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Originally posted by athkatla:


Nearly off the 1st page, damnit!!

TURN, BO then sod off.

OK, anybody have any ideas as to what he's nattering on about this time? First really creative answer gets to have him as your house guest for the rest of the summer.


Squire Lurker, if you have indeed finished your obligatory five battles, you must be lowered to the questionable status of Jr. Knight with all the perks (none) and privileges (ditto) that go with it.

I ask this boon of the Olde Ones that my Squire Lurker be exalted to the lofty status of Junior Knight. How say ye?

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:


Nearly off the 1st page, damnit!!

TURN, BO then sod off.

OK, anybody have any ideas as to what he's nattering on about this time? First really creative answer gets to have him as your house guest for the rest of the summer.


Squire Lurker, if you have indeed finished your obligatory five battles, you must be lowered to the questionable status of Jr. Knight with all the perks (none) and privileges (ditto) that go with it.

I ask this boon of the Olde Ones that my Squire Lurker be exalted to the lofty status of Junior Knight. How say ye?</font>

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Repeat as often as neccessary........ I am a <BIG>PRIME WANKER!!</BIG>

Oh, alrighty then - but only because you insisted!.

You are a <U>PRIMED WANKER!!</U>. Happy? Good!

Now, go dial up your friendly Acme El-cheapo E-mail Disservice and inform them you wish to switch to their Mega Account option. You know ..... the one that allows you to receive files bigger than 1kb in size??

Mind you, it WILL cost you more than the 50<SUP>c</SUP> a month you are currently forking out, you unadulterated CHEAPSKATE!!


Sir Flamin' AJ

PSST: Out of sheer generosity at your plight, I have decided to forward the turn in question for the 4TH RUDDY TIME!!

[ July 17, 2002, 09:39 PM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

CM_Player and I are staggering around in the dark, in Joes Squaw stupid tourney, with piss poor troops and visibility down to about 10m!

I'd like to add that this is the most humiliating experience I've ever had in a game of CM and I consider it de fault of Joe. Night! Heavy Fog! What is this? I'll post some of the most embarrassing mishaps with pictures as soon as I've dispatched of this 'athkatla' (who's taking it up his own personal Firth of Forth quite cheerily I might add)</font>
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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

So you'll be sodding off then?

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Not until you are shown to be the capering buffoon that I know in my heart you are.

So, how do ya like them apples. Pepe LePew?

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Wha tha feck am Ah playin' jus' noo? Ah cannae taill, cos ainly aboot three o' yoo bastaarrds as saindin' turrrns! Boo, pull ye finger oot mon! Leeo, ye squirrel track, wha's tha matter wi' ye laddie? Saind a stankin' turrrn! StukaNukaPukaPants! Eh?? Goanna, ye mouthin' mongrel, di' ye wanna gi ye spotty arrrse kacked aboot a map or noo mon?

AJ's managed tae kill two Shermans an' two M20 scoot cars ain axchainge fer aboot a thoosand gamey Hetzers! Noo haes aboot tae learn wha VT arty can di tae a wee "light gun(?)" or tae.

Dalem may gi an empiric victory soon, soon as Ah slap haes spotty arrrse wun more teem.

Joe as decided discreshun as tha better parrt o' valour an' buggered off tae Pheonix.

Athkackla as losin' non-existent guns an' trrroops ain tha empty places mah artillery as fallin' at.

Lars as carryin' on wi' half o' wha hae started wi' after ploughin' aintae a beautiful ambush. Raminds mae o' Stirlin' Bridge!

Leeo Ah cannae e'en remember wha tha map looked leek at's bin sae long since tha wee bugger saint a feckin' turrn!

Moriarty as learnin' tha at didnae matter which side ye tak, Sir OGSF will kack ye spotty arrse anyhoo.

Marlow as gwin tae groond, an' needs tae EXTRACT THA STANKIN' DIGIT!!

Speedy as slapped mah poor wee lads aboot sumthin' awful. Ah'm decidin' whether tae surrender or let tha AI di at fer mae.

Ah think tha raist o' tha gams are agin Ooterboarders o' long an' guid standin', an' are noo concerrn o' yours, Jimmy!

Anywun Ah missed....saind mae a feckin' turrrn an' ye'll likely bae better remembered naixt teem.


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Since it has been almost a year since I last posted in PC Thread I thought I would test my nw signature.

You all probaly remember that the last time I posted here I challenged all of our membership to a PBEM and All of you did not show up at the same time. Only like one or two of you. So now I challenge just one of you to step up to plate.

I will only play the best you have in this PC thread.

BTW who is the Best player in CMBO? :D

I do not mean the Best Trash Talker, I mean the best tactition on the battlefield. tongue.gif

For those of you that do not know me by my new forum name I used to be GonzoAttacker, Rooster in CMMC, also known as Michael "Gonzo" Gonzalez.

So are you ready to present the Best Your PC Thread has to a match in CMBO.

I am shaking in my desk chair as I wait to Kick the **s of your best player! :eek:

Michael "Gonzo" Gonzalez

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Some people just don't "get it" do they?

