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Yes Argie, there is a Peng Challenge!

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Don Quixotethon and I are actually playing two games, did you know that? That's twice the frustration for half the price! He sends me a move one or twice a week. I respond. It's like that. Check back with me around June, we may have traded gunfire by then.


Turn 16, sixteen, XVI... SIXTEEEEEEEEEEN, 1-and-then-a-6, in between 15 and 17, SIXTEEN AND NOT FIFTEEN.


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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:


Turn 16, sixteen, XVI... SIXTEEEEEEEEEEN, 1-and-then-a-6, in between 15 and 17, SIXTEEN AND NOT FIFTEEN.


I swear, I send him these things, I don't know what he does with them, maybe forwards them in some evil chail letter scam. Right now, somewhere in Wales, there's some tired old pensioner expecting a response from his dating service and instead he's looking at something titled Boo_Yeknod_0016. Makes you want to cry, don't it?

Originally posted by Lars:

Right after I figure out how to stick Seanachai with the dinner check.

You guys are actually going out in public to eat? With other humans in the same room? Not something I'd care to see.

I don't know why, but I had this vision of Seananchai in the kitchen, baking all day. Maybe making a vat of chili. Later on after everybody had slipped into their 'jammies, they'd sit on the floor in front of a roaring fire...hopefully contained in the fireplace, but who knows...maybe a big tray of 'Smores on the floor in front of them...amusing games involving shadow puppets...maybe Twister...until, all tuckered out by their big day, they all gently fell asleep. Shhhh...very quietly now...I'll leave the door cracked a bit and leave the night light on in the hall...shhh.

(...they're so cute when they're this age, aren't they?...)

[ April 06, 2002, 09:11 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

That's right, folks, it's another Meeting of the Peng Challenge Thread Seniours!

What a wonderful opportunity for OBL's al Paella (or whatever they're called) to do some good for once. Someone, quick, tip them off!
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Well, it should be around 10:30 or so where they are. They'll just be crawling out of bed,staggering into the bathroom feeling as if something unclean had died in their mouths overnight. Wondering how that pair of underwear got up on the ceiling fan...too afraid to ask how all that clown make-up got smeared all over the pillow cases.

Berli & Persephone wondering which of them ordered the 15 large anchovie pizzas at 3 AM...and why.

The Justicar is looking at his new tattoo of Tattoo, from Fantasy Island and is oddly disturbed because he so much preferred Mr. Rourke.

Lars has found himself in Tiajuana wearing nothing but pasties and wingtips.

dalem can't understand how every single pocket in all of his clothing came to be full of Milk Duds, and

Seananchai is looking over the remains of his living room wondering if he should start cleaning or if it would just be wiser to torch the place, sow salt on the earth and look for greener pastures.

In other words, business as usual.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by bauhaus:

I've turned into a troll. You should feel at home now. Troll.....gnome we're almost like family.



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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

We have, in Seanachai's (tiny) appartment, Seanachai, Lars, Dalem, le Justicar, Persephone und my own good self...

And you all wish you were in Australia right?

Especially Joe.

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Damn and blast, Sir Croda!!

What footloose skullduggery is this?? You mean, I actually WON our meeting engagement after trying to lose at all costs??

My puny lot were holed up in the "Pub With No Beer" in the lazy lil' village of "Foothills", dying of thirst after their maniacal charge and pulling out their whiter than white hankies to facilitate their impending demise. When LO!.. Kroda's Madmenschen decided to launch a human wave assault on Flossie's Pub - across open ground raked with MG's and tank fire no less. Apparently, some idjit on HIS side of the map inadvertently emptied a full bottle of HOT tabasco sauce into the Fallschirms' sourkraut at their last smoko! Hah! The remaining cans of Coolade my 'merkins were scoffing at an alarming rate, apparently appealed to the now-FlamingFallschirms much more than life itself!

Within 4 miserable, gory, blood splattered turns, the massacre of Kroda's once glorious assault forces had subsided, with a whimpering Colonel Kroda meekly requesting a humane and indecent cease-fire forthwith, to which I decently and inhumanely acquiesced. Forsooth yon score in Moi's favour. Read it and weep, oh ye Krodaphiles. Read it and leer, My Noble Liege:


Foothills Note: I instructed the AI to only register a "Minor Allied Victory" rather than a "Crushing Allied Victory" out of respect for Croda's sensitive new age personality.


[ April 07, 2002, 10:45 PM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Reporting live from the middle of freakin' nowhere...

We have, in Seanachai's (tiny) appartment, Seanachai, Lars, Dalem, le Justicar, Persephone und my own good self... Thank whatever dieties you worship (me, right?) that you ain't us

That would give me the screaming mee-mee's.

And I'm fearless.

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Ahem. We've just in the last little bit closed the final meeting of the Olde Ones, Justicar, and many Minneapolis Knights.

