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"we few,we happy few, we band of brothers..."(Henry V)

Will get slaughtered by my horde of units in the next big battle!

I like the change of pace myself. Large battles, Small battles, even Tiny ones. Don't take my word for it:- "Its not the size that counts, its how you play it." (envious CMer)

[ October 24, 2002, 12:33 AM: Message edited by: kump ]

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Originally posted by Veteran gamer:

"we few,we happy few, we band of brothers..."(Henry V)

Was he refering to his men who won the battle of Agincourt? If so, his "happy few" still numbered in the thousands...


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I prefer roughly Company sized forces. Not small and just have enough size so I don't feel like some peon with 1 rifle. Of course, company size is relative, i.e. infantry or tank co.

I'd wade more into large battles in CMBB but it slows down my comp more than a fully mod'ed CMBO ever did! Still, good sized battles are a sight to behold when you replay a turn.

Also, I've talked to enough officers who fondly look back to their company commander days as that wonderful "in-between" era in their careers.

[ October 24, 2002, 02:33 AM: Message edited by: Warmaker ]

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Veteran Gamer wrote:

Give me a small fast-moving scrap anytime where I'm on intimate first-name terms with each of my units! Don't just take my word for it:- "we few,we happy few, we band of brothers..."(Henry V)

Yep, I second that. Rather play a small or medium battle. Say up to 30+ turn and some 2 company's tops. I always find myself giving big group orders (in large battles that is) and regretting it after two turn when my forces get smashed by someone who took the time to plot his moves with more care.


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Guest Sgt. Emren


Well that's no good. I have an AMD Duron 600, 256 MB RAM, a GeForce2 MX 400 with only 32 MB RAM. I am able to PLAY To the Volga, albeit a bit sluggishly. I run it at 1280 x 1024.

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Originally posted by AnonymousOxide:

The worst maps, I think, are the ones where you get large amounts of reinforcements every turn. I especially hate it when the reinforcements come on trucks. Nothing worse than sorting out reinforcements you don't need.

Getting reinforcement is the most enjoyable moment in CM IMHO, the black window 'Reinforcements are arrived' popping-up when situation becomes critical... I like big battles !
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I love big battles. The problem with small battles is that luck plays such a big role. A single weak point penetration or arty shell landing in the right spot will often decide the game. Then again, some people may like that sort of thing. To each their own.

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[shameless self-promotion] If you prefer smaller battles, why not check out The Byte Battler so far there's just a single CMBB byte battle there but lots of CMBO byte battles and more CMBB are a'coming.. (this weekend in fact)[/shamless-self-promotion]



[ October 24, 2002, 05:42 AM: Message edited by: Derfel ]

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I agree with Vanir's points. I prefer bigger battles. I was weened onto them and have not looked back.

I like the way they tend to break down into smaller focused battles around the terrain and the resouce management side, needing to shift forces between areas of engagement.

I love the QB maps that have clumps of objective flags with large spaces of less stategic value.

I also love the "can I take the middle before the left flank folds" scenarios you get.

Smaller battles can easily be one or lost on the loss of a single vehicle, larger battles are less fickle in that way.

BTW good thread peeps.

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I kind'a-sort'a agree with Veteran Gamer above. I prefer smaller battles, myself. Hell, one of the few 'tiny' scenarios to make it to the CD was mine! I like how with fewer troops you're less inclined to use them a cannon fodder.

That being said, I've been creeping my way up the CD scenario list, from tiny to small to medium to large... I'm starting to learn to like (love?) the larger battles. With my slower processor I give my orders, hit go, get up and do 4-5 other things around the house, come back and watch the replay several times so I can see all the spread-out action. A good way to fill an evening.

[ October 24, 2002, 09:41 AM: Message edited by: MikeyD ]

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My favorite scenarios in CMBO were the truly massive ones - August Bank Holiday, Charnwood, a few others. There is so much more to these, so much more tactical thought. I like having to consider whether or not my units will be able to mutually support each other, which objectives to go for, whether or not I can cover that 1km gap between objectives. I also like the fact that I can fail somewhere and still have enough force to regroup and fight on.

Small scenarios are fine for a quick fix, but the big ones are, for me, a much richer experience.

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When I first got CMBO and now CMBB, I start by playing all the tiny scenarios, then all the smalls, and so on up to all the huges. Personally, there are times when I want a small infantry battle to beat the AI into the ground. Other times, I want a huge battle or operation that will last me a few hours. All a matter of taste.


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I started out prefering small battles and gradually I increased the size I was willing to play. I haven't tried anything really big in CMBB but I loved Cintheaux-Totalize in CMBO. I can only play one big battle at a time, they are very challenging.

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