted by Lars:

Noba, fix your dang ISP.

and I quote,

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

SMTP error from remote mailer after initial connection:

host extmail.bigpond.com []: 500 access denied; client-profile does not permit SMTP access

and AussieJeff, one for you.

SMTP error from remote mailer after initial connection:

host extmail.bigpond.com []: 500 access denied; client-profile does not permit SMTP access

and then let me know when it's working.

{Sheesh, antipodeans, can't do anything with them...}</font>

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

HA!! Fix Telstra he says ........ FIX BLOODY TELSTRA he says!!! Are you kidding?? Telstra FIXED US - but GOOD when we signed on their bottom line ....... BASTICHES that they are!!


I hates em!

"We have a new deal especially for you broadbander users, pay an extra $20 a month for crappy service, otherwise SOD OFF", says they!

Since there's no viable alternative, I bend over and cough as they probe for my wallet.

Baaaaaaaaaaastards! :mad:


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Originally posted by Tank Man:

Hey man... all I'm here for is to play one of the self proclaimed "Knights of the Cess".

Hmmmm. *checks list*

I see we have a SSN belonging to Kingdom Monera and also grouped as Prokaryotes in the evolutionary ladder.

These are an example of the most primitive of lifeforms and are without even rudimentary intelligence.

This is evident in this particular example as it chose to challenge a mighty Kinigit, even though there is no chance of any great one lowering themselves that low in response.



[ March 13, 2002, 03:39 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Mace:

I see we have a SSN belonging to Kingdom Monera and also grouped as Prokaryotes in the evolutionary ladder.

These are an example of the most primitive of lifeforms and are without even rudimentary intelligence.

Back off, man. I'm the most primitive lifeform around here, and don't you forget it.
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Originally posted by PondScum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

I see we have a SSN belonging to Kingdom Monera and also grouped as Prokaryotes in the evolutionary ladder.

These are an example of the most primitive of lifeforms and are without even rudimentary intelligence.

Back off, man. I'm the most primitive lifeform around here, and don't you forget it.</font>
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Originally posted by R_Leete:

Just wanted to note that all you kniggitly types dropped the ball on this one. We had loads of fun watching large splody things, evidently caused by his launching the entire production of VW cars into low orbit. Great fun was had by all, until the moment of truth. Just when he was on the verge of collapse, Mensch actually went and {gasp} WON! That'll teach him.

yup, in the begining it looked grim, the Leet man saw my MG bunker but not the other one so I got to chew up a few units before his Bunker busting M8 Greyhounds silenced the guns. He moved in further causing heavy casulties to me Krauts but then made the fatal error of stoping where my old defences were and I let loose with VW Beatles from da orbit. this kinda knocked the wind out of his great push and I had a chance to muster what was left of my boys to make a counter push somewhat in the town. I hate .50 cals very much since they kept my 75mm IG hunkered down in their foxhole but they later poped out when I be guessing he ran out of ammo, he ran out of a lot of ammo. it was a surrender by the Leet man after he realized his last Greyhound had no ammo, most of his guys were shocked or in panic removing VW parts from their body parts. his Sherman threw a track in the worst place possible.

very intense game, down to the last man and bullet so to say, the way I like them.

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For Chrisl's sake!!! I must be bored or somefink, since I have the urge to post a Gamey Bastaaards Update:

Lars: MWI (Mortally Wounded Inaction) The sudden appearance out of the swirling smoke of my brave Yankees, pounding the Bleeding Causeway pavement with their spitpolished hobnails, has sent his Krautwerstmunchen (what's left of 'em) scurrying for shelter into yet another soon-to-be-demolished shack. This is fun.

Seanachai: MIA (Mentally Incapacitated AGAIN): Sheesh! How LOOOOOOOOONG is a turn??? Are we actually going to START the next battle?? Please STOP fondling the Kylie doll I sent you and press the shiny GO button. Good on yer.

Sludge59: KIA (Killing Incapacitated Allies - MINE!!!!) Baaastard!!! You will pay dearly for stuffing my Kangaroo with a Schreck!