Take your long ass name back to post one of any MBT, read, then read again, then have a bit of a lie down to sort it all out, then come back and challenge one AND ONLY ONE SSN of your obvious level and lack of understanding and we will see how you go.

Now, on to more weightier matters.

OGSF: A new scenario is on its way to your skirt wearing pseudo-celtic nancy man domicile. Setup the allies and send the turn. No choices for you as I have decided I get to be the rottweilers with the fog on my side this time, and you get to take your spin in the bucket.

Lars: I have sent Moriarty my selections and will begin overrunning your pathetically defended positions immediately upon receiving the first turn from same.

Sorry Noba but I am still working my way through the longer standing members and found your proposition to be no proposition at all. Now had you agreed to do anything other than sit there with the sheep skin on and make dew eyes at Mace we might have been in business.

[ July 18, 2002, 12:23 AM: Message edited by: Goanna ]

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18 July 02

Mr. J Geier

Old Firm

Goatburg, Squareheadland

Re: Request for Turn Size Reduction

Dear Johan -

We have done our best to reduce the turn size in our recent match through the wanton wasting of an entire platoon with the help of the rat bastard scenario designer (Berli) and are currently proceeding with the removal of the bits of the second. We hope and assume that the Old Firm will also be taking steps with some of your odiferous units do acheive the same.


Cmdr Army of Scaliness Group South

PS: Congratulations on the addition of your new associate. We look forward to meeting him once he has had his conscience removal therapy.

[ July 18, 2002, 12:22 AM: Message edited by: Goanna ]

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Goanna If you read closely to what I write instead of using the PC filter, I do not know who to challange.

I was asking who in PC is the Best, Then and only then I will challange the ONE player.

Of course I will understand if the best does not step forward or is not presented to me by the PC collective. Then I know that you the PC Scum label is true, that there is NO Goliath among you only low life talkers that never can back up what they preach.

Therefore I will continue to look at thread and see if a Champion is present!

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Originally posted by Lars:

Gamey Game Update!

Despite having the Luftewaffe and his beck and call {German Air Support? Who ever heard of such a thing?},

You call having 1 x Albatross D-VII piloted by a drunken sailor air support? Gimme a break!

Despite having every armored vehicle in the inventory {I had Ronsons, oh yeah, and M8’s},
A handful of second-hand, broken down ol' Stugs and Tigers with plasticene armour vs scads of Jumpin' Jack Flashes, hordes of Special Edition Holden HSV V8 Monaro Sherms and swarms of Crocs is not my idea of heaven on a stick!

Despite large amounts of heavy artillery {I had none, nope, nada, null, zilch, zero},
You call 200 rounds of 120mm mortared marshamallows HEAVY??? Why, a flock of seagulls could wreak more havoc...

Despite massed hordes of SS and infantry galore {OK, I got a few},
Hahaha...that's rich!! Look at the inf totals below: I got 983 to assault an impenetrable fortress and you get 890? Which maniac designed this abomination? The attacker in this Shanghai'd scenario should have been allocated at least 1100 men to have any chance at all, at all!!

Axis Attacker

810 casualties (181 KIA)

161 captured

2 mortars destroyed

61 vehicles knocked out

12 men OK.

Score - 35


389 casualties (88 KIA)

11 mortars destroyed

14 guns destroyed

20 vehicles knocked out

501 men OK.

Score - 65

The goose-stepping forces of Aussie Jeff have really stepped in it this time.

Didn't even take a flag. Oh, the shame...

Given that I played this one TOTALLY BLIND (hic..!) and the overtly severe constraints on manpower, I doubt even Jebuz hisself could have done better!

I'm PROUD of my Hamstertruppens' efforts and shall treat this trifling Minor Allied Tactical Victory as a most noble MORAL VICTORY for the Forces of Floss<SUP>tm</SUP>!!

Therefore, I am PROUD to invoke Lorak's inscribing of LOSS #7 agin' me nomdeplumage in the Cess Hall of Defamitory Deeds.

Sir Flamin' AJ

[bloody Proud Downunder Defender]

Psst: I'm sure you'll find "Flossie's Revenge" to your liking too.

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Originally posted by Mr_Gonzo_The_Rooster:

Goanna If you read closely to what I write instead of using the PC filter, I do not know who to challange.

I was asking who in PC is the Best, Then and only then I will challange the ONE player.

Of course I will understand if the best does not step forward or is not presented to me by the PC collective. Then I know that you the PC Scum label is true, that there is NO Goliath among you only low life talkers that never can back up what they preach.

Therefore I will continue to look at thread and see if a Champion is present!

What medication did you say you were on??



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Mr. Gonads-a-roasting,

You no doubt are in for a royal lambasting when this side of the globe wakes up. Being relatively new here myself, I am almost sympathetic to your puzzlement of knowing how to step in. If you are serious about waiting until someone presents themselves to you, then you are in for a wait of Kafka-esque proportions. Think man! If we cared one fig who was the best player here, we'd belong to a real ladder group thingie. This is a different kind of place that requires you to think differently.