I have this to say to my credit:

Berli did not actually kill me, and he smiled a lot, even during the chancey bits.

And, I leave you with this lovely sing-song, which I may have posted previously, not that most of you lot can remember what I began this current post saying, so it's all new to you, now isn't it?

And so we've had, another night

of poetry and poses

and each man knows, he'll be alone

when the sacred gin mill closes

and so we'll drink, the final glass

each to his joy, or sorrow

and hope the numbing drunk will last

until opening tomorrow

and then we'll stagger back again

like paralytic dancers

each knows the questions he will ask

and each man knows the answers

and so we'll drink, the final drink

that cuts the brain in sections

where answers never signify

and there aren't any questions

I broke my heart, the other day

it will mend again tomorrow

if I'd been drunk, when I was born

I'd be ignorant of sorrow

and so we'll drink, the final toast

that never can be spoken

here's to the heart that's wise enough

to know when it's better off broken...

"Last Call"

-Dave Van Ronk

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We have, in Seanachai's (tiny) appartment, Seanachai, Lars, Dalem, le Justicar, Persephone und my own good self... Thank whatever dieties you worship (me, right?) that you ain't us
Just when you needed a "surgical strike...."

Cruise missile type surgery.

Except for the good Lady. Of course.

And no, NIMBY, thankyou Mace, Stuka. ( How are Geelong lately ?)



[ April 08, 2002, 05:27 AM: Message edited by: Noba ]

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

{snip}And I'm earless.

Not a nice look lad, I can assure you. I said,


(ya deaf idjit.......)


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Well, I have been in the presence of some of the Olde Ones, and some others, and I have survived to tell the tale.

Berli is indeed a towering figure of flame and ice. Garbed in smoke, crowned in clouds, shod in iron. His voice is Torment; his bread, Sorrow; his drink, Tears.

Patch is a creature of Light and Good Cheer. And cameras. Lots of cameras.

Lars is a hoary warrior who would seem to enjoy using a dirty pike to pin his opponents to a hot wall as much as a PBEM turn.

Joe Shaw is The Marlboro Man incarnate - except for the fact that he doesn't smoke, wasn't wearing a hat, didn't have a rope, and wasn't leaning up against a fence. Nor was he bronzed by the noonday sun.

But he was pretty old, like I figured. And today he's a day older. Think about it, won't you?

Seanachai was a towering figure of flame and--

Wait a minute, got my Berli notes mixed in again... Seanachai is a Garden Gnome on smart pills, a bard with a lexicon, a scribe with no scrod. (I swear that made sense when I jotted it down.)

Croda wasn't there, but I wrote his name down next to a rude sketch of a cat's bottom parts, so if he had been there, I think we can all guess what I would have written about him.

And me, well, I'm just this guy, you know?

All these folk are great company, set a great table, and provide great beer. What more can one ask for?

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The meeting of the Olde Ones seems to have gone well. They all seem oddly silent however, leading me to believe that their meeting coinciding with the meeting of the Trilateral Commission may not be a matter of coinkeedink afterall. Is a realignment of the 'Pool in the stars?

Should you all ever come to Pennsyltucky, you should all tour the depleted Uranium storage facility at Three Mile Island. I'm sure you'd find it 'enlightening.'

As for me, I'll be in scenic Reston, Virgina for the rest of the week trying to learn yet another MicroShaft Coding language. (Anyone here been using .NET?) While there I may take in the Olde Ones exhibit in the UnNatural History Museum.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Croda:

I'll be in scenic Reston, Virgina for the rest of the week trying to learn yet another MicroShaft Coding language.

Another soul! Mwahahaha. Another soul for my Lord Gates!*

<font size=-1>Oh crud, it's Croda's

Never mind, we'll make him learn COBOL.NET, that'll teach the game-avoiding swine.</font>

*After giving first dibs to mon petite liege Dalem and The Evil One, of course.

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A letter from the Federal Bureau of Missing and Destitute Quires:

Dear Justicar


Please find above evidence that the missing person Diceman (aka Mr Nibbles) is engaged in subversive campaign of selective, covert activity on the outerboards of the BTS public forum.

We accept that the subject must feel at ease during our operations but we must point out that our agents were compromised while struggling to move in their latex rabbit rubber suits. There is only so much chaffing a man can take.

We must point out that whoever is the Knight of this unruly Quire should be thoroughly ashamed of the blatant trollop-like appearance in the “other” place without even a “hello” or “sod off” among your hallowed dwellings. Is there no respect for authority? Are we to be consumed by radical elements in our midst who plot and wheedle their way into the very fabric of community to dissolve all that binds us together? We suggest an immediate and effective regime of schooling to bring this wayward miscreant into line and then we can begin to tackle the Quire’s obvious anti-social and delinquent behaviour.

Yours truly,

Agent X

Yeknod Mono-drone de Lurk

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