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Just seen the movie "When Trumpets fade"

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Well it was a really good movie in my opinion, i mean it isent no Saveing private ryan but was pretty close.

i know some stuff about the events that happend in the Hurtegen Forsest but any of you grogs that have seen this movie have any insight on the accuracy?

P.S what another good WWII movie? im thinking about getting STalingrad, and mabye Cross of iron

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Stalingrad is a must have, but honestly "When trumpets fade" was one big heap of crap imho, but then again tastes differ. Enemy at the gates on the other hand was worth seeing it. Not SPR either, but decent none the less.

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Originally posted by Rat:

Stalingrad is a must have, but honestly "When trumpets fade" was one big heap of crap imho, but then again tastes differ. Enemy at the gates on the other hand was worth seeing it. Not SPR either, but decent none the less.

Yuck! Stalingrad was not that great. I bought the disk before I saw the movie and regret doing so. I have yet to see a film that captures what the fighting in Stalingrad was probably like (from the books I have read anyway). Enemy at the Gates had a fairly good opening, but then fizzeled. It could have been so much more. ANd what was with the Germans speaking like Americans, and the Russians speaking like the English??! :rolleyes: At least Stalingrad was filmed in German (with Russian when appropreate) to give that sence of being there. If you want to watch a top class war film other than SPR, get Das Boot the Director's Cut. Now there is an excellent expample of how a war film should be done!! :eek:

I haven't seen "Trumpets." Is it on disk or tape? How about Band of Brothers? Haven't seen it either.

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When Trumpets Fade was a joke. I really loved the map that the cowboy singer...errr, company commander...was looking at. I didn't realize WW II tactical maps were printed in colour with little flags to mark the enemy positions! LOL!

Seriously, it was a truly horrible movie. The one good scene was the new replacements coming into the line and having to go on patrol not knowing what they were doing. That was very, very true to life.

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Ive seen Das boot, its a great movie but im not into Uboat movies much myself. Im more of a hardcore Infantry to infantry WWII fighting like SPR, or band of brothers. But i wish they made a damm Movie that was SPN like but Set on the german side! i mean comon you could make so many awsome movies out of stuff the germans whent throught during WWII.

i will still probably get Stalingrad and who knows mabye ill like it.

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Originally posted by zee:

But i wish they made a damm Movie that was SPN like but Set on the german side! i mean comon you could make so many awsome movies out of stuff the germans whent throught during WWII.

How about "Cross of Iron"? What about "The Eagle has Landed"?

Also, for a realistic depiction of the Eastern Front, I have yet to seen anything as good as "Come and See", a Russian film about the partisan war.

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I haven't seen "Trumpets." Is it on disk or tape? How about Band of Brothers? Haven't seen it either.
When Trumpets Fade was released (in the states I think) at the same time as Saving ryans Privates and The Thin Red Line, so it never got a IK release, and I have only seen it becasue it was on sky.

personally I think its a good film, it has a few inaccuarcys, and their attempts at making tanks is actually laughable, but story wise its actually quite good for a film that I'd never heard of before sitting down to.

Band Of Brothers is a joint US/ UK ventur,e so many of the americans you see in that are actually British. again, its a good serise, with a good line in tanks. And is all the more interesting for being based on a true story.

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Originally posted by Flesh:

How about "Cross of Iron"? What about "The Eagle has Landed"?

Also, for a realistic depiction of the Eastern Front, I have yet to seen anything as good as "Come and See", a Russian film about the partisan war.

"Come and See" is a film I'd love to see again. Is it available on video?
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"Come and See" is a film I'd love to see again. Is it available on video?
I don't know - but I'd imagine that it's pretty hard to get hold of. Your best bet would probably be to search on the web and see if it's available from Amazon or any of the other online video retailers.

[ August 18, 2002, 07:46 AM: Message edited by: Flesh ]

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Go to Warshows.com and specifically When Trumpets Fade.

This is the former Belle and Blade site. I suspect that this site has almost every warmovie ever made or pretty darn well close to it. :eek:

If someone can enlighten me on their comparative prices to other sites, let me know. smile.gif

Cheers, Richard :D

[ August 18, 2002, 09:05 AM: Message edited by: PiggDogg ]

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Cross of Iron is an excellent movie about German and Russian infantry combat. It's set in the Crimea. There is a Russian combined arms attack with what surely appear to be actual T-34s that is very well done.

It has some editing that a friend called "artsy-fartsy" but it's mostly in the beginning and end, and I don't feel that they detract from the story.

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Originally posted by Liebchen:

Cross of Iron is an excellent movie about German and Russian infantry combat. It's set in the Crimea. There is a Russian combined arms attack with what surely appear to be actual T-34s that is very well done.

It has some editing that a friend called "artsy-fartsy" but it's mostly in the beginning and end, and I don't feel that they detract from the story.

It's not in the Crimea, it's on the Taman Peninsula, actually.

Interesting article here about the true story behind Cross of Iron

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'Trumpets' was a good one, IMO. No BS US flag waving like in 'Private Ryan'. 'Trumpets' has shown very good how war is on the level of the grunts - no idealistic blabla about the right or wrong things, just fight to survive. Maybe it was in the details unhistoric, but well, show me a movie that is full historic correct.