Read the rules for entrance into the MBT. There you'll find valuable clues (and perhaps some coupons) as to how people are expected behave in here. Read them carefully, out loud if it helps, and then come back. You see, from our perspective within these dark, brackish grottos, you don't exist. At this point you are nothing more than the buzz of an insect. We have no reason to take an interest in you, no reason to believe you are worth the time for a response, (well, perhaps a few pokes with a pointy stick and some verbal abuse), let alone commit to a month-long PBEM game. So show us what you're made of. And maybe have someone hold your arms behind you while some hairy, tattooed guy named Otto slugs you in the stomach repeatedly. It will be good preparation for what is surely to follow. Truth is, I will likely catch it for being so nice to such a pristine example of SSN-ness. So you have been warned. Expect multiple hearty "Sod Offs" to come your way soon.

Don't know where the rules of the pool are? Let me help you get there. Look that way and if you lean over you can just make them out on page one. That's right...


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Jeff from Down under,

I see you are a country western dance fan. You like that Boot Scoot Boogie! But does that mean you are the Best the PC has, or again is that PC thread language thingy?

I still do not see a PC Champion stepping forward? I am ready to take on just ONE of you but so far all I get is canned answers, I feel like this is the old IRC here everyone just hits a script button(the Safe thing to do). Wow impressive. :rolleyes:

So Jeff you say you are the KNIGHT Champion. Are you the most Gamey Knight of all time? Maybe you will Do! But I do not like Country Music, so you can Stick YOUR BOOTs Where the sun Never Shines! and take a refreshing dip in your Cessppol.

Right now I am Leaning towards Goanna. The Name sounds a little Girlie... Probaly wears a skirt even! Not a plaid one either! Seven Inch spikes too! Probaly real short, sits on a telephone book from New York City, obviously has a head that has a "Bike" label on the back of it. Needs to fill it up with that special air pump. I uderstand Goanna even smells worse than a Cesspool.

So Goanna are you ready to represent the Cesspool, The PC Thread? If So I am ready and my e-mail is my profile! I am ready to pinch your sweet little butt! ;)

[ July 18, 2002, 02:51 AM: Message edited by: Mr_Gonzo_The_Rooster ]

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Squire Luggie,

Have you no shame to speak to a stranger. I must say as a man of lower class you have over stepped your bounds.

I am a Challenger and yet you are servant, Yes i have Gonads and I must say yours must be the size of peas since my family jewels bigger than most Emu's eggs(aussie must contest to the size emu's eggs).

YOU Luggie are are not worthy of my Challange since I do not have a magnifing glass to find you sow low to the ground in your pitiful servitude.

It is Goanna I challenge, The sissy of the Cesspool!

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

You call having 1 x Albatross D-VII piloted by a drunken sailor air support?

Where I come from we hang people like you. For a very long time in a very nasty place. Post a pic of the Albatros Werke D VII will you? Everyone, and the Kitchenspuehle ausf G, knows that the most mother-beautiful plane of the First World War was the Fokker D VII. Albatros did not do a D VII model that was put into the field.

Now, write down which aircraft type ol Manfred von Richthofen scored the most of his victories in. Without doing a search.

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That 'Rooster' is just so terribly wrong in so many ways.

Now I'm the first to admit that I'm deeply wrong, and perhaps it takes one to know one, but dammit he takes the cake. And to top it off he unabashedly sounded off about his pair. I'm not talking about a sly allusion or obscure double entendre. Nope. He came right out and said _his_ anatomical bits were bigger than _someone elses_ anatomical bits. Which is pretty rich coming from a rooster. And which reminds me of a very special kind of soup they make in Cuba (which is said to have delicate, buttery, pea sized bits floating around in it, and which I haven't tried so don't ask).

Still, you gotta hand it to him for persistance.

So I will stand up and *snigger* declare myself champion of the cesspool (not that I think I am, or that such tripe matters, natürlichment, but just to put things into terms that his limited conceptual register can cope with) Let this pebbly paired rooster toss his best challenge at me if he so desires. And if he desires a match he shall be the French, his troops green, his force motorized and computer picked, and the pointage 300.


...sorry. Cripes. I tried, but I can't do it, not even as an elaborate put down. It makes me feel so dirty somehow.

No. That Rooster just plain sucks... as in golf balls through a Sears Garden Hose (29.95). May he go in peace, or even better in agony.

[ July 18, 2002, 04:43 AM: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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Originally posted by Mr_Gonzo_The_Rooster:

So Goanna are you ready to represent the Cesspool, The PC Thread? If So I am ready and my e-mail is my profile! I am ready to pinch your sweet little butt! ;)

I've seen a few real Goannas on my Uncle's farm.

I'd really, really like to see you pinch one of their bums.....and live!


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Originally posted by Geier:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by AussieJeff:

You call having 1 x Albatross D-VII piloted by a drunken sailor air support?

Where I come from we hang people like you. For a very long time in a very nasty place. Post a pic of the Albatros Werke D VII will you? Everyone, and the Kitchenspuehle ausf G, knows that the most mother-beautiful plane of the First World War was the Fokker D VII. Albatros did not do a D VII model that was put into the field.

Now, write down which aircraft type ol Manfred von Richthofen scored the most of his victories in. Without doing a search.</font>

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