Yeknod: MIFFED (Missing In Fog - Flamin' Easily Done) Precisely. I'm surprised, lad. I thought you would be acclimatised to Scunthorpe weather by now. Try turning the headlights on to guide the way. We are over ...... HERE!!!

Noba: WFR (Wishing For Restart) in Battle #II of the venerable GRENADE op, after his arty FO succumbed to a rather painful death when the lofty building he was gaily perched in suddenly became "no more". I suspect revenge is lurking in yon woods though......

So, having detailed little about nothing, I bid thee all SOD ORF!!!!

There, that feels better .........


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Lars you brain dead pile of Donkey Dung. How come it's only You that has a problem with my 50% Government owned National Telecom Provider. (At least you're not paying 90$AUS a month for the priviledge).

How do I know what' wrong ...send it again ! Everyone else gets it right, c'mon, you can do it.

Dear Persephone, I am doing my best to kill all of Croda's electronic minnions. He is helping by charging foolishly forward. We await the final body count.( Actually. I kind of like his style).

AJ you hilltop dwarf. Stop sending your troops in a gamey rush to kill all my green Germans. Fight proper lad...!

Sledge, your mad rush to die means your troops need to clean their glasses. It's 2 Panthers and 2 Hetzers....(and lots of artillery)

The rest of you can do what comes naturally.


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I get to go see George Thoroughgood tomorrow evening, and I am happy about that. None of you are going with me, and I'm happy about that also.


MrSpkr is apparently channeling turns through John Edwards, for the dying in Polder Grave has resumed anew. He still has a living clankety thing, which is making my Canadians crankety. He is starting to run low on the squishy things, however. This one is up in the air, for I have succeeded on one of his flanks while he has succeeded on the other.

dalem is marching forward green Brits against my green Heer. His greenies that are left will no longer be greenies in the "getting-pinned-by-heavy-maching-guns-and-then-shelled-unmercifully" department.

OGSF has ordered his troops to throw their rifles at the gray tide, as then perhaps they could hit something. I've over ran one of the three flags and am moving on a second. However, time is short, and my boys are getting tired.

Wildman is learning that I have mastered the art of not being seen. Funny how much easier that is at night.

Croda is once again enduring the horror of having to slaughter the green tides of Iowa farmboys and Detroit steel that I am forever cast into heaping upon him. I am hoping one day his troops will grow so sick of killing that they will choose the cyanide-train to oblivion.

Sledge59 needs a set-up from me. We got another Randomly generated battle coming up. Those are fun. I would have more fun were I victorious.

Moriarty and I are still playing cat and mouse (or was that cat and brit?) amongst and around a foggy city. So far, I've been seeing him first. I'm glad he will be able to send turns more frequently (nudge, nudge, say no more! Nudge as good as a wink, eh guv'nor?).

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Originally posted by Lars:

But what kind of man brings recoiless rifles to a ME?

Oh, quit your whining. I bought transport for them (even though they're foot-mobile and don't need it).

Originally posted by Lars:

With a city map?

I'll grant you that was a miscalculation. Turns out you can't put the things in buildings.

Originally posted by Lars:

And parks them on the very back edge of the map?

--where the only feckin' cover was on my half of map, except for the town itself. I left 'em there to fend off a Puma rush, and it's not my fault you blundered your armor into the middle of town to come under fire from 'em. Serves ya right, ya gamey bastage ya.

Originally posted by Lars:


Oh, I'll get you for that one. Of course you gave yourself the fallinghamsters, leaving me the all-rifle infantry and a pack of 2" mortars and PIATs, the ultimate FIBUA death force (death for itself, of course...). But you'll pay. Yes, you will.

Originally posted by Stuka:

I still haven't figured out what "irony" means.

It would have been "ironic" if you had accidentally employed the concept correctly. Instead, your pathetically-forced, over-explained example was utterly appropriate (that is, not at all ironic), which we'd expect, given what a subtlety-impaired lackwit you are.

(Personally I've always found irony to be a dangerously suspect, pinko phenomenon. We've got the Bomb in 'Merka. We don't need irony.}

Agua Perdido

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