Of course 'Private Ryan' was better produced, but it was a high budget cinema movie, not a TV production. The opening sequence was excellent, it reflected very good how helpless the grunts down on the beach were...but after this there was to much talking how good and justified and heroic the allies were.

'Stalingrad' had some good parts, bud there was also to much talking, but it was much better then 'Enemy at the gates', a partially really awful movie. Much to melodramatic and the viewpoint was to simple. It goes hand in hand with ideological BS like 'Pearl Harbor'. The book was much better (as so often). BTW, the story is often called 'historic' but there are no facts about it, and it is very likely only a legend.

'Thin red line' was great. Like 'Trumpets' it is one of the few US movies that doesn't show one side as 'good' and the other as 'evil'.

'Das Boot' was best as the German TV series. The 'Director's Cut' was not very good compared to that, to much was cut out to adapt it for the US market.

'Steiner' ('Cross of Iron' in the US) was okay as movie, but the book by Willi Heinrich was excellent! You should try to get a copy! I have read it twice

[ August 18, 2002, 05:56 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]

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I found "Come and See" at both Virgin Megastore and Barnes & Noble (Union Square, Manhattan). I would also suggest a German film called "Die Bruke" (The Bridge) from the '50's if you are looking to find "realistic" portrayals of war. I really wish that there were a great film from a soldier's POV about the Eastern Front.

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All movies have the same problem: a historically correct film, would need to be politically incorrect.

Especially the movies from Germany are pure propaganda movies. Don't expect historical truth.

As we all know: on the german side, the deserters and cowards were the good ones, while the idealists and the normal soldiers, fulfilling their duty, were the silly ones in the better case, in the worse the criminals.

Especially Stalingrad is very subversive and aditionally full of historical nonsense.

IMO only "Das Boot" is acceptable - also subversive, but at least the action seems to be quite realistic and the characters are not that easy to put into good or bad categories.

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I can't believe no one mentioned 'The Winter War'. It is a excellent film made in Finnland, availible through Belle and Blade. The T-26's and wave attacks are fairly well represented, as is the life of a Finnish soldier being subjected to endless barrages, A must see!! Also not WW2 but 'Waterloo' with Rod Stieger as Napoleon was the greatest war film ever! And 'Stalingrad,Dogs do you want to live forever' Is alot better than Stalingrad. I believe the latter is a remake.

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Originally posted by Liebchen:

Cross of Iron is an excellent movie about German and Russian infantry combat. It's set in the Crimea. There is a Russian combined arms attack with what surely appear to be actual T-34s that is very well done.

Those are T-34s as Sam Peckinpah filmed 'Cross of Iron' in Yugoslavia and used Yugoslavian army equipment in the movie.
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Originally posted by Big-Joe:

I can't believe no one mentioned 'The Winter War'. It is a excellent film made in Finnland, availible through Belle and Blade. The T-26's and wave attacks are fairly well represented, as is the life of a Finnish soldier being subjected to endless barrages, A must see!! Also not WW2 but 'Waterloo' with Rod Stieger as Napoleon was the greatest war film ever!

Ahh come on. How can you call a movie about Waterloo that doesn't have single Prussian soldier in it a great movie! :mad: Waterloo the movie is a typical Anglicised version of history that completely neglects the largest army in the field (Prussian!) during the 100 day campaign. Garbage! Phoowee!

While on films... (Poobears Movie Ratings)

Saving Ryans Privates *****

Winter War ***

A Bridge Too Far ***

When Trumpets Fade **

Band Of Brothers *****

Enemy at The Gates * (yuck)

Stalingrad ** over-rated

Das Boot ****

Platoon ***

Full Metal Jacket ****

Braveheart *****

Longest Day **

Battle o Britain ***

Waterloo *1/2

...in my worthless opinion! tongue.gif

[ August 19, 2002, 05:41 PM: Message edited by: Poobear ]

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Braveheart is a good movie but it is way too historically inaccurate. In the first battle of Stirling Bridge, where is the bridge? And during 1270 or so it said that the scots were fighting the english, but they werent until King Alexander died. I just don't like it... I thought Band of Brothers was alright.

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Originally posted by blabla:

Braveheart is a good movie but it is way too historically inaccurate. In the first battle of Stirling Bridge, where is the bridge? And during 1270 or so it said that the scots were fighting the english, but they werent until King Alexander died. I just don't like it... I thought Band of Brothers was alright.

Yeah, I was gonna give Braveheart 5 stars for visual (battles) quality lowered to 3 stars for historical correctness (or lack of) but then I thought about Mel Gibson in a kilt (boy is he cute!) and moved it back up to 5 stars! :D
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Hi Poobear et al

ahh come on. How can you call a movie about Waterloo that doesn't have single Prussian soldier in it a great movie! :mad: Waterloo the movie is a typical Anglicised version of history that completely neglects the largest army in the field (Prussian!) during the 100 day campaign. Garbage! Phoowee!

Hmm......I distinctly recall seeing Blucher unhorsed at Ligny in this movie and towards end there are several hundred Prussians depicted (how could you miss Steigers extreme over-acting at news that Prussians have arrived !!)

As always other movies I like (historical ropeyness not withstanding) which are not already mentioned are

Hell Is For Heroes

Bridge At Remagen

Kellys Heroes

Longest Day


Young Lions

Of course Cross Of Iron is still the best but then I may be tad biased smile.gif


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